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Bang Rak Shooting: Police Confrontation with Mongkol Kamolsawas Outside Simply Tomboy Nightclub

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In a dramatic turn of events on Surawong Road, two plainclothes police officers from the Bang Rak station found themselves in a life-or-death situation on Thursday outside the Simply Tomboy nightclub. The officers were on a routine surveillance assignment when they received an urgent call about a man causing trouble in front of the popular nightspot.

Arriving at the scene around 1:30 am, the officers encountered 46-year-old Mongkol Kamolsawas, visibly intoxicated and belligerent. Mongkol, asserting he was a police investigator, was asked by the officers to produce his identification. They also indicated their intention to search his motorcycle, which was parked nearby. This straightforward request suddenly spiraled out of control.

Without warning, Mongkol produced a gun and opened fire on the officers. Acting in self-defense, the officers returned fire, fatally wounding Mongkol. The dramatic exchange left the nightclub’s vicinity clamorous and chaotic, drawing attention from passersby and nearby residents.

When backup arrived, they found Mongkol lying lifeless in a pool of blood, a 9mm pistol by his side along with several spent cartridges. The scene was grim, with six gunshot wounds marking Mongkol’s final moments. The dark, early morning hours took on a darker tone as the investigation commenced.

Mongkol’s older brother, Suksom Kamolsawas, expressed profound grief and skepticism over the night’s events. Suksom shared that Mongkol had gone to the nightclub with the intention of confronting his girlfriend’s alleged lover, who was an employee at the nightclub. The turn of events was not what anyone had expected, and Suksom accused the officers of excessive force. He questioned their handling of what he deemed a manageable situation and vowed to seek justice for his fallen brother.

Adding another layer to the already complex scenario, Suksom revealed that Mongkol had once been accused of involvement in a murder a decade ago. However, the court had dismissed the case, leaving Mongkol a free man, albeit with a possibly tarnished reputation.

Pol Col Thammasak Saraboon, the commander of Bang Rak station, defended his officers’ actions, asserting that their response was appropriate given the circumstances. According to Pol Col Thammasak, surveillance footage clearly showed Mongkol drawing his weapon and firing first. He emphasized that the officers did not intend to kill Mongkol but were compelled to neutralize the threat he posed.

The incident continues to stir discussions and debates, with questions lingering about the nature of the confrontation and the actions of both parties involved. As investigations proceed and more details emerge, one thing remains certain: the events of that fateful night on Surawong Road have left an indelible mark on all those involved.


  1. Sarah L. August 15, 2024

    It’s tragic how a situation can escalate so quickly. Why didn’t Mongkol just show his ID?

    • johnny_b August 15, 2024

      It’s possible he was drunk and not thinking straight. Alcohol impairs judgment.

      • Alice M. August 15, 2024

        True, but the police should have been more trained to de-escalate the situation. Shooting him seems extreme.

    • OfficerJoe August 15, 2024

      When someone pulls a gun on you, it’s about survival. The officers did what they had to do.

  2. Tom K. August 15, 2024

    The real question is why Mongkol had a gun in the first place. He might have had malicious intentions even before the police arrived.

    • Nina August 15, 2024

      That’s speculative. Just because you have a gun doesn’t mean you intend to use it unprovoked.

    • Rex August 15, 2024

      Fair point, but mixing alcohol with firearms is a recipe for disaster.

  3. Henrietta Law August 15, 2024

    I’m more inclined to question the police tactics. Couldn’t they have tased him instead of shooting?

    • Trey D. August 15, 2024

      Tasers are not always reliable, especially in a life-or-death situation.

    • Sarah L. August 15, 2024

      Exactly. In reality, officers don’t have time to think it through when someone’s already shooting at them.

  4. poltruth August 15, 2024

    Let’s be real. Mongkol had a history. Maybe the officers knew this and were on high alert.

    • DocBrown August 15, 2024

      Even if they knew his history, that shouldn’t influence them to shoot first upon confrontation.

  5. ZephyrX August 15, 2024

    This nightclub sounds like it has a dodgy reputation. Trouble was bound to follow.

    • buckaroo August 15, 2024

      Where’s your proof? That’s just victim-blaming the establishment without any basis.

  6. Yosef B. August 15, 2024

    Such a sad story. Condolences to Mongkol’s family. However, I think the officers did the right thing in a dangerous and chaotic situation.

  7. Maria_Sunshine August 15, 2024

    Why is nobody talking about the girlfriend’s role in this? Her relationship led Mongkol there.

  8. Sigmund August 15, 2024

    Mongkol was the one who acted violently. You can’t blame his girlfriend for his actions.

  9. BigTom33 August 15, 2024

    We need stricter gun control laws. Why are civilians allowed guns in nightclubs?

  10. James August 15, 2024

    Guns save lives if used properly. The issue here is the escalation, not mere gun possession.

    • RitaT August 15, 2024

      James, what’s the point of a gun if it ends up killing more people than it saves?

      • James August 15, 2024

        Personal protection. If the officers weren’t armed, they could’ve been the ones dead.

  11. Polly Pocket August 15, 2024

    Mongkol’s past should’ve been taken into consideration before jumping to conclusions.

    • TechieSam August 15, 2024

      Past actions don’t justify dying in a shootout if you’re acting a fool in the present.

  12. Ollie August 15, 2024

    Let’s hope the investigation reveals the truth. Something about this feels off to me.

    • Skeptic99 August 15, 2024

      Investigations can be biased too. Don’t always trust the ‘official’ findings.

  13. Petra August 15, 2024

    I agree that the incident was tragic, but we should wait for all evidence before passing judgment.

  14. David S. August 15, 2024

    Nightclubs and crime go hand in hand. There’s a culture of lawlessness that’s hard to ignore.

  15. Agent47 August 15, 2024

    Both sides could’ve handled the situation better. Mongkol should’ve stayed calm, and the officers should’ve used non-lethal means first.

  16. Sunnyday August 15, 2024

    The brother’s perspective is understandably biased. But what about Mongkol drawing his weapon? That speaks volumes.

  17. Justina August 15, 2024

    Actions have consequences. Mongkol’s decisions led to this outcome. It’s a harsh reality.

  18. RoughNEasy August 15, 2024

    Who gave the officers the right to shoot and kill? There should be better protocols.

  19. GamerX August 15, 2024

    In heated situations, it’s about quick decisions. High stress means higher stakes.

  20. Tony M August 15, 2024

    Mongkol had a gun, was belligerent, and fired first. The cops did what they had to do.

    • Nicky August 15, 2024

      Still, six shots seem excessive. Couldn’t they have aimed to incapacitate instead of kill?

      • Tony M August 15, 2024

        In a real confrontation, there’s no time for precision shooting. It’s about stopping the threat.

  21. Echo August 15, 2024

    Alcohol and weapons are a deadly mix. This event highlights the need for better regulations in nightlife areas.

  22. Lana T August 15, 2024

    The story is heart-wrenching. Mongkol’s family deserves a thorough investigation.

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