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Madame Dear’s Political Crusade: Can She Usher in a New Era for Thailand’s Oldest Party?

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Amid the hustle and bustle of political fervor, Watanya Bunnag—or as she’s affectionately known, Madame Dear—swept through the doors of the Democrat Party headquarters, her poise as resolute as her decision to vie for the top spot of the party’s leadership. It was last Wednesday that she graced the corridors, her presence a clear signal of change on the horizon.

Madame Dear isn’t just another contender in the political arena; she’s the people’s beacon, leading the charge in public opinion polls conducted by the esteemed National Institute of Development Administration, or Nida Poll. With a leadership vote settled for the frosty morn of December 9th, the clock ticks for the Democrat Party—Thailand’s senior-most political organization, currently embroiled in internal tension and a dire need for directional clarity.

This all-important poll, an intricate dance of telephonic interviews spanning November 28th to 30th, canvassed the thoughts of 1,310 respondents, each one a tapestry of diversely-tiered education, occupation, and economic standing from across the country. The focus? To delve into the hearts and minds of the citizenry regarding the Democrat Party’s future.

The Party’s search for a new committee comes in the wake of not one, but two failed general assemblies—both bereft of the quorum needed to usher in a new leadership after Jurin Laksanawisit’s departure from the helm. The data paints a vivid picture: 50.53% of participants admitted to never having cast their vote for the Democrats; 35.80% had been loyal in the past—but not as of the May 14, 2023, election; 12.52% wore their voting history like a badge of honor, including the last bout; and a mere 1.15% held the unfortunate honor of having never indulged in their voting right.

When probed for the elixir to revitalize the Democrats’ waning embrace, respondents gave a clarion call for a smorgasbord of remedies. A healthy 45.50% prescribed a revitalizing overhaul—fit for the new age of Thai politics; 35.65% prescribed the panacea of strong leadership; 17.94% suggested meticulously selecting sterling candidates for both national and local stages; 17.79% advocated for the shining potential of resistance in the opposition; 15.34% yearned for the lost sheep—the former core members—to return and reignite the party’s fiery spirit; 13.51% hinted at a quest for unity; 8.09% had dreams of joining the government ranks to spark tangible change; 7.94% championed the need for a competent secretary-general; and a bewildered 1.45% were adrift in a sea of indifference.

The question of who could captain this venerable ship saw a multitude of names tossed into the ballot box of public opinion, with Madame Dear leading at 27.10%. Yet, the winds of democracy carried other names too: Chalermchai Sri-on at a close second, followed by a parade of hopefuls—Abhisit Vejjajiva, Narapat Kaewthong, the venerable Chuan Leekpai, and a peppering of other valiant warriors like Suchatvee Suwansawat, Jurin Laksanawisit, and Banyat Bantadtan. Regardless of the names, the unanswered question lingered in the minds of 28.32% of respondents: who would sail the Democrat Party to calmer waters?

Visions of the party’s fate post-election varied: 36.11% forecasted a newfound unity; 24.38% sensed the foreboding presence of a political miasma; 18.39% prophesied further splintering with desertions abound; 15.27% foretold yet another failed attempt at selecting their guiding council; and in the shadows, 5.65% couldn’t—or wouldn’t—hazard a guess.

At the heart of it all stands Watanya Bunnag, a figure of political valor and determination. With a title like Madame Dear, she wields a blend of benevolence and authority as she navigates the treacherous waters of Thailand’s political landscape. It’s a hushed wait till December 9th—a day set to be etched in history as either the dawn of the Democrats’ resurgence or another chapter of struggles within a party craving for a triumphant narrative in the ever-unpredictable saga of Thai politics.

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