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Chiang Rai Flood Crisis 2024: Landslides Block Key Roads and Disrupt Train Services

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The flood situation in Chiang Rai has reached a critical point as some areas in the province continue to suffer from flash floods and landslides. These natural disasters have overwhelmed several villages and even blocked a main road linking Chiang Rai with Chiang Mai. On Monday, Atipach Chomdang, the director of the Hydrological Division of Chiang Rai, issued a stern warning about the excessive rainfall in Ban Pa Sang Pattana and Ban Rong in Wiang Pa Pao district. According to him, this area is at risk of sudden flash floods.

Heavy rain on Sunday night caused the Lao River to overflow in the district, affecting approximately 30 households in the Pa Ngew, Ban Pong, and Wiang sub-districts. The situation got worse when landslides in tambon Mae Chedi Mai blocked traffic. Fortunately, local authorities quickly managed to clear the debris and reopen the area.

The Wiang Pa Pao Police Station shared some alarming images and video clips on their Facebook page, showing the consequences of the flooded Highway 118, which is crucial as it connects Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai. According to their post, the flooded section of the highway is located in Ban Pa Ngew village in tambon Pa Ngew. This severe flooding forced local authorities to close the highway entirely. Adding to the woes, Banpachan School in tambon Wiang Ka Long had to shut down due to the widespread flooding.

Chiang Rai governor Puttipong Sirimat has been in constant coordination with local agencies to expedite flood recovery operations. His mission includes a “big clean-up” campaign aimed at restoring normalcy to the province as quickly as possible. Governor Sirimat mentioned that authorities and volunteers are working tirelessly to clean public spaces and private homes that were inundated, particularly focusing on the most vulnerable groups like the disabled and the elderly. The goal is to complete the clean-up by Sunday.

Meanwhile, on Monday, the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) announced a major disruption in train services due to a landslide and flooding on the northern route between Lampang and Chiang Mai stations. This suspension came after the runoff and landslides damaged tracks between the Mae Tan Noi station in Lampang and Tha Chompoo station in Lamphun on Sunday night. As a result, all northern-bound trains to Chiang Mai are currently halting at Lampang station, leaving travelers in a bind.

The gravity of the situation emphasizes the urgency and importance of disaster preparedness and efficient recovery efforts. While the community rallies to overcome these challenges, the people of Chiang Rai hope for clearer skies and safer roads ahead.

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