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Chalerm Ubumrung Affirms Family’s Commitment to Pheu Thai Amid Political Speculation

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Under the vibrant Bangkok sun on April 24, 2023, Chalerm Ubumrung and his son Wan Ubumrung stood confidently at the Pheu Thai election campaign rally held near the iconic Rama VIII Bridge. The father-son duo, central figures on the political stage, addressed the crowd with a fervor that resonated through the air, painted with the narrative of political shifts and family dynamics. (Photo: Pattarapong Chatpattarasill)

Despite swirling rumors and speculative headlines, former Pheu Thai Party MP for Bangkok, Wan Ubumrung, made it absolutely clear on Sunday that his son, Archawin Ubumrung, has no intention of jumping ship from Pheu Thai to join Palang Pracharath Party (PPRP). Eager to quell any misinformation, Mr. Wan emphasized that Archawin remains a steadfast member of Pheu Thai, actively serving as an adviser to Digital Economy and Society (DES) Minister Prasert Jantararuangtong.

Addressing the circulation of false reports, Mr. Wan stated firmly, “Some news outlets claimed that the whole Ubumrung family will leave Pheu Thai. This is not true. Mr. Archawin still works as an advisor to Mr. Prasert and I never asked him to resign from Pheu Thai like I did, and neither did his grandfather (Chalerm Ubumrung).” In a world where political allegiances can shift as swiftly as the tides, such declarations carry weight.

Further elaborating on the autonomy and maturity of his son, Mr. Wan remarked, “My son is a matured grown man, already 27. Let him decide his own career path. Things about the father, grandfather, and nephew should be taken separately.” The assertion highlights the independence of young Archawin amidst the political maelstrom surrounding his family.

In support of his father’s declarations, Mr. Archawin took to Facebook on Saturday to set the record straight, posting, “Nothing has changed at present. I’m still doing my current job with determination.” The steadfast resolve in his words reflected the dedication of a young man committed to his role and principles.

Meanwhile, Mr. Wan reaffirmed his intended move—announcing that he will apply for membership in PPRP on Tuesday. The ripple effects of his decision were compounded with the news of his father, Chalerm, patiently awaiting the Pheu Thai party’s process to potentially impeach him, a noteworthy subplot in their political narrative.

The backdrop to this upheaval was Mr. Wan’s resignation last week from the main party in the coalition government. His departure followed discontent stemming from his interactions with a rival party during a recent local election in Pathum Thani, signaling the deeper fractures within the political landscape.

As the political saga unfolds, the Ubumrung family is placed under the spotlight, each member navigating their unique path amidst a swirl of public scrutiny and media speculation. It’s a compelling reminder of the human stories interwoven with the larger political fabric that shapes a nation’s future.

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