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**Bangchak Corporation Secures Top 25 Spot in Inaugural Fortune Southeast Asia 500 List**

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Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited made waves recently by securing a coveted spot in the inaugural Fortune Southeast Asia 500 list—a comprehensive ranking of the leading 500 companies in Southeast Asia, meticulously compiled by Fortune magazine. Rising to the occasion, Bangchak clinched an impressive 24th position.

Chaiwat Kovavisarach, the Group Chief Executive Officer and President of Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited, couldn’t hide his pride. “On behalf of Bangchak, I am honoured that the company is ranked among the top 25 of the 500 companies in Southeast Asia. This achievement reaffirms our position as a leading company in the region and is a clear testament to our robust performance and dynamic growth.” He continued, “It reflects our unwavering commitment to sustainability, green innovation, and excellence, prioritising the balance of the energy trilemma: energy security, sustainability, and affordability for the country. This honour is a result of our diverse growth engines that continue to drive our success. Thanks to the dedication of our Bangchak team and the unwavering support of our stakeholders, whose contributions have been instrumental in achieving such remarkable results.”

Introduced in 2024, the Fortune Southeast Asia 500 is an astutely curated list by one of the most respected business media outlets globally. This ranking shines a spotlight on the region’s 500 largest companies by revenue, emphasizing Southeast Asia’s growing clout in the global economy. As supply chains pivot and the region’s economies burgeon, this list couldn’t come at a better time. For Bangchak, this recognition underscores its unparalleled leadership in the energy transition within Southeast Asia.

Bangchak’s ascent in the business cosmos isn’t just a fluke; it’s a well-earned accolade rooted in strategic ingenuity and an unyielding commitment to sustainability. The company has seamlessly aligned itself with the principles of green innovation, ensuring a steady trifecta of energy security, sustainability, and affordability. This juggernaut has navigated the complex landscape of the energy sector by continually evolving and diversifying its growth engines.

It’s worth noting that an achievement of this magnitude doesn’t happen in isolation. The resolute dedication of the Bangchak team and the unwavering support from stakeholders have been pivotal. Coveted titles are earned through grit, collaboration, and a vision that aligns with the larger goal of national and regional progress.

So, what’s the secret sauce behind Bangchak’s impressive feat? It’s a blend of forward-thinking strategies, execution finesse, and a relentless drive for excellence. Bangchak isn’t just a name; it’s a brand synonymous with cutting-edge energy solutions and dynamic growth. Their inclusion in the Fortune Southeast Asia 500 list is a resounding testament to that.

Amidst the flurry of congratulations and accolades, one thing is clear: Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited is setting a benchmark for others to follow. As Southeast Asia gains more prominence on the global stage, companies like Bangchak will undoubtedly lead the charge, lighting the way with innovation, sustainability, and excellence.

In conclusion, entering the ranks of the Fortune Southeast Asia 500 is not merely a feather in Bangchak’s cap but a validation of its strategic vision and execution. Their journey reflects a harmonious blend of ambition, innovation, and unwavering commitment to sustainable development, setting a gold standard in the energy sector and beyond.

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