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Siamese twins who are in good health want to work as teachers in Thailand

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One-third of moms die within 24 hours of giving delivery, and half of newborns are stillborn. They were born on January 8, 2009. They’re healthy despite being breastbone-linked. Conjoined twins are unusual. They can stand, move, ride a bike, study, and cook. Both love sweets, but their stomachs differ. Noknoi Pongchamnan, the twins’ grandmother, said they got training and therapy in Bangkok to develop their muscles.

TikTok user @kob 2519 shared the twins’ video, which went viral in Thailand. The Siamese sisters from Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, defy the tradition of conjoined twins being unhealthy and are thriving. The ladies have identical hands and arms, but they share legs. Pin controls only the right leg, whereas Parn both. Pin and Parn are 6th-graders at Santitham Primary in Nakhon Sawan.

Pin and Parn made TikTok accounts after the video went viral and recorded a video thanking the internet. She stated everything was fine besides the occasional need to balance their upper bodies with a gadget. Thailand has the world’s most famous conjoined twins. Eng and Chang Bunker were born conjoined in Thailand in 1811. Traveling to the US to appear in freak shows helped popularize the name “Siamese twins.” Siamese are from Thailand, formerly known as Siam. They enjoy class, seeing friends, and getting high grades. They said their teachers motivated them to become teachers. The twins ate ice cream together in the video. The twins’ cheerful attitude was praised in the post’s comments. In 1874, Eng and Chang were 63. Two hours after Eng’s heart attack, Chang died. Siamese twins who are 13 aspire to be teachers, defying tradition.

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