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NT Shines at China-ASEAN Forum: Ms. Wannapha Srisangangkul’s Vision for Submarine Cable Innovation

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National Telecom Public Company Limited (NT) made waves at the China-ASEAN Submarine Cable Cooperation Forum, an illustrious gathering held in Beijing, People’s Republic of China, on July 4, 2024. This vibrant forum served as a bustling marketplace for exchanging cutting-edge experiences in developing submarine cables among ASEAN country representatives. It was a confluence of minds eager to share profound insights on the international submarine cable industry, primed to explore expanded horizons of cooperation in submarine cables and digital infrastructure development across the ASEAN region.

Representing NT with commendable zeal were Ms. Wannapha Srisangangamkul, the dynamic Assistant Vice President of Data Communication Marketing and Product Development, Mr. Arunsak Nitin, the astute Manager of Transmission Network Engineering Sector, Dr. Natthaphong Liamcharoen, the strategic Manager of International Network Sector, and Mr. Phithak Thiangphuk, the insightful Manager of International Data Communication Sector. Together, they shared a treasure trove of knowledge and strategic guidelines for advancing international submarine cable technology with their ASEAN counterparts.

Ms. Wannapha Srisangangamkul took center stage with her riveting presentation on “The Growth Engine and Digital Infrastructure Opportunities in Thailand.” Her talk was nothing short of a masterclass in highlighting the burgeoning opportunities within Thailand’s creative economy and digital infrastructure sectors. Representing one of ASEAN’s leading submarine cable providers, NT dazzled with its showcase of a robust and diverse infrastructure. Their impressive array of international interconnections, boasting a network capable of linking to an impressive maximum of eight submarine cable systems, truly stood out. The Thailand Crossing infrastructure, a linchpin for seamless connectivity, bridges the submarine cable system between the Eastern and Western fringes of Asia, ensuring a stable and comprehensive network.

Ms. Wannapha emphasized NT’s readiness to support international data communication for global businesses. She highlighted the rising wave of various telecommunications, the unstoppable growth of Cloud Providers, Content Providers, and OTTs, along with progressive government policies harnessing digital technology to propel the economy forward. Her vision painted a future where digital infrastructure fortifies the economic foundation of the country, fostering societal advancement and enhanced stability.

The China-ASEAN Submarine Cable Cooperation Forum itself was a buzzing hive of activity, with over 170 attendees gracing the event. This included an array of government representatives and telecommunications service providers from all 10 ASEAN countries. The forum was a smorgasbord of best practices, a sharing platform for experiences in developing international submarine cables, and a crucible for expanding regional cooperation in submarine and digital infrastructure development.

The palpable excitement and collective wisdom shared at the forum signaled a bright future for the interconnected digital landscapes of ASEAN, driven by innovations in submarine cable technologies. This camaraderie and collaboration set the stage for remarkable advancements, weaving a tapestry of resilient, high-speed international data communication networks, built to support the world’s burgeoning digital ecosystems.


  1. Alex D July 16, 2024

    This is a significant milestone for NT and Thailand! The focus on submarine cables will undoubtedly boost digital infrastructure across ASEAN.

    • SammyRocks July 16, 2024

      Absolutely! This will exponentially increase internet speeds and connectivity. Can’t wait to see the effects on the regional economy.

      • Kate July 16, 2024

        But isn’t there a risk of over-reliance on submarine cables? Natural disasters or geopolitical tensions could break these links.

      • Alex D July 16, 2024

        Kate, true, but redundancy and diverse routes can mitigate those risks. Plus, innovation and maintenance continue to improve reliability.

    • Dr. Liam July 16, 2024

      This investment will also put pressure on other regions to upgrade their infrastructure. It’s a domino effect.

  2. Thai Citizen July 16, 2024

    This could make our internet more expensive, though. How will regular people afford it?

    • TechMind1987 July 16, 2024

      Increased infrastructure usually leads to competition, which can drive prices down. Let’s stay optimistic!

      • Mary Lee July 16, 2024

        Yes, competition is key. Government policies should ensure fair play and affordable rates.

    • NTFan July 16, 2024

      True, but the long-term benefits might outweigh the initial cost. Improved services and new business opportunities can emerge.

    • Thai Citizen July 16, 2024

      I hope so. It’s just that tech improvements often seem to benefit big businesses more than the average person.

  3. Larry Davis July 16, 2024

    The involvement of NT in such international forums is critical for Thailand’s global presence in the digital economy.

  4. Explorer24 July 16, 2024

    This is great, but what about environmental impacts? Submarine cables can disrupt marine ecosystems.

  5. Sandra July 16, 2024

    Very insightful point. I’m sure there are protocols in place to minimize environmental damage.

    • Greta July 16, 2024

      Yes, but protocols aren’t always followed strictly. We need more transparency and enforcement.

    • OceanLover July 16, 2024

      Agree with Greta. More focus on sustainability is needed in such projects.

    • Sandra July 16, 2024

      Valid concerns. However, the potential benefits for regional connectivity might be worth the careful navigation of these issues.

  6. BigFanNT July 16, 2024

    Ms. Wannapha Srisangangkul is such an inspiring leader. It’s wonderful to see females leading in tech!

    • SkepticalSam July 16, 2024

      Let’s hope it’s more than just a token position and she makes real, impactful decisions.

      • Alina K. July 16, 2024

        From her presentation, it seems she’s a substantial force in shaping NT’s future. Time will tell.

    • Larry D July 16, 2024

      Gender shouldn’t matter as long as they are competent. Ms. Wannapha seems highly capable.

  7. TechGeek July 16, 2024

    This forum signifies the ASIAN region’s commitment to developing a digital economy. It’s an exciting time for tech enthusiasts.

  8. Sunny July 16, 2024

    Will smaller countries in ASEAN benefit equally from these advancements in submarine cables?

    • Economist42 July 16, 2024

      Good question. Larger economies might benefit more, but regional cooperation can ensure a more balanced development.

    • Sunny July 16, 2024

      I hope the forum discussed mechanisms for fair distribution of these advancements.

  9. John July 16, 2024

    I’m not so sure about the benefits. Infrastructure projects often face delays and budget overruns. Will this be different?

  10. EngineerLeo July 16, 2024

    Critical point, John. These projects can be complex and prone to hurdles. But modern project management techniques can mitigate many issues.

  11. RandomUser99 July 16, 2024

    I’m thrilled about faster internet, but what about cybersecurity risks with expanded infrastructure?

    • CyberSam July 16, 2024

      A valid concern. Increased infrastructure means more points of vulnerability. Robust cybersecurity measures are crucial.

    • RandomUser99 July 16, 2024

      Exactly. Hope NT has a strong focus on this aspect.

  12. Karen W. July 16, 2024

    Beautiful initiative! Proud to see ASEAN countries collaborating for a shared digital future.

  13. CryptoJack July 16, 2024

    How will this impact the cryptocurrency space in Thailand and ASEAN? Faster internet equals more trading?

    • BTC_Ben July 16, 2024

      Possibly. Improved infrastructure can lead to faster transactions and greater market participation.

  14. Maria G. July 16, 2024

    The government’s role is pivotal here. Policy direction will determine how these advancements affect ordinary people.

    • GovtAnalyst July 16, 2024

      Indeed, proactive policies and transparent governance are essential for equitable benefits.

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