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From Mega Mall to Mega Solar: Shocking Transformation Unleashes Supernova of Green Power. Will This Usher In a New Era of Eco-Friendly Businesses?

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With an impressive record of sustainability practices, Megabangna steps ahead in the league of eco-friendly businesses by inaugurating its upgraded solar panel installation. This colossal rooftop solar arrangement stretches across an impressive 62,000 square meters and includes a whopping 18,139 panels. Thanks to this greener upgrade, Megabangna is now capable of generating more than 12 million units of electricity (KWH) annually. This further solidifies Megabangna’s commitment to a holistic sustainability policy that promotes not only business growth but also societal and environmental value.

Mr. Chaiyasith Suthiwongsunthorn, the Vice President of Facility and Projects at Megabangna, reiterated the company’s ongoing dedication to preserving the environment since its inception. The company has teamed up with Thailand’s top integrated utility and power provider, WHA Utilities and Power Public Company Limited (WHAUP), pushing forward its eco-efforts by increasing the solar panel installation from 8,000 square meters in 2013 to the current 62,000 square meters. With an impactful capacity of up to 10 megawatts, these solar panels power up to provide 12 million units of electricity (KWH) each year. This contributes to a significant energy savings of up to 37% of common area usage yearly compared to 2022, and greatly diminishes carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 8,000 tons.

Mr. Chaiyasith is proud of the solar rooftop revolution, saying, “Our solar rooftop initiative illustrates our desire to conserve energy and decrease national energy consumption. Furthermore, it underlines Megabangna’s commercial focus on understanding the impact on all sectors through our CSR IN-PROCESS approach.” This reflects in the various eco-conscious projects Megabangna undertakes. One such initiative includes constructing a Wastewater Treatment Plant that uses revolutionary membrane technology to eradicate contaminants without the usage of chemicals. The treated water finds use in maintaining trees and cleaning within the shopping centre, thereby reducing tap water consumption by over 100,000 units annually. As part of its future plan, Megabangna also intends to install a recycle water system to enhance water reuse.

Funded by technological advancements, they introduced e-charger stations to support the increasing number of electric vehicle users in Thailand. This significant move encourages the use of alternative vehicles, making a substantial contribution to reducing air pollution. Internally, the organization transitioned to implementing e-tax and i-procurement systems in the finance department to cut down on paper usage and carbon footprints.

Megabangna’s persistent endeavors to conserve energy have yielded notable results, even earning them the distinguished Thailand Energy Award 2020 in the category of energy conservation for controlled buildings. In sync with the company’s dedicated mission to protect the environment and reduce energy consumption, Megabangna renovated its Shopping Centre area to include more green spaces. It introduced Mega Park, a vast green region spanning over 11,200 square meters, making it accessible for customers and the local community. “We are proud to be pioneers in sustainable practices and stay committed to creating an eco-conscious business at Megabangna, truly embodying our idea of a valuable business that harmonizes with society and the environment,” asserts Mr. Chaiyasith.

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