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IRPC Achieves UL Environmental Claim Validation for Innovative POLIMAXX Polypropylene Grades

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IRPC Public Company Limited, spearheaded by Senior Executive Vice President Wanida Utaisomnapa, is basking in the limelight for a fabulous feat. The company has clinched the UL Environmental Claim Validation (ECV) label from the esteemed Underwriter Laboratories (UL) for its four stellar grades of Polypropylene ‘POLIMAXX’: K4510B, K4520UB, K4527B, and 1140VC. Yes, folks, we’re talking about the same UL that’s globally renowned for scrutinizing energy efficiency in the plastic manufacturing space, aiming to push the envelope on energy savings and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction.

This triumph is no solo act. It’s the fruit of a dynamic collaboration between IRPC and the legendary Milliken & Company, a powerhouse in the petrochemical products manufacturing and distribution arena. Together, they’ve concocted PP products that pack a punch, thanks to the magical blend of Millad NX8000 additives and Hyperform® Nucleator. These catalysts work wonders in enhancing the properties of the plastic pellets.

All four grades of IRPC’s products have proven their mettle by earning certification for energy-saving efficiency during production, taking a confident step towards shrinking environmental footprints. UL’s stamp of approval underscores IRPC’s dedication to leveraging cutting-edge technology while keeping an eagle eye on environmental impacts.

“UL ECV labels on IRPC’s ‘POLIMAXX’ plastic pellets are not just stamps; they’re a badge of honor, affirming our promise to deliver top-notch products steeped in sustainability and eco-consciousness. Our alliance with Milliken has been a game-changer, empowering IRPC to up the ante in product quality and assure our consumers that their choices are ecosystem-friendly. These four PP grades aren’t just materials; they’re a global benchmark designed to cater to the environmentally-savvy consumer,” elucidated Wanida.

IRPC and Milliken didn’t stop there—they turned up the volume by hosting the show-stopping event “Future Forward: Innovating for Sustainability & Energy Efficiency” at the swanky Ladprao Suite, Centara Grand, Central Plaza Ladprao, Bangkok. The glitzy affair attracted a wide array of business aficionados and curious onlookers. It wasn’t just a pep rally; it was a comprehensive blueprint for future business development embracing global trends spotlighting Sustainability, Environmental Conservation, and Energy Resource Management.

The showcase dazzled attendees with an array of innovative PP products such as PP Random Copolymer enhanced with Millad NX 8000 Additive and PP Homopolymer. High flow rate grades utilizing Milliken’s Hyperform® Nucleator additives stood out with stellar efficiency, reducing energy use in production as well as GHG emissions in line with the Net Zero objective to slash emissions to zero by 2060.

The star-studded forum was a melting pot of domestic and global minds. Vincent Wang, South Asia Commercial Director, Milliken & Company, captivated with his keynote on “Polyolefins Market Update & Sustainability Initiative.” Anh Ho, Account Manager at UL Retail & Consumer Products – Product Sustainability Services, UL VS (Vietnam) Co., Ltd., shed light on the marvelous benefits of the UL ECV Label under “UL Overview and Growth Opportunity with UL ECV Label.” Adding more local flair, Kongsak Dokbua, Vice President of the Plastics Market Intelligent Department at the Plastics Institute of Thailand, Ministry of Industry, outlined “Opportunities for the Packaging Industry in Thailand’s Economic Landscape.”

The event also featured an insightful panel discussion— “Navigating Innovation for Sustainable Plastic Solutions.” Prominent voices included Promporn Sinsoke, Senior Vice President, Integrated Petrochemical, IRPC, and Dr. Zina Zhu, Asia Senior Market Manager, Milliken & Company. They dissected cooperative advancements in PP plastic pellets development, focusing on grades that boast more clarity sans Optical Brighteners (OB) for food safety and others with high processing rate properties that significantly curb energy consumption in manufacturing.

Obtaining the UL ECV label fortifies IRPC’s resolve to connect the value chain through strategic partnerships, fostering sustainable growth and bolstering the competitive edge of Thai enterprises on the global stage. It’s not just about surviving; it’s about thriving with an environmentally-conscious mindset, scaling new heights in innovation and sustainability.


