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Pakistan Waives Visa Fees for Travelers from 126 Countries, Including Thailand

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Passengers at Suvarnabhumi airport on April 11.
Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb

In a bold move to attract more global visitors, the Pakistani government has announced a game-changing alteration to its visa policy. Effective immediately, travelers from 126 countries, including Thailand, will enjoy waived visa fees when visiting Pakistan. This exciting new policy, which took effect on Wednesday, aims to simplify the process and make Pakistan a more enticing destination for both tourists and business investors.

Previously, Thai passport holders had to shell out 1,300 baht for a tourist visa and 1,950 baht for a business visa. Additionally, they were limited to a maximum stay of 30 days. With the new regulations, the burdensome visa fees tied to the e-visa system are lifted, and the permissible stay period is generously extended to an impressive 90 days.

The Pakistani government is optimistic that this visa policy overhaul will act as a magnet, drawing in tourists eager to explore the country’s rich cultural tapestry and businessmen ready to seize new investment opportunities. The move is part of a strategic initiative to bolster both tourism and foreign investments, giving Pakistan a competitive edge in the international arena.

Interestingly, several other Southeast Asian nations have also made it onto Pakistan’s visa exemption list. Travelers from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines can now enjoy a similarly hassle-free and cost-effective travel experience. It’s a remarkable roll call that underscores Pakistan’s commitment to fostering closer ties within the region.

So, whether you’re dreaming of trekking amidst the majestic peaks of the Karakoram Range, eager to dive into the historical allure of Lahore, or looking to explore business opportunities in bustling Karachi, Pakistan’s new visa policy sweeps away previous barriers and beckons with open arms. Don’t miss your chance to explore this vibrant and diverse land without the usual visa hassle. Pack your bags and set your sights on Pakistan—it’s now easier, more welcoming, and ready for your adventure!


  1. Jill August 16, 2024

    This is great news for travelers! I’ve always wanted to visit Pakistan but the visa fees and process were a hassle.

    • this_is_sparta August 16, 2024

      Yeah, but what about safety? Pakistan isn’t exactly known for being the safest destination.

      • Jill August 16, 2024

        That’s a good point. However, safety can be a concern in many places. Do your research and travel responsibly.

      • Alisha Khan August 16, 2024

        As a Pakistani, I can assure you that most tourist areas are very safe. Media often exaggerates.

  2. David R August 16, 2024

    Waiving visa fees will definitely boost tourism, but what’s the catch? Pakistan must be gaining something more than just tourists.

    • traveler101 August 16, 2024

      It’s likely a strategic move to attract foreign investors too. More tourists, more potential business opportunities.

      • David R August 16, 2024

        True, but I hope they have the infrastructure to support the expected influx of tourists and investors.

  3. Sophie August 16, 2024

    This could really help boost Pakistan’s economy through tourism and foreign investments. It’s a smart move by their government.

    • Mohammed Z August 16, 2024

      Absolutely. This will generate more revenue and jobs. Pakistan has so much potential yet to be tapped.

    • Amit Patel August 16, 2024

      It’s interesting to see the mix of countries that got the visa waiver. Seems like a very calculated decision.

  4. Kaylee S August 16, 2024

    It’s a fantastic idea! I think more countries should adopt such policies to boost tourism.

    • travelbug42 August 16, 2024

      Yes, but every country has different security and economic concerns. Not everyone can afford to waive visa fees.

  5. Naseer August 16, 2024

    As a Pakistani, I welcome this change. It will show the world the beauty of my country.

  6. Emma J August 16, 2024

    Pakistan is on my travel bucket list! This makes it so much easier to plan a trip.

    • jetsetter98 August 16, 2024

      Same here! This really opens up new possibilities for adventurous travelers.

  7. George T August 16, 2024

    This change in policy might attract unwanted elements too. They should be vigilant about who they let in.

    • Sana Malik August 16, 2024

      I’m sure they have thought about security measures. It’s a balance between security and economic benefit.

    • George T August 16, 2024

      I hope so. The last thing we want is increased threats due to lax visa policies.

  8. Chris August 16, 2024

    I’m skeptical. What guarantee is there that this will actually boost tourism significantly?

  9. John Doe August 16, 2024

    For a country trying to improve its global image, this is a step in the right direction.

  10. Laila Al August 16, 2024

    My family and I visited Pakistan last year. It was an amazing experience. This will definitely encourage repeat visitors.

  11. Phil August 16, 2024

    More countries should collaborate like this for mutual benefits. Southeast Asia and Pakistan could be trendsetters.

    • worldtraveler August 16, 2024

      Yes, regional cooperation can have powerful results, especially in boosting tourism.

  12. Paul W August 16, 2024

    This move seems like an attempt to counter the negative perception of Pakistan. It’s worth a shot, at least.

  13. Emily August 16, 2024

    Would love to visit Pakistan! I hope they maintain high standards in tourism services.

    • Ali Raza August 16, 2024

      Pakistan has been improving its tourism infrastructure steadily. You won’t be disappointed.

    • Emily August 16, 2024

      Good to know, Ali! I’ll start planning my trip soon then.

  14. Michael S August 16, 2024

    Is this visa waiver only for these 126 countries? What about others?

  15. greeneyes77 August 16, 2024

    Removing visa fees will help but will it really make a huge difference in attracting tourists? I’m not sure.

  16. Ahmed August 16, 2024

    Great step by the government! Pakistan has so much to offer in terms of natural beauty and culture. Now more people can witness it.

  17. Anna M August 16, 2024

    Being from Thailand, this news is super exciting for me. Can’t wait to explore Pakistan!

  18. Charlotte August 16, 2024

    I hope other countries follow suit. Lowering visa barriers can bring people closer.

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