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Bangkok to Vientiane: SRT Launches New International Train Service on July 19

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The State Railway of Thailand (SRT) made a big announcement that has train enthusiasts and travelers buzzing with anticipation. Mark your calendars for July 19, because that’s when the international train service connecting the bustling city of Bangkok with the serene capital of Laos, Vientiane, is set to officially launch. (Photo: @pr.railway Facebook)

This new railway journey is an exciting extension of the existing Bangkok-Nong Khai route. The inaugural trip will kick off from the Krung Thep Aphiwat Central Terminal Station, also known as Bangkok Central, at precisely 9.25 PM on July 19. After a night under the stars and through the landscapes, passengers will roll into Vientiane’s Khamsavath station at 9.05 AM on July 20. Talk about an overnight adventure!

Once you’ve stepped off the train in Vientiane, the adventure is far from over. Public transport options, including vans and taxis, are readily available to whisk you off to downtown Vientiane, which is just a short 7-9 kilometers away. Whether you’re keen to explore historic sites like the impressive Patuxai war monument or eager to hop onto the high-speed Laos-China railway to further provinces—or even China itself—the possibilities are endless.

For those budget-savvy travelers, there’s good news: one-way ticket fares from Bangkok to Vientiane are expected to start at just around 300 baht for a third-class fan seat. And with an estimated travel time of about 10 hours, it’s a comfortable and economical option to journey between these two dynamic capitals.

Ekkarat Sriarayanpong, head of the SRT governor’s office, revealed some of the behind-the-scenes efforts that went into making this cross-border service a reality. SRT officials met with their counterparts at Lao National Railways to discuss and refine the details, focusing on enhancing both tourism and logistics between Thailand and Laos. Think smoother travels and better economic ties—a win-win for everyone.

Ekkarat also mentioned that the SRT has been diligent in providing comprehensive training to Lao railway officials, covering crucial areas like train operations, station management, and ticket sales. This collaborative spirit was also evident in their successful trial service conducted on May 21, connecting Udon Thani, Nong Khai, Thanalaeng, and Vientiane stations. Not a hiccup in sight!

So, if you’ve been looking for an unforgettable travel experience, this new international train service offers both convenience and adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or someone making your first venture into Laos, the Bangkok-Vientiane railway promises a journey that’s both smooth and scenic. All aboard!


  1. Sarah J. July 3, 2024

    This is amazing! I’ve always wanted to visit Laos and now it’s so much easier and cheaper to get there.

    • traveller42 July 3, 2024

      It’s great, but 10 hours is still a long trip. I hope the seats are comfortable.

      • Sarah J. July 3, 2024

        Absolutely. It says they start at 300 baht for third-class fan seats. Maybe splurge a bit for a better seat?

        • Paul M. July 3, 2024

          Even in third class, it should be a decent ride. Plus, it’s about the experience!

  2. Alexis July 3, 2024

    I have my doubts about this. What if there are delays or issues with border control?

    • Ravi S. July 3, 2024

      That’s a valid concern. But they did have a successful trial run, so here’s to hoping it’s smooth.

      • HolaLao123 July 3, 2024

        Exactly! Let’s not be too pessimistic. We need more cross-border transport options.

        • Alexis July 3, 2024

          True, I guess we’ll see how it goes in the first few months. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  3. Dan T. July 3, 2024

    Why take a train for 10 hours when flights are so much faster? This seems outdated.

    • Lily R. July 3, 2024

      It’s about the journey, not just the destination! Trains are more scenic and eco-friendly.

      • Dan T. July 3, 2024

        I get that, but time is money. Not everyone has 10 hours to spare.

        • Krit S. July 3, 2024

          Well, not everyone is in a hurry either. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

  4. wanderlust22 July 3, 2024

    The scenic views along the way would be incredible, especially at night. Can’t wait to try it!

    • NightOwl234 July 3, 2024

      Totally! And arriving in a new city early in the morning sounds ideal for exploring.

  5. Pat L. July 3, 2024

    Hope they maintain high standards and safety. Trains can be risky if not managed well.

    • Cheryl K. July 3, 2024

      They’ve put a lot of effort into training and trial runs. Let’s give them some credit!

      • Pat L. July 3, 2024

        Fair point. Fingers crossed they keep it up long-term.

  6. username77 July 3, 2024

    This is going to be a game changer for budget travelers like myself. Great move by SRT.

  7. Brenda H. July 3, 2024

    I hope they expand this service to other countries too. Southeast Asia needs more train connectivity.

    • Chaiya S. July 3, 2024

      Very true! Imagine easily traveling across multiple countries by train. That would be a dream.

  8. Leah_A July 3, 2024

    Does anyone know if the train has WiFi? That would make the long journey more bearable.

  9. AsiaExplorer July 3, 2024

    Can’t wait to explore Vientiane. This train announcement just sealed my travel plans for this year.

  10. Tommy G. July 3, 2024

    I bet this train will be crowded as soon as it starts. Booking tickets early will be a must.

  11. Ali N. July 3, 2024

    Too bad it wasn’t launched earlier. I could have used this service last year.

    • JetSetter July 3, 2024

      Well, better late than never! It’s here now, so let’s make the most of it.

  12. Sam July 3, 2024

    Just 300 baht for a 10-hour journey? This is going to kill the bus market for sure.

  13. Rolf July 3, 2024

    Is it safe to travel on overnight trains in Thailand? I’ve heard mixed reviews.

    • Mai July 3, 2024

      SRT has improved a lot lately. Plus, they’re working closely with Lao officials as well.

  14. Lina M. July 3, 2024

    Will there be sleeping cars or is it just seats? Makes a big difference for an overnight journey.

    • Derek F. July 3, 2024

      Good point. I hope there are sleeper options available.

  15. Timothy July 3, 2024

    This seems like such a great opportunity to experience both urban Bangkok and relaxed Vientiane in one trip.

  16. Beth July 3, 2024

    I wonder how this will impact tourism in both cities. Hopefully, for the better!

    • Carla W. July 3, 2024

      It should! More transport options usually boost tourism.

      • Beth July 3, 2024

        True, it makes travel so much easier and accessible for everyone.

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