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BDMS & Bangkok Cancer Hospital Launch ‘Voice of Care’ Campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness (2024)

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In a dynamic convergence of healthcare brilliance, BDMS Wellness Clinic and Bangkok Cancer Hospital Wattanosoth heralded a groundbreaking initiative on October 4, 2024. This collaboration launches the “Voice of Care for Breast Cancer” campaign, a formidable force designed to tackle breast cancer with vigor and compassion. Spearheading the initiative is the comprehensive Breast Cancer Healing program, a lavish offering of care that extends from prevention and screening to diagnosis, treatment, and the crucial post-treatment recovery phase.

Cancer, a fearsome adversary claiming numerous lives globally, is an affliction that spares none. In women, breast cancer holds the dubious honor of being the most prevalent. As illustrated by the World Health Organization (WHO), the specter of breast cancer affects over 2 million women annually, culminating in a heart-wrenching 685,000 deaths worldwide. Closer to home in Thailand, the National Cancer Institute’s numbing reports solidify cancer as the country’s premier cause of death. WHO’s data from 2021 starkly reveals Thailand’s battle with 190,636 fresh cancer cases and 109,554 cancer-related deaths annually, translating to a grim statistic of nearly 13 deaths each passing hour. Amongst these, breast cancer clinches third place, right after liver/bile duct cancer and lung cancer.

Tanupol Virunhagarun, M.D., the visionary at the helm of BDMS Wellness Clinic and BDMS Wellness Resort, ardently champions lifestyle alterations as a bulwark against cancer. “True, while genetics have a hand in dictating the rise of NCDs like cancer, lifestyle choices wield significant power over risk levels. Preventive measures encompass maintaining an ideal weight, enjoying healthy food, regular physical activity, sufficient rest, and steering clear of tobacco and alcohol, all while mastering stress management,” he exhorts. Proactive cancer screenings form the linchpin for early diagnostics and informed treatment approaches.

Virunhagarun further highlights, “At BDMS Wellness Clinic, rallying against breast cancer is a cause dear to us. Through a strategic partnership with Bangkok Cancer Hospital Wattanosoth, this year’s ‘Voice of Care for Breast Cancer’ event amplifies the clarion call for cancer prevention across all demographics. Our holistic approach to breast cancer management spans prevention, examination, pinpoint diagnosis, state-of-the-art treatment, and meticulous post-treatment rehabilitation. Our Cancer Wellness initiative and the Breast Cancer Healing program aim to elevate patients’ quality of life, ushering them back to a life laden with optimal well-being.”

Professor Dr. Teerawut Kuhaprema, holding the reins of Bangkok Cancer Hospital Wattanosoth, lauds this synergistic effort, remarking, “The hospital is thrilled to contribute to breast cancer awareness, staying true to our mission of curbing cancer mortality rates. Embodying the ‘Total Cancer Care’ ethos, we deploy avant-garde technology for a 360-degree cancer management routine. This paradigm spans initial screenings, hereditary risk assessments, precision diagnoses powered by cutting-edge tech, and exhaustive pathological explorations. This diligence ensures precise treatments and post-recovery wellness, under the vigilant eyes of adept medics.”

Eagerly he adds, “Post-cancer treatment, the patient’s body embarks on a regimen of recovery measures. Treatments like chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation can manifest as side-effects including parched skin, thinning hair, scarring, or hormonal flux. Collaborating with BDMS Wellness Clinic enriches the healing journey, reinstating patients’ confidence and enriching quality of life.”

According to Dr. Jira Thawornpradit, the custodian of Prevention and Wellness Clinic at BDMS Wellness Clinic, “The journey of tending to breast cancer patients transcends mere medical treatment; it’s an ongoing commitment. Post-treatment care is the keystone of recovery. Our Breast Cancer Healing program envelops patients in a holistic embrace, featuring bespoke health management to avert cancer comebacks, curated nutrition plans, specialized workout routines post-surgery or chemotherapy, and stress-control techniques. Furthermore, it addresses aesthetic recovery for hair and skin, boosting confidence and enhancing life quality.”

She reiterates, “Every healing milestone is personalized courtesy of an interdisciplinary squad, comprising nutritionists, physical wellness maestros, sports scientists, and psychological health specialists diligently supporting patients’ renewal journey towards vitality and self-assurance.”

