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Bangkok’s street food’s quality and safety will improve because to Chadchart

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In order to increase the caliber and security of the city’s street food, the project team met with the governor of Bangkok at City Hall. The 56-year-old police chief of the city claims that there are three different types of marketplaces where street food can be found in Bangkok: local or community markets, city markets where office workers may purchase food, and tourist markets. Anong continued by saying that the governor’s new initiative will make it more comfortable for people to eat both Thai and foreign street cuisine. Anong Phaijutprapaporn, director of the National Cuisine Institution, claims that despite being well-known, Thai street food raises concerns about sanitation.

Chadchart thinks it is critical that safety rules be followed by people buying food from the city’s street stalls and marketplaces now that the majority of employees are back at their workplaces and almost all home working has ended. The mayor made it clear that a committee would be in charge of making sure that each market and stall in each location was safe and sanitary. Markets and establishments that disregard these rules will be required to close. According to Chadchart, the initiative would prioritize the markets in the city and popular tourist destinations, with the markets in the Sukhumvit and Si Lom regions being at the top of the list. Yesterday, Chadchart Sittipunt met with representatives from the National Food Institute to talk about the debut of a brand-new program called Bangkok Safety Street Food.

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