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Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin Launches Nationwide Drug-Free Zones Inspired by Roi Et and Nan Models

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The government is gearing up to set up drug-free zones across the country, drawing inspiration from the successful Roi Et and Nan models, aiming to complete this endeavor by September 30. Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, during a recent mobile cabinet meeting, pledged to tackle the nation’s drug issues with an arsenal of support from various agencies.

Addressing the gravity of the drug menace, Mr. Srettha announced a two-pronged approach: cracking down on drug dealers and providing treatment for addicts to aid their smooth reintegration into society. He called upon provincial governors, particularly in Nakhon Ratchasima, to implement the drug suppression strategies demonstrated in Roi Et and Nan within their jurisdictions.

The Roi Et and Nan model is currently operational in Thawatchaburi district of Roi Et and Tha Wang Pha district of Nan. The core strategy involves designating high-drug-prevalence areas as no-tolerance zones. The Prime Minister emphasized the effectiveness of this model, noting its well-structured protocols and the seamless cooperation among state agencies.

“The suppression of drugs is a matter of utmost importance and stands as the government’s top priority because the scourge of drugs poses a significant threat to our collective future,” Mr. Srettha stressed. He urged provincial governors to work hand-in-hand with the police, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board, and other relevant agencies to thoroughly inspect all red-zone areas. The goal is to identify drug users for rehabilitation and prosecute the dealers robustly.

The plan also dictates that law enforcement and key ministries—including Interior, Public Health, and Defence—will lead the rehabilitation efforts. The Public Health Ministry is tasked with the critical role of screening drug users. Meanwhile, the Department of Mental Health and psychiatric institutions will oversee the rehabilitation process, ensuring the recovery journey is comprehensive and effective.

In addition to these efforts, Mr. Srettha called on the education and innovation ministries to play a proactive role in preventing drug use among children. By implementing educational programs and preventive measures, these ministries will help to shield future generations from the peril of drug addiction.

The synchronized efforts of various governmental bodies under this multifaceted approach are expected to provide a robust framework for establishing drug-free zones, echoing the success stories of Roi Et and Nan across the nation. With the government’s unwavering commitment and a united front of agencies, there’s significant optimism that this campaign will pave the way for a drug-free future.


  1. Chris Thompson July 6, 2024

    I think this initiative is long overdue. The drug problem in Thailand has been out of control for years.

    • Anna P. July 6, 2024

      I agree, Chris. But isn’t it a bit too optimistic to think that these drug-free zones will work just like that?

      • Chris Thompson July 6, 2024

        You have a point, Anna. Implementation is key, and it will require constant monitoring to be effective.

      • Jack July 6, 2024

        These things never work! The dealers will just move somewhere else.

    • SavvyInvestor July 6, 2024

      Do you really think cracking down is enough? We need more focus on education and economic opportunities!

  2. grower134 July 6, 2024

    Just another government project that will fail. They never learn.

    • Patti S. July 6, 2024

      That’s quite pessimistic, don’t you think? Shouldn’t we at least support the attempt?

    • grower134 July 6, 2024

      I’ve seen too many of these fail. It’s a waste of resources.

    • R. Mandel July 6, 2024

      But without trying, we have no chance at all. Failure isn’t guaranteed if everyone commits.

  3. AJ Smith July 6, 2024

    The inclusion of public health and education ministries is a step in the right direction. It’s not just about cracking down.

  4. Joe July 6, 2024

    Isn’t this just treating the symptoms? The root cause of drug addiction needs to be addressed.

    • Realist99 July 6, 2024

      Absolutely, Joe. It’s poverty and lack of opportunities that push people to drugs.

    • Marie July 6, 2024

      And let’s not forget mental health issues. We need a comprehensive approach.

    • Joe July 6, 2024

      Exactly, Marie. Mental health support is crucial. Many addicts are just self-medicating underlying issues.

  5. James Fitz July 6, 2024

    I wonder how this plan will affect small communities. Are they too harsh on low-level offenders?

    • EcoWarrior July 6, 2024

      It’s a delicate balance. We need to protect communities but also rehabilitate users humanely.

    • James Fitz July 6, 2024

      Well said. Over-policing could do more harm than good.

    • SafeStreets July 6, 2024

      Communities will benefit in the long run if we remove the criminal element.

  6. Emily R. July 6, 2024

    Education is key! Drug prevention should start in schools from a young age.

    • John D July 6, 2024

      I agree. But kids need role models and real opportunities too.

  7. Naomi L. July 6, 2024

    What about harm reduction strategies? Safe consumption sites, needle exchanges?

  8. Tiara July 6, 2024

    My cousin was an addict and rehabilitation helped him turn his life around. More focus on rehab is crucial.

    • Jordan.P July 7, 2024

      Glad to hear your cousin’s success story. Rehab should definitely be a priority.

  9. Ronald_M July 6, 2024

    Rehabilitation is always better than incarceration for non-violent drug offenses.

    • Sarah July 7, 2024

      Exactly, Ronald. We need to treat addiction as a health issue, not a crime.

    • Ronald_M July 7, 2024

      A humane approach can lead to better outcomes for everyone, including society at large.

  10. Lilian July 7, 2024

    I’ve heard good things about community policing. Maybe that would help?

    • Maverick23 July 7, 2024

      Community policing can bridge the gap between the police and the public. Good idea!

  11. Nadia July 7, 2024

    What resources are being allocated to these plans? Funding is always a concern.

  12. oldmanrivers July 7, 2024

    I remember when the war on drugs started. These initiatives rarely work like they are intended to.

  13. FutureFocus July 7, 2024

    The key is making sure consorted efforts translate into real, sustainable change. Short-term fixes won’t do.

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