The engaging “Voice of Care for Breast Cancer” gathering promises a plethora of activities, arrayed with insights into cancer-preventive nutrition, self-examination tutorials, and creative endeavors like wig-fitting workshops. Breast cancer champion, Pattama Prommin, shares her tenacious survivor narrative, while the iconic actress and host, Boom Supaporn Wongthuaithong, rallies Thai women to heed the call of awareness and proactive self-care against breast cancer.

Championed by BDMS Wellness Clinic and Bangkok Cancer Hospital Wattanosoth, this collaboration becomes the beacon of a new era in comprehensive cancer prevention and healing. Each patient embarks on their healing odyssey fortified with custom care, navigating with newfound vigor and a profoundly enriched quality of life.

Dive deeper into the Breast Cancer Healing programme by visiting the following portal: Breast Cancer Healing Programme.


  1. Emily J October 7, 2024

    This campaign sounds like a marketing gimmick. Are they really prioritizing patient well-being over profits?

    • James T October 7, 2024

      I don’t think it’s fair to dismiss it as profit-driven. Such initiatives are crucial for spreading awareness about prevention.

      • Emily J October 7, 2024

        Maybe, but I hope they focus more on making treatments affordable to everyone.

    • Sarah88 October 7, 2024

      Emily, you should appreciate any effort fighting cancer. Even if it helps one person, it’s worth it.

  2. Mark77 October 7, 2024

    Holistic care is great, but what about patients who can’t access these high-end clinics? They’re the ones who need the most help.

    • Olivia P October 7, 2024

      You’re right, Mark. Many regions lack basic medical facilities, forget about advanced holistic programs.

      • James T October 7, 2024

        Perhaps these campaigns can set a precedent that encourages better healthcare accessibility more broadly.

  3. ScienceGeek42 October 7, 2024

    It’s all about early detection and patient education. Wish more resources were spent on these areas.

    • Laura M October 7, 2024

      Agreed. The more we educate women about self-exams and screenings, the better outcomes we’ll see.

      • ScienceGeek42 October 7, 2024

        Exactly, and that doesn’t require expensive clinics—just good information dissemination.

  4. Anna L October 7, 2024

    While I see the potential of this campaign, I’m skeptical about integrating luxury wellness into cancer treatment.

    • HealthNut October 7, 2024

      Luxury wellness and comprehensive care aren’t mutually exclusive, Anna. Why not offer the best care possible?

      • Anna L October 7, 2024

        I worry it detracts from the urgency of affordable access to treatment, HealthNut.

  5. Destiny October 7, 2024

    It’s cool that they’re teaching about preventive nutrition and self-exams. That’s knowledge everyone can use!

    • Jake78 October 7, 2024

      Definitely! It’s amazing how small lifestyle changes can have a big impact on cancer risks.

  6. Zoe October 7, 2024

    As someone who’s lost a loved one to breast cancer, I appreciate any efforts toward prevention and support.

    • Tina D October 7, 2024

      Zoe, so sorry for your loss. Initiatives like these can bring hope and support to many families.

  7. Bob K October 7, 2024

    Focusing solely on post-treatment ‘wellness’ feels like they’re trying to make cancer fashionable rather than finding new cures.

    • GeekGyrl October 7, 2024

      Bob, I get your point, but post-treatment care is vital for patients’ long-term recovery and quality of life.

  8. Rachel W October 7, 2024

    Those statistics are terrifying! The loss of life is so high—it seems like more drastic measures are needed.

  9. LiamJ October 7, 2024

    Why do these things always feel directed only to women? Men are affected by breast cancer too!

    • Grower134 October 7, 2024

      Hear, hear, Liam! Awareness should be inclusive—men need to be part of the conversation, too.

  10. Sophia October 7, 2024

    It’s so inspiring to hear survivor stories. Pattama Prommin’s journey is a beacon of hope for many.

  11. Epicurean October 7, 2024

    The focus on lifestyle changes is key. We have so much control over our health by choosing wisely.

  12. Logan5 October 7, 2024

    Having famous people advocate for this is smart. It captures attention but let’s keep the message clear.

  13. Nina B October 7, 2024

    The emotional toll on families is often overlooked. More support for them would be beneficial.

    • MelanieH October 7, 2024

      Absolutely, Nina. Family members are a huge part of the healing process and need resources too.

  14. TommyC October 7, 2024

    Wig-fitting workshops are such a thoughtful addition! It’s the small things that can really uplift spirits.

    • Joan October 7, 2024

      Wigs can help regain some normalcy and confidence after treatment. Happy to see this included.

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