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AREA 2024: Celebrating 81 ESG Leaders Transforming Asia’s Sustainable Future

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The Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards (AREA) 2024 took center stage this June 28, celebrating 81 extraordinary ESG champions propelling the region—and the world—toward a sustainable future, thereby setting new standards for corporate responsibility. Hosted by the esteemed regional NGO, Enterprise Asia, the AREA has long been recognized as the pinnacle of excellence in ESG and sustainability practices throughout Asia.

With a legacy of over 5,000 ESG programs spanning more than ten years, the AREA serves as a platform to spotlight and give due credit to businesses and organizations that lead in sustainability. Through these initiatives, an impactful ripple effect has been felt, bettering the lives of over one million individuals across Asia.

In his invigorating welcome speech, Richard Tsang, President of Enterprise Asia, highlighted the intertwined challenges of climate change and social inequality. “The interconnected challenges of climate change and social inequity underscore the urgent need for a comprehensive approach to sustainability. By adopting ESG principles, companies can innovate boldly, reduce operational risks, attract purpose-driven talent, and earn consumer loyalty through ethical practices. This holistic approach not only aligns with global sustainability goals but also positions businesses as champions of lasting transformative change across borders and generations,” Tsang emphasized.

Since its inception in 2011, AREA has lauded businesses from diverse industries, celebrating their significant achievements in Social Empowerment, Investment in People, Health Promotion, Green Leadership, Corporate Governance, Circular Economy Leadership, Corporate Sustainability Reporting, and Responsible Business Leadership. This year, more than 300 entries from 19 countries were rigorously evaluated based on relevance, effectiveness, reach, and sustainability.

Among the leaders recognized in the prestigious Responsible Business Leadership Category were Taiwan’s John Yu, Group Chairman of CTCI Group; Philby Lee, Chairperson of Far Eastern Big City Shopping Malls Co., Ltd.; Joseph Huang, Chairman of E.SUN Bank; and Shi-kuan, Chen of SinoPac Holdings.

Additional notable awardees include Bank Of China (Hong Kong) Limited, Thailand’s Central Retail Corporation Public Company Limited, and the Philippines’ SM Store in Social Empowerment; Taiwan’s Pacific SOGO Department Stores Co., Ltd., Cambodia’s Nagaworld Limited, and Thailand’s Krungthai Bank PCL in Investment in People; Malaysia’s Sarawak Energy Berhad, and Taiwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd. in Health Promotion; Indonesia’s PT Pertamina Gas, Chugai Pharma Taiwan, and Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company in Green Leadership; Taiwan’s Excellence Optoelectronics Inc., and Thailand’s Government Housing Bank in Corporate Governance; CPC Corporation, Taiwan and Thailand’s Siam Kubota Corporation Co., Ltd. in Circular Economy Leadership; and the Philippines’ Energy Development Corporation and Taiwan’s Qisda Corporation in Corporate Sustainability Reporting.

This year’s AREA also proudly presented the Emblem of Sustainability to companies with a longstanding commitment to sustainable practices. The Silver Emblem was awarded to organizations maintaining AREA honors for four years or more, including Thailand’s Apex International Co., Ltd., Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited, Metropolitan Electricity Authority, and Provincial Electricity Authority. The Gold Emblem was reserved for those honored for eight years or more, such as IRPC Public Company Limited and Thai Life Insurance Public Company Limited.

Ahead of the AREA, the International CSR & Sustainability (ICS) Summit 2024 assembled over 300 high-level executives, business leaders, and CSR practitioners from 19 countries. The summit, themed “Embracing The Green Shift: Maximizing Business Opportunities In Sustainability,” offered a regional stage for thought leaders and CSR practitioners to deliberate sustainable practices and unlock new growth avenues.

In his inspiring opening, Enterprise Asia Chairman, Tan Sri Dr. Fong Chan Onn, elaborated, “Sustainability is no longer a mere option but a necessity, a driving force that shapes how we operate, innovate, and grow. Embracing this green shift means acknowledging that our environmental responsibilities go hand-in-hand with our economic goals. By integrating sustainable practices into our business models, we not only protect our environment but also enhance our competitiveness, resilience, and long-term success.”

The summit featured distinguished speakers such as Amalia Goux from AMG Consulting, Alexandra Tracy, President of Hoi Ping Ventures Hong Kong, Dr. Eugene Chien, Advisor to Enterprise Asia and President of TAISE, among other notable experts.

The AREA and ICS Summit 2024 garnered significant support from CSRone, ESG Malaysia, India CSR, and other esteemed organizations. Media partnership was provided by PR Newswire and renowned publications, while door gift sponsorship came from Cocoon Vietnam and Anessa.


