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Elevate Your Industry Game: Join MIRA and SUBCON Thailand 2024 in Chonburi

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BOI, in partnership with the Thai Subcontracting Promotion Association and Informa Markets Thailand, is thrilled to present “MIRA and SUBCON Thailand: The East 2024.” This eagerly anticipated event aims to catapult Thailand into the limelight, positioning it as the epicenter of production and parts procurement within the dynamic ASEAN region. Set to fortify entrepreneurs in the Eastern region, the event promises a dazzling showcase of advanced manufacturing solutions, slated to generate industrial linkage values exceeding 3,000 million baht. Industrialists, mark your calendars for September 4-6, 2024, at Nongnooch Pattaya International Convention and Exhibition Center in Chonburi Province!

The first half of 2024 brought a wave of optimism to the investment landscape, with significant spikes in both project counts and investment values. A staggering 1,412 projects applied, bringing in a hefty 458,359 million baht. What’s more exhilarating? The Eastern region captured a lion’s share, about 46 percent of the total investment, driven by key industries like electronics, automotive parts, and chemicals. This makes it clear: the Eastern region is a powerhouse of economic potential, primed for growth and industrial evolution.

Boasting an exciting collaboration with industry stalwarts—Thai Subcontracting Promotion Association (Thai Subcon) and Informa Markets Thailand—the BOI is proud to host “SUBCON Thailand: The East 2024” for the third year in a row. The event is tailored to empower and connect local entrepreneurs, offering a treasure trove of networking and alliance-building opportunities within key sectors. Moreover, it opens the doors to the latest technological innovations in manufacturing, bolstering the capabilities of Thai manufacturers to compete on a global stage.

Mr. Narucha Ruchuphan, Deputy Secretary-General of the Thailand Board of Investment, enthusiastically announced that the BOI, in collaboration with Thai Subcon and Informa Markets, will continue its mission to spotlight Thailand’s subcontracting prowess. The co-located MIRA event promises a comprehensive exhibition that goes beyond maintenance technology, robotics, automation systems, and industrial solutions—think cutting-edge!

Now in its third year, “SUBCON Thailand: The East” zooms in on promoting parts manufacturers in regions like Chonburi, Rayong, and Chachoengsao. This year, the BOI aims to amplify its reach, bringing industrial opportunities to provinces throughout the Eastern region. This area remains a critical production base and a strategic hub for industrial development, ready to embrace Industry 5.0.

Expectations are soaring for business connections across the supply chain, with over 100 major buyers and more than 600 pairs of business matching. Plus, BOI is teaming up with Foton CP Motor Company Limited for a “Sourcing Day” and business matching activities. These initiatives will open doors for Thai entrepreneurs to plug into the supply chains of industry titans.

Mr. Chanin Khaochan, President of Thai Subcon, reveals that the Eastern region’s surge in investment projects presents golden opportunities for Thai entrepreneurs. The association plays a pivotal role in linking Thai businesses, providing platforms to explore trade opportunities and venture into new markets. With over 400 member companies, Thai Subcon aims to spark business connections with a grand showcase at “MIRA and SUBCON Thailand: The East 2024.”

As competition ramps up globally, trade fairs like this one offer valuable avenues to access burgeoning markets. Here, participants can engage with buyers from various industries—auto parts, metal parts, robotics, and more. It’s an extraordinary chance to broaden customer bases and enhance trade prospects.

Industrialists are gearing up for this mega-event, ready to showcase their innovations across multiple sectors. With over 400 established and capable manufacturers as members, Thai Subcon invites you to join us and network with the best in the industry.

Mr. Sanchai Noombunnam, Country General Manager for Thailand at Informa Markets, shares that Informa has a rich history of fostering sustainable supply chains. Over 18 years of collaboration with the BOI and Thai Subcon have borne fruit with SUBCON Thailand. Expanding into the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), the event has fortified connections between entrepreneurs, buyers, producers, and investors. Informa believes “MIRA and SUBCON Thailand: The East 2024” will further these opportunities, cementing Thailand’s position as a central manufacturing and procurement hub in the ASEAN region.

Expect a magnificent showcase of the latest technologies—automation systems, robotics, machine tools, and more. Prominent brands like MITUTOYO, OMRON, THAI ROKUHA, LERTVILAI, and MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC FACTORY AUTOMATION will be front and center. Look out for advanced machine tools like EDM and Wire-Cut machines famed for minimizing production waste. Plus, keep an eye on the IRAP ROBOT rescue team and service robots developed by King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok and Thonburi.

Packed with enriching activities, you’ll find a welding competition organized by the Welding Skill Development Academy (WelDa), and seminars covering everything from modern procurement strategies to the latest in industrial technology. Business matching sessions supported by the BOI will create significant opportunities for local entrepreneurs.

