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Bangkok Post’s Festive Edition: Your Guide to Thailand’s News during the New Year’s Celebrations

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As Thailand gears up to bid farewell to the year and joyously usher in a fresh chapter, streets and homes are wrapping themselves in a festive embrace. Meanwhile, the Bangkok Post, your trusty harbinger of news, is donning its holiday best. True to our unflinching commitment, we’re staying wide-awake to ensure that not a single important event slips by unnoticed while the land of smiles takes a well-deserved long stretch of rest and revelry to welcome the New Year.

Now, it’s true that the pulse of the city may slow down a tad as the public and private sectors alike indulge in the holiday spirit, but here’s the scoop—our paper will not be hibernating with the rest. Conscious of our pledge to keep our valued readers informed, the Bangkok Post is diligently merging sections and trimly tucking in pages until January 1st. It’s done with the utmost care, ensuring that the essence of the news is not lost, much like a delectable holiday turkey: the same fabulous taste, just a slightly smaller bird.

What’s more, our online channels are buzzing with activity, because we know the world doesn’t take a break and neither does your need to know. Come rain, shine, or celebratory fireworks lighting up the sky, our digital presence is all-systems-go. Whether it’s crucial updates you seek or leisurely reads to accompany your holiday lounge, our virtual doors remain wide open, ushering in the news as it happens. With fervor and dedication, we promise a serving of the latest from Thailand’s vivacious corners and the wide world beyond.

Finally, amidst the glittering festivities, shimmering lights, and exuberant cheer, the Bangkok Post extends a warm, heart-filled wish to you, our reader. Happy New Year! May it be a carousel of joy, brimming with laughter, prosperity, and stories worth remembering. We’re excited to be part of your 2023, accompanying you with stories that inform, entertain, and perhaps, inspire. So, here’s to turning pages, to new beginnings, and to a year as incredible as the tales we’ll tell together!

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