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DTGO and SenseTime Launch DTLM: Revolutionizing Multilingual AI Interactions with Thai Focus

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DTGO Corporation Limited, the powerhouse behind MQDC, has recently announced an exhilarating collaboration with SenseTime, a top-tier AI software company headquartered in Hong Kong. Together, they’ve birthed DTLM (DTGO Large Language Model), a cutting-edge language model that promises to revolutionize multilingual AI interactions. This innovative model leverages the combined prowess of DTGO and SenseTime’s extensive AI and big data expertise, excelling in Thai, Chinese, and English.

DTLM stands out by seamlessly addressing multilingual needs with high performance across all three languages while maintaining a profound understanding of Thai language and culture. According to Mr. Kittikun Potivanakul, Chief Technology Officer of DTGO, DTLM is the company’s pioneering Thai large language model (LLM) and has already scored higher on the MMLU (Massive Multitask Language Understanding) benchmark than any other Thai LLMs available. This impressive feat is, in part, thanks to their synergistic partnership with SenseTime and leveraging the robust capabilities of the SenseNova Large Model Series.

The recent 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) in Shanghai witnessed the grand unveiling of SenseNova 5.5. This upgraded model boasts significantly enhanced language capabilities, an extensive knowledge database, and high information density. By integrating these advancements, DTLM can engage users in fluent and natural conversations in real-time. It’s worth noting that DTLM is a trailblazer, being the world’s first LLM to efficiently operate across Thai, Chinese, and English.

Unlike conventional machine translations, DTLM utilizes advanced machine learning technologies to offer genuinely localized AI experiences. It adeptly reads texts, responds to queries, and engages in quick, fluid interactions, making it an invaluable tool for Thai users. This ground-breaking model has the potential to drive significant growth across sectors, enriching Thailand’s AI ecosystem, and opening the door to boundless possibilities.

Initially, DTLM will cater to corporate clients, offering them an economically efficient solution to manage costs while integrating a digital trust system for those who require a highly dependable model. Its applications span various vertical industries, effectively answering internal organizational queries when integrated with corporate data, and providing broader applications such as enhancing university library systems.

“Our journey doesn’t end here,” says Mr. Kittikun Potivanakul with palpable excitement. “The rapid pace of technological advancements requires us to keep evolving. We foresee that DTLM will eventually be accessible to the general public, amplifying its impact.”

In line with this vision, DTGO established Quinnnova as a subsidiary, recognizing the immense potential in IoT and AI development, aiming to transform it into one of the high-potential businesses of tomorrow. Professor Lin Da Hua, co-founder and executive director at SenseTime, passionately speaks about the venture, “DTLM is our inaugural large language model tailored for the Thai community, built upon the advanced SenseNova Series. Collaborating with Quinnnova’s profound understanding of the local landscape, we envision DTLM meeting the diverse needs of Thai customers and businesses more effectively than ever. Together, we aspire to drive innovation with Quinnnova and deliver top-notch AI solutions in Thailand and Southeast Asia that are not only effective but also cost-efficient and sustainable.”

DTGO’s commitment to societal contribution spans across various sectors. The group’s primary business, MQDC, is a leading real estate developer known for integrating advanced technologies and innovations into every facet of its operations, be it within the group or its subsidiaries. Their forward-thinking approach continues to shape the future, ensuring that technological advancements are at the heart of all their endeavors.


  1. Alex Smith July 12, 2024

    This collaboration is promising, but let’s hope it doesn’t lead to job losses for those in customer service roles due to advanced AI interactions.

    • TechGuru99 July 12, 2024

      AI always brings this fear, but new tech often creates new jobs too. It’s about adaptation, not just resistance.

      • Sam D. July 12, 2024

        Exactly! Look at how IT exploded in the ’90s. People were worried then too, but it created whole new industries.

      • Alex Smith July 12, 2024

        True, but the transition can be tough for many workers, especially those without tech skills. Hope there are plans for upskilling.

    • Jane Doe July 12, 2024

      But not everyone can adapt quickly, especially older workers. We should think about their future too.

  2. Liam July 12, 2024

    Super excited about DTLM! This could make Thai businesses much more competitive on the global stage.

    • Sarah Lee July 12, 2024

      Absolutely! The localization aspect is a game-changer. Thai culture is unique and demands specific nuances.

      • Liam July 12, 2024

        Exactly, Sarah! It’s so important that the AI understands and respects local languages and cultures.

    • James K. July 12, 2024

      Maybe, but don’t underestimate potential biases. AI models have historically struggled with that.

  3. Sophia July 12, 2024

    It’s about time we had a strong multilingual AI that includes Thai! Other languages always seem to get prioritized over ours.

    • Tom_B123 July 12, 2024

      True, it’s high time Thai got this level of tech representation. We’re often overshadowed by bigger language groups.

  4. Michael July 12, 2024

    The focus on corporate clients first is smart. It’ll help refine the model before it goes public.

    • Karen July 12, 2024

      Sure, but it also means the general public has to wait longer. It seems like big companies always get first dibs.

  5. Chiara July 12, 2024

    DTGO and SenseTime are doing something special here. Can’t wait to see how this evolves!

    • Victor July 12, 2024

      Agreed! Innovation like this can push boundaries and set new standards.

  6. John July 12, 2024

    Am I the only one skeptical about the security implications? AI with access to so much data could be a double-edged sword.

    • Mary T. July 12, 2024

      That’s a valid concern. We need to ensure there are strong data protection and privacy measures in place.

    • John July 12, 2024

      Exactly, Mary. Without stringent safeguards, we could be opening ourselves up to massive data breaches.

  7. Lisa July 12, 2024

    Interesting to see a Thai company taking the lead in AI development. Normally, it’s Western firms that dominate this space.

    • sensei July 12, 2024

      It’s refreshing, indeed. This could pave the way for more diverse technological innovations globally.

  8. David July 12, 2024

    Will this AI model be able to understand regional dialects and slangs within Thailand? That would be truly revolutionary.

  9. Ella F. July 12, 2024

    If DTLM is as good as they claim, other countries should watch out. This is a huge leap for Thailand.

  10. Nate July 12, 2024

    I’m curious about how DTLM handles user data. Transparency is key, and I hope DTGO and SenseTime prioritize it.

  11. Oliver July 12, 2024

    This tech sounds great, but I wonder about the environmental impact. AI models like these consume a lot of energy.

    • Samantha July 12, 2024

      True, Oliver. Sustainability should be a priority when advancing tech like this.

    • Oliver July 12, 2024

      Exactly, Samantha. We need to balance innovation with responsibility to the planet.

  12. Emily Wong July 12, 2024

    SenseTime partnering with a Thai firm is fascinating. Shows how interconnected the tech world is becoming.

  13. Max July 12, 2024

    By integrating DTLM in universities, we can revolutionize education. Students could have access to better resources efficiently.

  14. grower134 July 12, 2024

    How will this impact small businesses? Will they get access to DTLM, or is it out of reach for them?

    • Tom July 12, 2024

      Good point. Tech like this can sometimes widen the gap if it’s not accessible to smaller players.

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