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Shubhodeep Das Unveils Hylife Group’s Innovative Chiang Mai Headquarters: A Key to Sustainable Growth

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Hylife Group ushered a new era on the 7th of June with the spectacular grand opening of its cutting-edge headquarters in Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai. Helmed by Group CEO Mr. Shubhodeep Das, the event was nothing short of monumental, attracting more than five hundred dignitaries, including board members, employees, and business associates from Thailand and beyond, including Singapore, Korea, Australia, and India. This significant leap forwards underscores Hylife’s relentless pursuit of growth and unwavering commitment to excellence.

The evening was an exhilarating blend of tradition and innovation, creating an electric atmosphere perfect for networking and celebrating. Guests were treated to an entrancing Lanna dance and drum performance, which paid homage to the rich cultural tapestry of Chiang Mai. The celebration didn’t stop there; a jaw-dropping 3D mapping technology display captivated the crowd, showcasing Hylife’s innovative spirit. Guided tours offered an in-depth look at the new three-story office space, conveniently located at No. 63, Nong Kwai Subdistrict, Hang Dong District. With nine distinct business units under one roof, the new headquarters is a testament to Hylife’s dynamic and diverse portfolio.

Hylife’s dedication to sustainability is clearly evident in their new office, which features electric vehicle chargers and carpooling schemes. These green initiatives are a natural extension of the company’s forward-thinking approach to today’s ever-evolving business landscape.

About Hylife Group

Established in 2018, Hylife Group quickly earned a formidable reputation under the visionary leadership of Mr. Shubhodeep Das. With a workforce of over three hundred and fifteen dedicated employees, Hylife Group has poured an impressive 5.5 billion baht into various investments, enriching Chiang Mai’s economic and social fabric.

Diverse Expertise Fuels Growth

Hylife Group operates across three primary sectors:

  • Real Estate: Companies like Hylife Developments, Hylife Property Development, and HA Construction spearhead high-value projects spanning commercial, residential, and various other categories. Their successful ventures include HyCondo Tha Sala, HyParc Hang Dong, HyLuxe Mae Rim, and HyTown Mae Hia.
  • Asset Management: With entities like Hylife Asset, Pinnacle Asset Management, and Hyfirst, the group offers unmatched services such as personal loans, mortgages, foreclosure management, and non-performing loan management, guaranteeing optimal asset utilization for clients.
  • Manufacturing: Dr. Hygiene Medical Products, under the “DR. HYGIENE” brand, produces face masks, air purifiers, and hygiene products. Meanwhile, Hylife Global Food is behind the globally distributed “FUNCO” crispy dried fruits and “FRESHCO” fresh-cut fruits. Advanced technology and a keen focus on sustainable growth are the driving forces behind these ventures.

Building on Success: Hylife Group’s Achievements

Excellence is the hallmark of Hylife Group, and their achievements speak volumes:

Awards & Recognition

  • Dr. Hygiene received the “2021 Lazada TOP 9.9 Seller Rising Star Award”.
  • Hylife Developments’ “HyCondo ThaSala” shattered sales records in Q2/2022, selling out within nine months and generating over 287 million baht. It also secured the FIABCI – Thai Prix D’ Excellence Award 2022 in the Residential Condominium category.
  • CEO Mr. Shubhodeep Das was honored with the “CEO Thailand Award 2023” by the Association of Thai Radio and Television Journalists (ATRT).
  • Dr. Hygiene’s stellar performance was celebrated at the 10th Annual Thailand Business Awards with the “Outstanding Business and Product of the Year 2023” award.
  • Hylife Developments’ “Hyparc Residences Hang Dong” was lauded as the “Best Lifestyle Condo in Chiang Mai” at the DOT Property Thailand Awards 2023.

Business Expansion

  • In 2023, Pinnacle Asset Management strengthened its portfolio by acquiring a non-performing loan (NPL) from Toyota Leasing (Thailand) Ltd. valued at five hundred million Thai Baht, and entered into agreements with BMW and Orico Auto Leasing (Thailand) Ltd., bringing the total value to a staggering six hundred million Thai Baht.
  • Hylife Global Food achieved significant milestones in 2023. They secured a spot in the prestigious Winner Chapter of the Business Network International (BNI) Chiang Mai chapter and invested 422 million Thai Baht in the construction of their Doi Lo factory. They also made their debut at THAIFEX-Anuga Asia 2023.

Global Collaboration

Hylife Group has enhanced its international presence through successful collaborations. In 2024, they co-hosted a major networking event with the Singapore-Thai Chamber of Commerce and the Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce, attracting over one hundred business partners from Thailand and overseas.

Beyond Business: Investing in a Sustainable Future

For Hylife Group, true success transcends financial metrics. They place a strong emphasis on social responsibility and environmental sustainability, actively engaging in community development projects that uplift lives and protect our planet.

Championing Green Building Practices

Hylife Developments launched the “HYFIVE DESIGN AWARD 2022” to explore innovative architectural designs that address PM2.5 pollution, a pressing environmental concern.

Investing in Children’s Well-Being

The group fosters a compassionate community through initiatives like the “BETTER CARING IS HYLIFE’S SHARING” Children’s Day event for Hmong children.

