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Kornphapiporn Phok-Imsin: Venomous Snake Bite in Cinema Sparks Legal Battle and Public Outcry

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Two months ago, Kornphapiporn Phok-Imsin had what can only be described as the unexpected and harrowing experience of a lifetime—one that involved a dark cinema, a venomous snake, and now, a rather lackluster compensation offer. After taking matters into her own hands, she’s making sure her voice is heard loud and clear.

The 27-year-old was enjoying a movie night with her family at a shopping mall in the bustling Rama II area on the evening of July 31. Little did she know that her relaxing outing would turn into a real-life thriller.

It started innocuously enough. Kornphapiporn settled into her seat, kicked off her shoes, and prepared for a cozy film-watching experience. But midway through the movie, she felt something uncanny crawling across her feet. The next moment was a surreal blend of surprise and pain. “I shook my feet and felt a sharp sting on my left foot,” she recounted. Upon further examination, she discovered two distinctive red spots that closely resembled snake bite marks.

In a state of shock and increasing discomfort, she immediately alerted the cinema staff. They swiftly administered first aid before she was rushed to a nearby hospital. The attending doctor confirmed their worst fears—she had likely been bitten by a venomous snake. The ordeal didn’t end there. Kornphapiporn had to stay overnight for observation, and her hospital bill came up to a steep 25,000 baht.

Upon being discharged, Kornphapiporn lost no time. She filed an immediate report with the Tha Kham Police Station, setting the ball rolling for what would become an extended and stressful negotiation with the cinema operator. After what seemed like an endless series of requests, the theatre finally reimbursed her hospital bill, albeit grudgingly, a week later.

However, the cinema’s notion of taking full responsibility didn’t sit well with Kornphapiporn. On Monday, they reached out with an offer of an additional 6,990 baht—a sum she found utterly inadequate and insincere. “It felt like a token gesture rather than a genuine attempt to make amends,” she pointedly observed.

Frustrated but undeterred, she decided to escalate the matter. On Tuesday, Kornphapiporn submitted a formal petition to Ekapop Luengprasert, a prominent adviser to the Interior Minister and the driving force behind the Sai Mai Tong Rod Facebook page. The page has a reputation for addressing a plethora of public grievances, making it an ideal platform for Kornphapiporn to voice her plight.

Ekapop didn’t take the situation lightly. He vowed to collaborate with the Tha Kham Police Station to get to the bottom of the issue. “We’re looking into this as a potential criminal case. After all, the public’s safety was jeopardized,” he stated firmly.

As Kornphapiporn’s story gains traction, it serves as a potent reminder of the peculiar, unpredictable curveballs life can throw and the lengths one may need to go to seek justice. Whether she’ll receive a more fitting compensation remains to be seen, but her determined stand underscores the importance of accountability and public safety.

As we await further developments in this compelling saga, one thing’s certain: if you thought movies were the only source of high drama, think again. Real-life confrontations often make for the most gripping narratives.


  1. Larry Davis September 24, 2024

    This is insane! How does a venomous snake even get into a cinema? The management should be held fully accountable.

    • grower134 September 24, 2024

      Totally agree. But come on, 6,990 baht? That’s like $200! They think a person’s wellbeing is worth that little?

      • User123 September 24, 2024

        Sadly, it’s always about minimizing costs for them. But this is a massive safety issue that could have had even worse consequences.

      • Larry Davis September 24, 2024

        Exactly! What if it had bitten a child? The cinema needs to rethink their whole safety and pest control measures.

    • Nina R. September 24, 2024

      It’s not just about the money. It’s about taking responsibility. The cinema should make sure such things don’t happen again!

      • grower134 September 24, 2024

        Right! Accountability is key. This should be a wake-up call for all public places.

  2. Joe September 24, 2024

    Honestly, why didn’t she wear shoes? It’s her own fault for being careless!

    • Katie M. September 24, 2024

      Seriously, Joe? Blaming the victim? She was in a movie theater! People kick off their shoes all the time.

    • Paul H. September 24, 2024

      There is no excuse for a venomous snake being in a cinema, whether she had shoes on or not. Let’s hold the right people responsible.

    • Joe September 24, 2024

      Just saying, personal responsibility matters too. But yeah, the cinema should not have had a snake there in the first place.

  3. Alice September 24, 2024

    The fact that she had to take it to social media to get action tells you everything you need to know about the priorities of the cinema operators.

    • Tom S September 24, 2024

      It’s sad we live in a time where social media is the only way to get justice. Companies react only when their image is threatened.

    • Alice September 24, 2024

      Exactly, Tom. It’s about public pressure. Without it, they sweep everything under the rug.

  4. Sammy September 24, 2024

    This reminds me of that time a raccoon got loose in my local supermarket. These situations are less rare than we think!

    • Hannah W September 24, 2024

      Raccoons are one thing, but a venomous snake? That’s in a whole different league of danger.

  5. Larry D September 24, 2024

    People need to stop overreacting. It was just a freak accident. Things happen.

    • Sarah P. September 24, 2024

      Accidents? If someone had died would you still think it’s an overreaction? Public spaces should be secure!

    • Larry D September 24, 2024

      Yes, they should be secure. But we can’t control every little thing. Sometimes unexpected things happen.

  6. Eduardo September 24, 2024

    Outrageous! She should sue them for millions. Health and safety should be paramount, not an afterthought.

  7. Jenna September 24, 2024

    Glad she had the presence of mind to report to the police and escalate it. Some people would have just let it slide.

  8. Franklin J September 24, 2024

    A petition to Ekapop Luengprasert? Now it sounds like she is seeking fame out of this. Report it, yes, but dragging big names is too much.

  9. Sophie September 24, 2024

    Her story should be an eye-opener for other businesses. It’s not just about compensating; it’s about preventing future incidents.

    • Paul G. September 24, 2024

      Sophie, you’re right. This could have easily been avoided with routine inspections and better management practices.

    • Sophie September 24, 2024

      Absolutely! Hopefully, this serves as a lesson and prompts more rigorous safety protocols.

  10. Larry Davis September 24, 2024

    I’m wondering if they even know how the snake got in. That part is still unclear. They ought to do a full investigation.

  11. Selena September 24, 2024

    It’s hard to believe this happened in a city area. Makes you wonder about the state of other public facilities.

  12. George T September 24, 2024

    If Kornphapiporn doesn’t get proper compensation, it will set a terrible precedent. Businesses need to be held to high safety standards.

  13. Justine September 24, 2024

    The fact that she had to stay overnight in the hospital and they’re offering her such a paltry sum is insulting.

  14. Tommy September 24, 2024

    If she gets more money, then won’t everyone start claiming injuries for payouts? We need to be cautious about this becoming a trend.

  15. Phoebe September 24, 2024

    Tommy, there’s a difference between exploiting a situation and genuinely seeking justice. Her case is legit.

  16. Amit S. September 24, 2024

    Good for her for standing up. Sometimes we need to go public to get action.

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