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Central Restaurants Group Wins Big at HR Excellence Awards 2024: A Testament to Digital Transformation and Change Management

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Central Restaurants Group has been honoured to receive three major awards at HR Excellence Awards 2024, hosted by Human Resources Online, a prominent Singapore-based media platform specialising in HR management. This achievement underscores CRG’s success and expertise in human resource management, showcasing its strong commitment to prioritising employees, and reinforcing its position as a leader in HR and organisational management on the international stage. The three awards include:

  • Gold Award for Excellence in Digital Transformation: Recognising the successful implementation of technology to transform business processes and organisational management.
  • Silver Award for Excellence in HR Change Management: Reflecting success in restructuring and adapting HR management to support business changes.
  • Silver Award for Best HR Team (Large Organisation): Emphasising the outstanding teamwork of the HR department and its crucial role in the organisation’s success.

Jaruwan Ngampisutpaisan, Senior Vice President of Human Resources, remarked, “Our success this year is the result of continuous adaptation over the past five years. We have revamped strategies and embraced new business models with technology as a key enabler. Additionally, we have transformed our HR team to align with the Business-Driven HR era, where HR acts as a business partner, playing a pivotal role in driving organisational change.”

She also emphasised CRG’s approach to preparing for the future, saying, “We are not only focused on enhancing the capabilities within our organisation but also committed to building readiness and resilience to meet the challenges in the restaurant and retail industries.”

This achievement confirms that CRG is ready to lead its business and workforce into the digital era and navigate the complexities and opportunities of future transformations.


  1. HRguru22 August 30, 2024

    This is such a significant achievement for CRG! It really demonstrates the power of digital transformation in the HR sector.

    • Cathy Moore August 30, 2024

      Digital transformation is overrated. Companies should focus more on the human element rather than relying too much on technology.

      • David K. August 30, 2024

        But technology can actually enhance the human element by optimizing processes and freeing up time for more meaningful interactions.

      • HRguru22 August 30, 2024

        Exactly, David! Technology isn’t replacing humans, but rather augmenting our capabilities. CRG’s awards are proof of that effective balance.

  2. Taylor18 August 30, 2024

    Congratulations to CRG! However, I wonder if such transformations are sustainable in the long run.

    • Linda S. August 30, 2024

      Sustainability can be tricky, but with continuous improvement and adaptability, it’s definitely possible. CRG seems to have a solid long-term strategy.

    • MarkyMark August 30, 2024

      Linda, continuous improvement is just corporate jargon. Eventually, they will hit a wall.

    • Taylor18 August 30, 2024

      MarkyMark, while I’d like to believe in a positive outcome, I understand your skepticism. Only time will tell.

  3. Susan P. August 30, 2024

    Winning three awards is no small feat! CRG must have an exceptional HR team.

    • Ben1989 August 30, 2024

      HR is often an undervalued department. It’s great to see them getting recognition.

    • HRExpert23 August 30, 2024

      Absolutely, Ben. Without an effective HR team, managing people in any growing business would be an impossible task.

    • Susan P. August 30, 2024

      Agreed! It’s encouraging to see HR being celebrated for their hard work.

  4. techgeek34 August 30, 2024

    Digital transformation is the future. I’m glad CRG is taking the lead in the industry.

    • Kathy August 30, 2024

      But what about the workforce who might lose their jobs due to automation? Is CRG doing something about that?

    • javajones August 30, 2024

      That’s a valid concern, Kathy. Companies need to focus on upskilling and reskilling their employees to avoid layoffs.

    • techgeek34 August 30, 2024

      Kathy, based on the article, it seems CRG is also preparing their workforce for future challenges, which could involve reskilling.

  5. Larry D August 30, 2024

    I think it’s a great move for CRG and a sign of the times. Adapt or get left behind!

    • Mikaela August 30, 2024

      I worry that the rapid pace of technology could result in frequent layoffs and job market instability.

    • Larry D August 30, 2024

      Adapting technology isn’t just about cuts—it’s about creating new opportunities and roles that never existed before.

    • Mikaela August 30, 2024

      True, but the transition period can be quite painful for a lot of people.

  6. Alex90 August 30, 2024

    HR Excellence Awards should encompass more than just a winning company’s perspective. What about the employee’s experience?

  7. Joey August 30, 2024

    So fancy awards can make a difference in the actual work environment? I doubt it.

    • ManagerMike August 30, 2024

      Awareness and awards boost morale and recognize employee efforts, creating a positive work environment.

    • Joey August 30, 2024

      I hope you are right, Mike. Real changes have to be felt on the ground, not just seen on paper.

  8. FoodieQueen August 30, 2024

    It’s impressive, but will customers notice any changes in their dining experiences?

  9. Eduardo August 30, 2024

    Are we truly moving forward if technology replaces human interaction? I miss the personal touch in customer service.

  10. Linda M. August 30, 2024

    It’s good to see CRG leading the way, but let’s hope this digital push includes ethical technology practices.

    • techsavvy August 30, 2024

      Great point, Linda. Ethical considerations are crucial in the digital transformation journey.

    • Linda M. August 30, 2024

      Indeed. We need to ensure privacy and data security remain top priorities.

  11. WorkerBee August 30, 2024

    How does this impact the average employee? Are their jobs secure with all these digital changes?

    • HRlover August 30, 2024

      If CRG is wise, they will focus on reskilling their workforce to manage the new tech, securing jobs rather than eliminating them.

    • WorkerBee August 30, 2024

      I really hope so. The uncertainty can be quite stressful for many employees.

  12. Liam S. August 30, 2024

    Congrats to CRG! I hope other companies take note and start valuing their HR departments as much.

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