Don’t miss out on strengthening your industrial foundation at “MIRA and SUBCON Thailand: The East 2024.” Join us from September 4-6, 2024, at the Nong Nooch International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Pattaya. For more details and updates, visit


  1. Alicia M August 16, 2024

    This sounds like a great opportunity for local businesses! The Eastern region could really benefit from such industrial growth.

    • Vermonster August 16, 2024

      I agree, but I wonder if we are prepared for the rapid growth. What about the environmental impact?

      • Alicia M August 16, 2024

        That’s a valid point. Sustainable practices should be at the forefront of such developments.

      • PhDInEconomics August 16, 2024

        Environmental impact is a concern, but with advanced technology and strict regulations, it can be mitigated. The economic benefits are substantial.

      • Vermonster August 16, 2024

        Sure, but have we ever seen these regulations effectively enforced here? Color me skeptical.

        • Alicia M August 16, 2024

          It all comes down to accountability. We need to push for stricter enforcement.

        • Sal123 August 16, 2024

          They should prioritize educating people on environmental management alongside the industrial push.

  2. JohnDoe August 16, 2024

    Great, more focus on manufacturing. But what about the service sector? It feels like it’s always neglected.

    • EconWarrior August 16, 2024

      Manufacturing is the backbone of any strong economy. The service sector will naturally grow alongside industrial advancements.

    • JohnDoe August 16, 2024

      I still think a balanced approach is better. Over-dependence on one sector is risky.

    • TechSavy101 August 16, 2024

      Service sectors should pivot to support industries. It’s a symbiotic relationship.

  3. Karen J. August 16, 2024

    I attended last year’s event, and it was very well-organized. Looking forward to seeing what’s new this time around.

    • EventCritic August 16, 2024

      Really? I felt it was underwhelming. Too much focus on big players, not enough on smaller entrepreneurs.

    • Karen J. August 16, 2024

      Different perspectives, I suppose. I found the networking sessions very beneficial.

  4. HistoryBuff August 16, 2024

    This region has always been a hive of economic activity. Cool to see it continue to grow.

    • SkepticalSam August 16, 2024

      Growth is great, but let’s not whitewash the past issues: worker exploitation, poor living conditions, etc.

    • HistoryBuff August 16, 2024

      True, those issues existed. Hopefully, this growth will come with better regulations and standards.

  5. ecoWarrior2020 August 16, 2024

    Anyone else worried about the carbon footprint of such large-scale industrial activities?

    • Realist August 16, 2024

      There’s always a trade-off. Industrial progress often comes at an environmental cost, but we need the economic growth.

    • ecoWarrior2020 August 16, 2024

      I disagree. Advances in technology can offer less harmful alternatives. We should pursue those instead.

    • TechieJane August 16, 2024

      Agreed. Hopefully, the showcased advanced manufacturing solutions will include eco-friendly technologies.

  6. InvestorPro August 16, 2024

    The projected industrial linkage values are impressive. Definitely an event worth attending for potential investors.

  7. Anna S. August 16, 2024

    Will there be any sessions focusing on women in industry? Would love more inclusivity.

  8. Benny89 August 16, 2024

    Happy to see Thailand taking such big strides. I hope local communities also see the benefits directly.

    • GlobalView August 16, 2024

      It’s always tricky. Often the big corporations see the benefits more than the local communities.

    • Benny89 August 16, 2024

      Yeah, that’s always a concern. Local support and inclusive growth should be prioritized.

  9. TechGuru August 16, 2024

    Excited for the MIRA event! Interested to see the latest in robotics and automation.

    • RobotLover August 16, 2024

      Yes! The IRAP ROBOT rescue team sounds fascinating!

      • TechGuru August 16, 2024

        Absolutely. Real-world applications of robotics are always impressive.

  10. OldTimer August 16, 2024

    I remember a time when Thailand wasn’t this industrial. The times have surely changed.

  11. Sammie August 16, 2024

    Looking forward to the welding competition! Always fun to see skilled craftsmen in action.

  12. Fitzy August 16, 2024

    How do they plan to handle the influx of people into the region? I hope the infrastructure is ready.

  13. SilentObserver August 16, 2024

    I’m curious about the business matching activities. Seems like a great opportunity for startups.

  14. ConcernedLocal August 16, 2024

    I just hope the locals aren’t pushed out due to this ‘growth’. Don’t want a repeat of past mistakes.

    • OptiMystic August 16, 2024

      Fair concern. Ensuring everyone benefits should be a priority.

  15. Paul D August 16, 2024

    The massive investment numbers are mind-blowing. Thailand is really stepping up its game.

  16. GeekyGreg August 16, 2024

    The focus on Industry 5.0 is fascinating. Can’t wait to see what innovations will be presented.

  17. RealMcCoy August 16, 2024

    Thai Subcon and Informa Markets should also emphasize cybersecurity. Major concern for businesses today.

  18. Suzie Q August 16, 2024

    Will there be any online access to the event? That would help reach a global audience.

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