  1. Jane Doe July 11, 2024

    This is great news for the environment! It’s fantastic to see companies like IRPC leading the way in sustainable manufacturing.

    • Joe July 11, 2024

      Yes, but how much of this is just greenwashing? Companies often boast about sustainability while doing the bare minimum.

      • Jane Doe July 11, 2024

        I agree that skepticism is healthy, but UL certification is pretty reputable. It’s not just a sticker; it requires actual proof of energy efficiency and reduced GHG emissions.

      • Ecogeek42 July 11, 2024

        Even if there’s some greenwashing, it’s still a step in the right direction. These certifications push companies to maintain better standards.

    • Larry D July 11, 2024

      Exactly. Every bit helps. We need more corporations to follow this trend!

  2. TechSavvy July 11, 2024

    Innovations like Millad NX8000 additives and Hyperform Nucleator sound great, but does anyone know if they have any downsides?

    • Scientist89 July 11, 2024

      Primarily, these additives improve clarity and processing speed, which are big positives. However, there might be some concerns around the long-term environmental impacts that haven’t been fully explored yet.

      • GreenDude July 11, 2024

        Exactly. We always find out about the side effects way later. Better to proceed with caution.

    • Julia July 11, 2024

      I think the benefits outweigh the potential negatives, especially when it comes to reducing energy use and GHG emissions.

  3. grower134 July 11, 2024

    It’s interesting how they’re focusing on food safety without Optical Brighteners. Anyone know why this is important?

    • EcoMum July 11, 2024

      Optical Brighteners can migrate into food and are considered harmful. It’s essential for food safety that packaging doesn’t contain these substances.

      • grower134 July 11, 2024

        Thanks for the info! Makes sense why they’re eliminating them then.

    • HeatingUp July 11, 2024

      It’s also about market competitiveness. Consumers today are more aware and prefer safer options.

  4. TheThinker July 11, 2024

    UL labels are just part of marketing strategies. Genuine sustainability comes from systemic change, not just certifications.

    • Jess July 11, 2024

      True, but systemic change is slow. Certifications like UL can act as catalysts for broader changes.

    • BigBrain July 11, 2024

      Both systemic change and intermediate steps like certifications are essential. One leads to the other.

  5. JustAverageJoe July 11, 2024

    I’m not too familiar with IRPC or Milliken. Are they big players in this industry?

    • IndustryInsider July 11, 2024

      Yes, both are significant within the petrochemical sector, especially in Asia. Their collaboration here is a big deal.

      • JustAverageJoe July 11, 2024

        Got it. Thanks for the clarification!

  6. EcoWarrior July 11, 2024

    How much of this impact is measurable? Do they have any data to back these claims?

    • AnalyticalMind July 11, 2024

      UL certification generally requires detailed measurements and audits. They wouldn’t have gotten it without solid data.

      • EcoWarrior July 11, 2024

        That’s reassuring. Still, would be good to see some of that data publicly available.

      • DataJunkie July 11, 2024

        Transparency is key. I would love to see more of these companies publishing their findings.

  7. Max July 11, 2024

    I was at the ‘Future Forward’ event, and it was mind-blowing! The innovations presented were cutting-edge and truly inspiring.

  8. SkepticSmith July 11, 2024

    Impressive strides, but are these advancements accessible to smaller companies? It’s useless if only giants can implement them.

    • Optimist123 July 11, 2024

      Usually, innovations trickle down. What starts with big companies often becomes more accessible over time.

      • SkepticSmith July 11, 2024

        I hope you’re right. Smaller businesses are the backbone of the economy, and they need to be included in this green revolution.

    • Capsule July 11, 2024

      It’s already happening in some sectors. Give it time.

  9. EcoAnywhere July 11, 2024

    Hosting such an event in Bangkok shows the global reach of sustainability initiatives. It’s not just a Western trend.

  10. Linda July 11, 2024

    I think more educational institutions should get involved with these kinds of initiatives. The new generation needs to be a part of the solution.

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