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Han Zhiqiang Celebrates 75th Anniversary of People’s Republic of China with Thai Leaders in Bangkok

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On the splendid evening of September 24, 2024, the Chinese Ambassador to Thailand, Han Zhiqiang, graced a celebratory reception in Bangkok, marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. An impressive gathering of over 2,000 guests joined this significant event. Among the distinguished attendees were Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra, President of the Thai National Assembly Wan Muhamad Noor Matha, Vice Premier Anutin Charnvirakul, Vice Premier Peeraphan Saleerathaviphak, Vice President of the Thai National Assembly Meng Kun, President of the China Overseas Chinese Business Federation Lin Chuqin, President of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce Xu Huishen, and Chairman of the Chaozhou Association.

During his address, Ambassador Han Zhiqiang reminisced about the pivotal third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held in July. He eloquently recounted China’s journey of remarkable achievements, methodical progress, and bolstering international esteem since its inception. He underscored that China’s high-caliber growth offers tremendous prospects for Thailand.

Since 2023, China’s economy has shown a robust resurgence, with its GDP soaring beyond 125 trillion yuan, thereby contributing over 30% to global economic growth. Chinese enterprises have considerably amplified their investment in Thailand, with over 850 Chinese firms now registered with the Chinese Embassy in Thailand. This surge in investment has significantly enhanced Thailand’s export capacity, foreign exchange earnings, tax revenues, and employment opportunities. The optimistic outlook for 2024 suggests a continuing economic upturn for China, with its new productivity growth anticipated to spearhead high-quality development. This, in turn, promises to inject new vigor into Thailand’s economic recovery and kindles the flames of global economic progress.

Han passionately emphasized that China and Thailand share more than just geographical proximity; they are intertwined as close neighbors, connected by majestic mountains and serene rivers, bonded by familial ties, and united as steadfast partners with a common fate. The past three years have witnessed mutual support that has further strengthened the enduring China-Thailand camaraderie. The recent implementation of visa exemption policies between the two nations has deepened interactions across diverse fields, fortified tourism collaboration, advanced police cooperation, and amplified trade. These milestones stand as robust pillars supporting regional integration. Next year, as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and Thailand, Han expressed his eagerness to collaborate with all sectors in Thailand, championing stable development, safeguarding peace and prosperity, and propelling China-Thailand relations to unprecedented heights that benefit both countries.

In his rousing speech, the President of the Thai National Assembly applauded the impressive strides China has made under the aegis of the Communist Party of China over the past 49 years of diplomatic relations. He highlighted the deep-seated bilateral ties and the establishment of a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. Thailand remains deeply grateful for China’s support and assistance, especially during the adversities of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the introduction of visa-free access from March 1st this year, Thailand eagerly anticipates opening new vistas of collaboration with China, working in concert with the Chinese Embassy to foster the sustainable development of bilateral relations.

Wan Muhamad Noor Matha extended his heartfelt congratulations on the momentous occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. He wished for a future of prosperity, strength, and sustainable development for the Chinese people. Emphasizing the importance of cooperative endeavors, he called for stronger collaboration with China to ensure the security of East Asia, deepen partnerships, and collectively promote regional development.

The evening was not just a celebration but a tapestry of shared destinies, interwoven ambitions, and mutual aspirations, heralding a future where both China and Thailand walk hand in hand towards a brighter, more prosperous horizon.


  1. Mark T. September 26, 2024

    This sounds like a massive PR stunt. China’s influence in Thailand is growing too quickly, and it’s alarming!

    • Ying Li September 26, 2024

      Really? I think it’s good for both economies. Thailand can benefit immensely from China’s investment.

      • Skeptic2024 September 26, 2024

        It’s not just about the money. What about Thailand’s sovereignty? Is it worth trading for economic gains?

      • Mark T. September 26, 2024

        Exactly my point, Skeptic2024. Economic benefits aren’t everything. Political independence should matter more.

    • Economist101 September 26, 2024

      Historically, economic interdependence reduces the chance of conflict. It’s a win-win situation.

  2. Sara Mitchell September 26, 2024

    Does anyone else think that making such strong ties with China might backfire in the long run?

    • Rebecca September 26, 2024

      Nope, if anything, it shows smart diplomacy. Better to have China as an ally than an adversary.

      • Sara Mitchell September 26, 2024

        I guess I’m just skeptical. History has shown us that powerful alliances aren’t always to be trusted.

    • James D. September 26, 2024

      China’s a rising superpower. Thailand is smart to align with them now rather than later.

  3. ThaiPride September 26, 2024

    It’s great seeing such positive relations between China and Thailand. This partnership will bring us to new heights.

    • Alex September 26, 2024

      I agree! The economic benefits are undeniable. We should embrace this opportunity.

    • Concerned_Citizen September 26, 2024

      Let’s not forget about human rights issues in China. Should we really overlook that just for economic gain?

      • Pat September 26, 2024

        Good point, Concerned_Citizen. It’s not all roses and sunshine with China.

      • ThaiPride September 26, 2024

        Human rights are important, but we can’t ignore the potential for growth this partnership offers.

  4. John K. September 26, 2024

    It’s impressive how far China has come since the founding of the PRC. Their progress is something to recognize.

  5. Emily M. September 26, 2024

    High-caliber growth? More like high-caliber propaganda. Look at how they handle their own people!

  6. ThaiStudent September 26, 2024

    As a student in Thailand, I’m excited about the educational opportunities this partnership might bring.

    • Bookworm September 26, 2024

      True, China does have some top-tier universities. This could open doors for many students.

  7. historian63 September 26, 2024

    These bilateral celebrations are more than they seem. They often mask underlying power dynamics.

  8. ChatGPT_Fan September 26, 2024

    Celebrating 75 years is symbolic, but what about the environmental impacts of rapid development?

  9. TriggerHappy September 26, 2024

    Who cares about the environment when there’s money to be made? Priorities, people.

    • EcoWarrior September 26, 2024

      That’s a terrible mindset. We need to think about future generations, not just immediate profits.

  10. Maya September 26, 2024

    I attended the event. The atmosphere was electric, truly a testament to the strong bond between the two nations.

  11. FranceLover September 26, 2024

    All this talk about China and Thailand makes me wonder what’s happening with European relations. Are we missing out?

    • EU_Member September 26, 2024

      The EU has its own complexities, but ties with Asia are equally crucial. No one is missing out; it’s just a different kind of partnership.

      • FranceLover September 26, 2024

        I guess so. Still, feels like Asia is becoming the center of global politics.

  12. NoToCCP September 26, 2024

    Supporting China means supporting their oppressive government. Why celebrate that?

  13. GlobalTrader September 26, 2024

    From a business perspective, partnering with China is incredibly advantageous right now. Let’s be real.

  14. Tom J. September 26, 2024

    I get the economic benefits, but is long-term security being compromised here?

    • Nina September 26, 2024

      That’s a valid concern. Balancing economic growth and national security is always a tricky dance.

  15. Maria K. September 26, 2024

    Interesting how China uses these celebrations to further their soft power. Very strategic.

    • Jacob F. September 26, 2024

      Every major power uses soft power. The USA does it, the EU does it, so why criticize China?

    • Maria K. September 26, 2024

      True, but the scale and subtlety of China’s efforts are what’s striking to me.

  16. VC_Pilot September 26, 2024

    On the flipside, think about the job creation and technological advancements these investments bring to Thailand.

  17. EconProfessor September 26, 2024

    Han’s speech was impressive, but let’s not forget, speeches like these are meant to gloss over deeper issues.

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