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Bangkok’s Urban Evolution: Pioneering the Untangling of Asok Montri’s Cable Chaos

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In the heart of Bangkok, a monumental task has begun that promises to transform the cityscape from a chaotic web of wires into a vision of organized beauty and safety. At the helm of this ambitious venture is a coalition of Thailand’s leading forces: the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), the Metropolitan Electricity Authority, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), along with telecom giants True Corporation and Advanced Info Service (AIS). Their mission? To liberate the bustling Asok Montri area of its dense, unused communication cables that dangle precariously from power poles.

Marking the start of their operation on a bright Thursday morning, this team set out on a 2.4-kilometre stretch between the Phetchaburi and Sukhumvit intersections, a site notorious for its tangled skein of cables. But this is just the beginning. The endgame? A radical overhaul that doesn’t stop at the removal of cables but extends to the complete removal of electricity poles, post the successful deployment of an underground communication cable project.

Why embark on such a mammoth task, you ask? The coalition is driven by a shared vision, one that aligns perfectly with government policies to sculpt a city that not only looks beautiful and orderly but is inherently safer. The specter of accidents, looming large due to the current disarray up above, will be significantly diminished. By 2024, the city anticipates the laying of 29 underground communication lines, an extensive network that will stretch over more than 61 kilometres, promising a safer, more aesthetic environment for the inhabitants of Bangkok.

Leardrat Ratananukul, the charismatic head of public affairs at True Corporation, shared his enthusiasm for the project. “We’re not just cutting down on clutter; we’re building the foundation of a future where telecommunications infrastructure meets the needs of the Thai people efficiently and responsibly,” he commented, emphasizing the alliance’s commitment to sustainable business practices and social responsibility. True Corporation, he posited, is all in for this collaborative effort that marks a leap towards enhancing the quality of telecommunications infrastructure in Thailand.

An AIS spokesperson mirrored this sentiment. “We’ve deployed our finest teams of engineers and staff, working tirelessly alongside the government to safely dismantle the maze of unused wires. This isn’t just about beautification – it’s about erecting a safer and more serene urban landscape for all,” the representative stated, highlighting the combined focus on public safety and the beautification of Bangkok’s urban expanse.

As Bangkok stands on the cusp of this transformative journey, one thing is crystal clear: the synergy between Thailand’s telecommunications and utility behemoths, under the aegis of forward-looking government policies, is charting a new course for urban renewal. This is no ordinary makeover; it’s a leap into the future of urban living, where beauty intertwines with safety, and where the citizens stand to benefit the most. And as the bustling streets of Asok Montri begin to shed their chaotic layers, Bangkok inches closer to realizing its dream of a cleaner, safer, and more orderly urban paradise.


  1. Pamela Smith April 4, 2024

    Finally, Bangkok is addressing an issue that’s been a sore sight for both locals and tourists. The entangled wires are not only an eyesore but a potential safety hazard. Hats off to the coalition for undertaking this project.

    • Tommy_J April 4, 2024

      You’re seeing only the surface, Pamela. While it looks good on paper, think about the short-term disruptions this will cause. Traffic jams and the logistical nightmare of rerouting all those cables. Is it worth it?

      • Pamela Smith April 4, 2024

        Fair point, Tommy_J, but consider the long-term benefits. A safer, cleaner cityscape could boost tourism and even improve the daily lives of the city’s inhabitants. Some inconveniences now seem like a small price to pay.

    • ECO_warrior April 4, 2024

      This is a step towards sustainable urban development. Removing those hazardous wires and installing underground lines reduces risks and beautifies the city. We should celebrate these initiatives more.

  2. JennyH April 4, 2024

    Why isn’t there more emphasis on the environmental impact of such a large-scale project? What about the waste from all those cables? And the energy consumed in creating new infrastructure? I’d like to see more responsible practices in play.

  3. Mark_the_Engineer April 4, 2024

    From an engineering perspective, this project is fascinating. The logistical challenges of ensuring the new infrastructure works without a hitch are immense. I’m curious about the tech they will use to monitor and manage these new underground cables.

    • TechGuru88 April 4, 2024

      Absolutely, Mark! The potential for innovative solutions in monitoring and management tech is huge here. Imagine the data collection and analytics possibilities with such a robust infrastructure.

  4. urbanist101 April 4, 2024

    This move symbolizes a shift toward more sustainable and organized urban spaces. It raises an important question: how can other cities replicate such initiatives, considering the unique challenges they face?

    • citySlicker April 4, 2024

      Great point! Each city comes with its own set of complexities. A crucial factor will be the willingness of local governments and corporations to work together, much like what’s happening in Bangkok.

      • policywonk April 4, 2024

        Indeed. The political will and public-private partnerships are pivotal. However, public support and understanding of the project’s long-term benefits also play a crucial role.

      • urbanist101 April 4, 2024

        Exactly, citySlicker and policywonk. It’s both a technical and societal challenge. Getting the community on board with such changes is essential for success.

  5. budgetWatcher April 4, 2024

    Has anyone considered the cost? These projects aren’t cheap. I’m all for improving infrastructure, but at what cost to the taxpayer? We need transparency on budget allocations and spending.

    • taxPayer123 April 4, 2024

      Exactly, budgetWatcher! While I support the initiative, it’s essential we know how our taxes are being used. The government should be accountable for every baht spent.

    • fiscal_hawk April 4, 2024

      You’re both right to be concerned about costs. But consider this as an investment in the future. Improved infrastructure could lead to economic growth, which benefits everyone in the long run.

  6. localResident April 4, 2024

    As a Bangkokian, I’m thrilled about this project. The cluttered wires have always been something we’ve lived with, and seeing efforts to address this is heartening. Hope this brings about a genuine change in the city’s aesthetics and safety.

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