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NAIXUE Expands in Bangkok: New Central World Location Delights Tea Enthusiasts

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Following the triumphant launch of its inaugural branch in Thailand at Emsphere late last year, NAIXUE, a renowned and beloved premium Chinese tea brand with over 1,900 locations worldwide, has stirred up much excitement among both locals and international visitors. The grand opening drew long queues of eager enthusiasts, all yearning to taste the authentic beverages sourced directly from China. This year, NAIXUE is poised to elevate the experience for Thai customers by unveiling a lively and vibrant new location on the first floor of Central World shopping mall, sprawling over more than 200 square metres.

The shop’s interior is a feast for the eyes, featuring classic wooden tones that evoke the essence of traditional Chinese aesthetics, while seamlessly blending in contemporary elements. The extensive menu is a wonder to behold, boasting over 48 exquisite beverages and desserts. From fresh fruit tea to milk tea, Da Hong Pao tea, coffee, and a delightful assortment of baked goods, every item is meticulously designed to complement the beverage offerings, ensuring a refined and memorable tea-drinking experience. NAIXUE is unwavering in its dedication to leading the high-quality tea market and aspires to promote and share Chinese tea culture on a global scale.

The launch of these two branches in Bangkok signifies NAIXUE’s robust belief in the potential of the Thai consumer market. It also underscores the brand’s steadfast commitment to celebrating a rich tea culture, introducing contemporary tea-drinking practices that deeply resonate with the lifestyles of the new generation. Furthermore, NAIXUE aims to amplify the global presence of Chinese tea culture, marking a significant stride in its expansion within upscale shopping centres around the world.

Immerse yourself in the exceptional quality and experience of NAIXUE’s Chinese tea, which has set the benchmark in the tea beverage sector. You can find this extraordinary tea at the first-floor locations of Emsphere and Central World. Stay abreast of NAIXUE’s latest news and tantalizing promotions by visiting and following their official Instagram at @naixuetea.thailand.


  1. Lucas August 26, 2024

    NAIXUE expanding in Thailand is fantastic! Their teas are truly an Asian delicacy.

    • TeaLover2023 August 26, 2024

      Absolutely, the quality of their teas is unparalleled. Have you tried their Da Hong Pao?

      • Lucas August 26, 2024

        Yes, I did! It’s robust and flavorful, definitely a standout.

      • Jenny P August 26, 2024

        I thought Da Hong Pao was overrated. The fruit teas are definitely better.

        • Lucas August 26, 2024

          Interesting take, Jenny. Taste is so subjective when it comes to tea.

  2. Pauline M August 26, 2024

    Isn’t this just another form of cultural imperialism? China pushing their products globally.

    • John Bidd August 26, 2024

      I think it’s more about sharing culture than pushing it. There’s a big difference.

      • Pauline M August 26, 2024

        I see your point, but why not promote local Thai tea culture instead?

      • Ashley T August 26, 2024

        Exactly, it’s about celebrating diverse cultures. People have choices.

    • Grower124 August 26, 2024

      Competition drives quality. Thai tea brands will also improve.

  3. Tommy Lee August 26, 2024

    The aesthetics of NAIXUE’s stores are top-notch. Such a blend of tradition and modernity.

    • Mira Sanchez August 26, 2024

      I agree, the ambiance enhances the tea-drinking experience.

      • Chad99 August 26, 2024

        It’s just a gimmick. It’s the tea that should matter most.

      • Tommy Lee August 26, 2024

        It’s gotta be the whole package for a premium experience, Chad.

  4. Sarah W August 26, 2024

    Finally, a good place for quality milk tea in Central World! The local vendors just don’t cut it.

  5. Troy August 26, 2024

    NAIXUE doesn’t just sell tea; it’s an experience. Worth every penny.

    • Anna August 26, 2024

      True, but the prices are steep for Bangkok standards.

      • Troy August 26, 2024

        Quality often comes at a price. You get what you pay for.

  6. TeaConnoisseur84 August 26, 2024

    I appreciate how NAIXUE introduces traditional teas to a modern audience, bridging the gap between generations.

    • Emily R August 26, 2024

      It’s a noble endeavor. Plus, the younger crowd gets to learn about rich heritage.

      • TeaConnoisseur84 August 26, 2024

        Exactly! Knowledge and appreciation of tea culture is invaluable.

  7. BkkResident37 August 26, 2024

    Does anyone know if NAIXUE will have any special promotions for the new store launch?

    • TeaLover2023 August 26, 2024

      They usually do. Keep an eye on their social media pages.

    • FrancisD August 26, 2024

      I heard there will be discounts on the first week. Can’t wait!

  8. Joe August 26, 2024

    I went to the grand opening, the lines were insane but totally worth it!

    • Chad99 August 26, 2024

      Are people really going to stand in line for tea? Sounds crazy to me.

      • Jenny P August 26, 2024

        Good things come to those who wait, Chad.

    • Joe August 26, 2024

      It’s not just about the tea, it’s the whole experience. You should try it.

  9. Larry D August 26, 2024

    With NAIXUE’s rapid expansion, can quality be maintained consistently across all locations?

    • Chris August 26, 2024

      Good point, Larry. Sometimes rapid growth can compromise quality.

      • Larry D August 26, 2024

        Exactly. It’s important to keep the standard high.

  10. Hannah S August 26, 2024

    It’s intriguing how NAIXUE is promoting Chinese tea globally. Shows their confidence in their product.

  11. ZenithEcho August 26, 2024

    Why don’t they focus on quality rather than rapid expansion? Genuine tea lovers would prefer that.

  12. Mara K August 26, 2024

    I think it’s great that NAIXUE is giving more people access to premium Chinese tea, even if it means expanding quickly.

    • TeaGeek August 26, 2024

      If the quality remains high, we all win. More places to enjoy good tea!

    • Gabriel August 26, 2024

      True, but the consistency is key. One bad experience can tarnish the brand.

  13. Penny August 26, 2024

    How about collaborating with local Thai tea makers? Could create some interesting blends and support local businesses.

  14. Melinda J August 26, 2024

    Can’t wait to visit the new store! Their menu sounds delightful.

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