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Bandhit Thamprajamchit Boosts Koh Si Chang Hospital with Advanced Solar Power Initiative” This title is SEO optimized as it includes the name “Bandhit Thamprajamchit” and keywords such as “Advanced Solar Power Initiative”, ensuring relevance and readability without repeating the themes in the provided last 20 titles.

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Thaioil continues its groundbreaking initiative with the Solar Cell Power Generation System Installation (Phase 2), introducing a robust 52.70-kilowatt capacity to Koh Si Chang Hospital in Chon Buri province. This bold move is set to alleviate the hospital’s electricity expenses and foster power stability, thereby bolstering its medical service capabilities. Ultimately, the mission is to enhance the quality of life for residents on Koh Sichang.

In a recent heartwarming event, Bandhit Thamprajamchit, CEO and President of Thaioil Public Company Limited, formally handed over the Solar Cell Power Generation System to Dr. Anasith Salyapong, Director of Koh Si Chang Hospital. The handover was graced by the presence of Thawatchai Srithong, Governor of Chon Buri Province, alongside members of Thaioil’s Executive Board and other government representatives. Adding a personal touch, Thaioil’s CEO made time to visit the installation site and distributed “Term Rak, Pan Suk” care bags to locals at the hospital, underscoring the company’s commitment to community-centric medical services.

Bandhit Thamprajamchit remarked, “Since 2018, we’ve been fervently installing Solar Cell Power Generation Systems in hospitals and schools across Thailand, in alignment with our vision of ‘Empowering Human Life through Sustainable Energy and Chemicals.’ Our installations span 12 locations, including Chon Buri, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Mae Hong Son, and Tak, cumulatively delivering 276 kilowatts of electricity. This initiative saves about 2.44 million baht annually for these institutions.”

Additionally, Thaioil’s Solar Cell Power Generation System initiatives extend far beyond cost-saving measures. They bring societal benefits through remarkable projects like the Medical Equipment Bank and Repair Centre for Assistive Device Modification for the Disabled at Laem Chabang Hospital, and other programs geared towards enhancing medical services across multiple institutions. These efforts collectively contribute to reducing the carbon footprint by an impressive 295 tonnes each year.

Bandhit recounted the collaboration’s success in 2018, when Thaioil teamed up with Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited (GPSC) to deliver a 53.46-kilowatt solar system to Koh Si Chang Hospital. Responding to the hospital’s 2023 request for additional support, Thaioil took swift action, managing the entire process from site exploration to system design and installation. The new phase, boasting 52.70 kilowatts, is projected to save 300,624 baht and cut greenhouse gas emissions by 32.15 tonnes annually. Thaioil’s relentless pursuit of renewable energy solutions will culminate in a total capacity of 106.16 kilowatts by June 2024.

Expressing his gratitude, Dr. Anasith Salyapong shared, “Our hospital faces escalating electricity costs due to expanding services and frequent power outages. Thaioil’s support is a lifeline, significantly enhancing our power reliability and financial stability.”

The immediate financial relief from the project’s first year is being channelled into the “Stroke Risk Reduction and Prevention Project,” enabling the acquisition of vital medical equipment to aid emergency patients before their transfer to provincial hospitals. This vital initiative is poised to reduce mortality rates associated with strokes and other cerebrovascular emergencies.

Looking ahead, Dr. Anasith Salyapong emphasized, “The savings in upcoming years will further our healthcare initiatives, particularly for patients with noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and at-risk groups. Additionally, these funds will enable us to procure essential medical hardware.”

The initial phase of this Solar Cell Power Generation System installation, undertaken in 2019 in conjunction with GPSC, had already proved its worth by producing 53.46 kilowatts and saving the hospital an annual 240,000 baht in electricity costs. These savings have been judiciously allocated to various service improvements, staff recruitment, and vital medical equipment procurement.

Thaioil’s commitment extends beyond Koh Si Chang Hospital, resonating with the broader community through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives under the theme “Sustainable Energy for Healthcare & Education.” This vision aims to fortify electricity stability, reduce expenses, and augment medical service efficiency in healthcare offices. Additionally, these installations empower educational institutions, fostering an environment conducive to teaching and learning with renewable energy resources, while also contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

With its engineering prowess, Thaioil continues to pioneer sustainable energy projects that not only empower human life but also reflect a deep-seated commitment to societal well-being and environmental stewardship.


  1. Joe July 15, 2024

    This is a fantastic initiative! Solar power is the way forward, especially for essential services like hospitals.

    • Sarah L July 15, 2024

      Agreed! Renewable energy in healthcare is a game-changer. It’s both environmentally and economically beneficial.

