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Shock as Thai Party Plans to Inject 500 Billion Baht into Local Economy! Is Financial Chaos Looming or Will This Bold Move Ignite an Unprecedented Economic Surge?

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As articulated by Paopoom Rojanasakul, Pheu Thai’s deputy secretary-general and economic committee spokesperson, a coalition government spearheaded by Pheu Thai has a solid strategy in pipeline. Their main goal is to fulfill the election commitments, being the major coalition associate. This is their highest responsibility towards their people, besides tending to the nation’s economic welfare and people’s contentment.

In the bid to achieve these goals, a significant policy is under consideration—granting a handout of 10,000 baht. The money would be directly transferred into the digital wallet of the recipient. The interesting part is that this digital money can exclusively be spent at local businesses. However, the recipient needs to adhere to certain conditions—they need to be in a 4-kilometer radius of their recorded address and the cash should be used within six months.

Undoubtedly, this huge handout, which might necessitate around 500 billion baht from the state treasury, has a share of critics and analytic masters apprehensive about its implications. The major concern highlighted was that such a massive monetary infusion may surge inflation and sabotage the country’s fiscal discipline.

Addressing these concerns, Paopoom not only dismissed their apprehensions but also substantiated his stance. Drawing on the study conducted, he reassured that the country’s inflation is well under control now.

He further added, “It’s unlikely that the infusion of this kind of money will bring substantial change in the rate of inflation.” His reassurance didn’t stop here. In response to the concerns about fiscal constancy, he underscored their analysis and confidently confirmed that there will be no adverse effect on the nation’s financial stability.

Providing this assurance, he emphasized that Pheu Thai has thoroughly scrutinized the pros and cons of this policy. His strong affirmation backed by analysis put a gentle pause to the warnings raised by financial experts. These experts, encompassing former and current heads of the Bank of Thailand, had earlier issued public warnings about the potential negative effects of such a huge handout on the Thai economy.

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