  1. John Doe July 5, 2024

    It’s great to see so many companies taking responsibility for their impact on the world. This is the direction all businesses should be heading.

    • SkepticalSam July 5, 2024

      Sure, but how many of these companies are just greenwashing? They talk the talk, but do they really walk the walk?

      • Jane S. July 5, 2024

        Good point, Sam. It’s hard to tell sometimes, but I think awards like this can help hold companies accountable.

    • John Doe July 5, 2024

      That’s true, but having such platforms also means there’s some level of verification and benchmarking, right?

  2. EcoWarrior55 July 5, 2024

    I’m glad health promotion is getting recognition. With all the environmental issues, we sometimes forget how much it impacts human health.

    • GreenGuru23 July 5, 2024

      Absolutely! People need to understand that a healthy planet leads to healthier lives. It’s all connected.

    • SkepticalSam July 5, 2024

      Let’s not forget that not all health promotion programs are equally effective. Some are just PR stunts.

    • EcoWarrior55 July 5, 2024

      True enough, but it’s a step in the right direction. Better to start somewhere than not at all.

  3. SmartyPants July 5, 2024

    This initiative by Enterprise Asia is a quintessential example of corporate social responsibility in action.

    • StreetSmart101 July 5, 2024

      Quintessential example? Big words, but what does it mean in the real world? Are they actually making a difference?

    • SmartyPants July 5, 2024

      It means they’re setting a standard for others to follow. Real world? Just look at their impact on one million lives.

  4. Alex Kim July 5, 2024

    Are companies really innovating boldly as Richard Tsang mentioned, or is it just about risk management and keeping up appearances?

    • FuturePhilosopher July 5, 2024

      Innovation can definitely be bold and support risk management at the same time. They’re not mutually exclusive.

    • Alex Kim July 5, 2024

      Good point, I guess it’s about balancing both. But we should still be critical about their true intentions.

  5. Paul T. July 5, 2024

    Climate change and social inequity are linked, but how effective are these awards in actually promoting change?

    • Betty Hu July 5, 2024

      Paul, awards bring awareness and can inspire other companies to get on board. It’s about creating a culture of accountability.

    • Paul T. July 5, 2024

      I see your point, Betty. Hopefully, this awareness translates into real, measurable action.

  6. EcoGal July 5, 2024

    Circular Economy Leadership is a fascinating category. It’s essential that we change how we view waste!

    • RecycleMan July 5, 2024

      You got it, EcoGal! Imagine if every company focused on creating a closed-loop system. The impact would be immense.

    • EcoGal July 5, 2024

      Exactly, it’s about reducing waste and maximizing resources. Everyone wins.

  7. Larry D July 5, 2024

    Over 5,000 programs and improving one million lives. Those are impressive numbers!

  8. TheThinker July 5, 2024

    Sure, impressive numbers, but are these programs really sustainable in the long run?

    • PositivePete July 5, 2024

      Even if only half are sustainable, that’s still a huge win. Every bit helps.

  9. Anne83 July 5, 2024

    Investment in people is such an important category. Companies must realize their employees are their greatest asset.

  10. Charlie Brown July 5, 2024

    I wonder how these initiatives affect a company’s bottom line. Is there an economic incentive or is it solely altruistic?

    • InvestorJoe July 5, 2024

      Companies investing in ESG often see long-term benefits like consumer loyalty and reduced risks. It’s not just altruism.

    • Charlie Brown July 5, 2024

      So it’s a mix of both then. That’s interesting to think about.

  11. Hana Lee July 5, 2024

    The ICS Summit sounds fascinating. I’d love to hear more about the insights from speakers like Amalia Goux and Alexandra Tracy.

    • Kevin M. July 5, 2024

      Yes, their perspectives are crucial. Conferences like these help spread best practices and new ideas.

  12. Grower134 July 5, 2024

    Climate change is a hoax. Just another way for big companies to control us.

    • AnnaMarie July 5, 2024

      Grower134, the science is clear on this. We need to act before it’s too late.

  13. Serena P. July 5, 2024

    The Gold Emblem is a fantastic idea. Long-term commitment needs to be rewarded.

  14. Marcus Drake July 5, 2024

    I hope these companies aren’t just chasing awards, but are genuinely committed to the cause.

  15. Leslie Chen July 5, 2024

    Enterprise Asia is really setting a high bar for corporate responsibility in the region. Kudos to them!

  16. Susan W. July 5, 2024

    It’s good to see recognition spread across so many countries. Asia is leading the way in some respects!

    • GlobalCitizen July 5, 2024

      Indeed, Susan! Let’s hope other regions catch up quickly.

    • Susan W. July 5, 2024

      Definitely. The global effort is what’s needed to tackle these challenges effectively.

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