      • CriticJones July 15, 2024

        But is it really sustainable? What about the cost and maintenance of these solar cells?

      • Joe July 15, 2024

        Valid concern, but long-term savings and environmental benefits outweigh initial costs. Maintenance is also factored into the project’s budget.

    • SpeedRacer34 July 15, 2024

      Are you sure this isn’t another corporate PR stunt? Big companies always have ulterior motives.

    • Joe July 15, 2024

      Corporate PR or not, the hospital and community benefit greatly. Let’s give credit where it’s due.

  2. gamer123 July 15, 2024

    Who cares? As long as my taxes aren’t paying for it, whatever.

    • EducatorMike July 15, 2024

      It’s actually beneficial to everyone. Reduced healthcare costs and less environmental damage. It’s a win-win.

  3. Jane77 July 15, 2024

    Fantastic news! Hospitals need stable power, and Solar is perfect for remote areas.

    • TechNerd July 15, 2024

      Absolutely, not just remote areas but cities too. Clean energy should be everywhere.

    • EcoWarrior July 15, 2024

      It’s a game-changer for climate change too. We need more projects like this around the world.

  4. Linda_ July 15, 2024

    What a remarkable project! Kudos to Thaioil for supporting healthcare and the environment.

    • SkepticTom July 15, 2024

      Isn’t anyone worried about Thaioil’s polluting fossil fuel background? This seems ironic.

    • Linda_ July 15, 2024

      Every step towards renewable energy helps, even if it comes from fossil fuel companies. Change takes time.

  5. John July 15, 2024

    Why aren’t more countries doing this? It’s clearly beneficial.

    • PessimistPete July 15, 2024

      Because not every country has companies willing to invest in renewable energy like Thailand. Plus, it requires significant upfront cost.

  6. GreenFuture July 15, 2024

    Impressive impact! Reducing the carbon footprint while saving on costs should be a no-brainer for every institution.

    • ClimateChangeRealist July 15, 2024

      True, but public awareness and policy changes are also needed to make this widespread. It’s not just about technologies.

  7. David July 15, 2024

    Solar power breaking new ground in Thailand! This should serve as a model for other nations.

    • Lightbringer July 15, 2024

      Absolutely. If more countries followed Thailand’s lead, we’d be in a better place globally.

    • Ronnie32 July 15, 2024

      We could definitely benefit from similar projects in more developing nations, for sure.

  8. HealthWorker88 July 15, 2024

    Solar power not only cuts costs but also ensures reliable electricity. Hospitals can’t afford power outages.

    • MedicJoe July 15, 2024

      Totally agree. Constant power is critical in medical emergencies.

  9. Veronica July 15, 2024

    This is an incredible step towards more sustainable healthcare!

    • Sammy July 15, 2024

      And it’s not just about energy. The saved funds can go into more medical equipment and services which is huge.

  10. alexa77 July 15, 2024

    About time someone took action like this. Props to Thaioil!

    • DaveTheBrave July 15, 2024

      Let’s see if they keep up the momentum. Often these projects start out strong but lose steam.

  11. EnergyGeek July 15, 2024

    This shows how corporate social responsibility can lead to tangible benefits.

    • Jed July 15, 2024

      Corporate responsibility or self-preservation? Still, the outcome is good for the community.

    • EnergyGeek July 15, 2024

      Even if it’s self-preservation, the positive impact on the community and environment is undeniable.

  12. JaneDoe July 15, 2024

    Can’t wait to see more companies follow suit. Renewable energy is the future!

    • OldSkool July 15, 2024

      Hope you’re right, but many industries are still too stuck on old, polluting ways.

  13. Bobby July 15, 2024

    This is just the beginning. We need to push for even bigger projects on a global scale.

    • SolarFanatic July 15, 2024

      Bobby’s right. Scaling this initiative globally can have a profound impact.

  14. EcoLover July 15, 2024

    Impressive figures! Cutting emissions by 32.15 tonnes annually is huge for a single hospital.

  15. Traveler92 July 15, 2024

    Wow, it’s nice to see big corporations actually doing something good for a change.

  16. AcademicAnon July 15, 2024

    Renewable initiatives like these are essential. Maybe this could be a case study for other regions?

  17. Nick July 15, 2024

    Isn’t it ironic that an oil company is pushing for solar power?

    • ScienceGuy July 15, 2024

      Ironic, yes, but it’s a step in the right direction. Companies should evolve with the times.

  18. HappyCamper July 15, 2024

    I love reading about initiatives that benefit both people and the planet. Keep it up Thaioil!

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