Combating Environmental Threats

Hylife Group, in collaboration with Hylife Developments and Dr. Hygiene Medical Products, supplied critical resources such as face masks and drinking water to the Doi Suthep community for forest fire prevention. Their “HYFIVE FIREBREAK FIRELINE” initiative underscores this commitment, earning the Green Leadership Award at the 2024 Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards by Enterprise Asia.

Community Collaboration

Partnering with the “Chiang Mai Breathe Council,” Hylife Group provided drinking water and face masks for communities in the Ban Pong wildfire prevention area. Additionally, Hylife Asset and HA Construction’s “Charity Outing: Sharing Warmth with Children” on National Children’s Day 2024 highlights their dedication to community service.

Driving Sustainable Growth: Entering the Stock Market

Hylife Group’s ambitions are boundless. They aim to cement their status as a long-term leader across Chiang Mai’s real estate, asset management, and manufacturing sectors. To fuel this vision, Hylife Group plans to enter the stock market, a strategic move that will enable them to raise capital and bolster their commitments to environmental and social responsibilities alongside economic development.

Contact: Hylife Group
Phone: 081-5455966


  1. Rachel89 June 11, 2024

    That new headquarters sounds impressive, but do we really need more corporate giants taking over the real estate market in Chiang Mai?

    • Alex T. June 11, 2024

      Corporate giants can bring a lot of benefits, including jobs and infrastructure improvements. It’s not all bad.

      • Sophie M. June 11, 2024

        But also skyrocketing property prices and loss of local culture. It’s a double-edged sword.

      • Rachel89 June 11, 2024

        Exactly, Sophie. We need to find a balance between development and preserving what makes Chiang Mai unique.

    • business_guru June 11, 2024

      This is the natural evolution of any growing city. Better to have organized development than unplanned chaos.

      • Rachel89 June 11, 2024

        Sure, but are we thinking long-term sustainability or just short-term profits?

      • TechnoGeek June 11, 2024

        With their focus on sustainability, it seems like Hylife Group is thinking long-term. The new headquarters even have electric vehicle chargers!

  2. EcoWarrior June 11, 2024

    I am super impressed with their green initiatives! More companies should follow Hylife’s example.

    • CynicalSam June 11, 2024

      Are they doing it because they care or because it’s trendy and good PR?

      • EcoWarrior June 11, 2024

        Even if it’s just for PR, the environment still benefits. Win-win.

    • SustainableSteve June 11, 2024

      PR or not, the impact on the environment is what matters. Who cares about the motive?

  3. localvillager June 11, 2024

    I grew up in Hang Dong, and while the development is impressive, I worry about the traditional culture being overshadowed.

    • TouristDave June 11, 2024

      As long as they respect the local traditions, it might actually enhance the cultural tapestry by introducing it to more people.

      • localvillager June 11, 2024

        I hope so, but I have my doubts. Big money often ignores the smaller voices.

  4. CFO_Jane June 11, 2024

    Their business diversification is incredible! Real estate, asset management, and manufacturing all under one roof? Genius!

    • FinanceFreak June 11, 2024

      True, but isn’t that spreading themselves too thin? Jack of all trades, master of none?

  5. Paul Sonnino June 11, 2024

    Wow, they even help with forest fire prevention! More big companies should be doing this kind of community work.

    • SkepticalSue June 11, 2024

      Community work is nice, but is it genuine or just for show?

      • Paul Sonnino June 11, 2024

        In the end, the community benefits either way, so does it really matter?

    • VolunteerVicky June 11, 2024

      I’ve seen them in action. Their initiatives look pretty genuine to me.

  6. Grower134 June 11, 2024

    I love their investment in agriculture! ‘FRESHCO’ and ‘FUNCO’ sound like great ventures.

  7. Anita June 11, 2024

    Isn’t anyone concerned about the monopolistic tendencies of such a large group? Their grip on the market just keeps tightening.

    • MarketManiac June 11, 2024

      Competition drives innovation. If they’re doing well, others will step up their game too.

      • Anita June 11, 2024

        But what about the little guys? They get pushed out of the market.

      • EconomistEve June 11, 2024

        It’s capitalism 101. The stronger businesses survive. It’s harsh but that’s the reality.

  8. HistoryBuff June 11, 2024

    Does anyone know if any historical sites or local landmarks were affected by the new construction?

  9. Larry D June 11, 2024

    HyCondo ThaSala sounded impressive with its record sales, but how do they ensure the condos remain affordable for locals?

    • RealtorRich June 11, 2024

      Affordability and high sales usually don’t go hand in hand. It’s more likely that they cater to higher-income residents.

    • Larry D June 11, 2024

      That’s my concern. These developments often ignore the middle and lower-income demographics.

  10. dr.hygienist June 11, 2024

    Proud of Dr. Hygiene’s achievements! The 2021 Lazada TOP 9.9 Seller Rising Star Award is no small feat.

  11. Maya June 11, 2024

    The networking opportunities at the event sound amazing! Connecting with businesses from so many countries must be a game changer.

  12. Eduardo June 11, 2024

    Investing in community and children’s well-being is heartwarming. Not many big companies invest back into the community like this.

    • CriticalChris June 11, 2024

      But are these initiatives sincere or just for good press?

  13. future_investor June 11, 2024

    Might buy some Hylife stocks when they go public! They seem poised for big things.

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