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Songkran Festival 2023: Thailand’s Airports Prepare for 2.61 Million Passengers Amid Epic Celebrations

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Welcome to the most exhilarating travel season of the year in Thailand – the Songkran festival! Yes, folks, it’s that time when water fights rule the streets and smiles light up the nation. But here’s the scoop that’s making waves this year: six international airports in Thailand are gearing up to host a staggering 2.61 million passengers. That’s right, folks – the travel buzz is real, and we’ve got all the juicy details straight from the Transport Ministry!

The ever-enthusiastic Transport Minister, Suriya Juengrungreangkit, couldn’t contain his excitement as he outlined the preparations in place to ensure every traveler’s safety. And let me tell you, the numbers are nothing short of spectacular. During the period of April 11 to 17, which is basically the heart of the Songkran festivities, the passenger count is expected to skyrocket by 28.50% compared to last year. It’s a blend of excitement with a dash of thrill as approximately 1.65 million international souls and about 962,362 local wanderers take to the skies. Ready for more? There will be a booming 15,113 flights crisscrossing the airspace, marking a significant 16.71% increase from the previous year.

The star of the show, Suvarnabhumi Airport, is set to welcome a cool 1.34 million passengers from a whopping 7,022 flights. Not far behind, Don Mueang Airport is prepping its runways for 625,530 passengers across 4,117 flights. But wait, there’s more – Chiang Mai, Mae Fah Luang Chiang Rai, Phuket, and Hat Yai airports are all on the guest list, all decked up to accommodate hundreds of thousands of festive souls soaring in from near and far.

In an absolutely delightful move for travelers, Suvarnabhumi and Don Mueang airports are rolling out the red carpet, metaphorically, with free parking zones to make your travel experience just a bit smoother. Imagine parking your ride and hopping onto your flight without a worry in the world – that’s the holiday spirit we’re talking about!

Meanwhile, the dynamic duo of the Transport Ministry and AoT isn’t just stopping there. They’re joining forces with immigration police and ground service gurus to streamline your airport adventures. And for those keen on zipping through check-ins, the introduction of common-use self-service (CUSS) kiosks and common-use bag drops (CUBD) are about to make your travel tech-savvy and snappy.

But what about those preferring the scenic routes, you ask? Well, the Deputy Transport Minister, Surapong Piyachote, has whispered sweet nothings about the State Railway of Thailand getting all geared up for the travel rush. With express train tickets now bookable up to 90 days in advance, it’s like they’re rolling out the plush red carpet on the tracks just for you.

As we gear up for the magic of Songkran, packed with water fights, laughter, and heartwarming reunions, these airports and stations are more than just transit points. They’re gateways to experiences, epic journeys, and memories waiting to be made. So, pack your bags, charge your gadgets, and dive headfirst into the adventure. Happy Songkran, everyone – let the celebrations begin!


  1. TravelBug23 April 4, 2024

    2.61 million passengers is insane! This is proof that the world is finally moving past the pandemic. So glad to see people embracing travel and festivals like Songkran again.

    • EcoWarrior April 4, 2024

      Isn’t anyone else concerned about the carbon footprint all these flights will cause? Yes, it’s nice to see recovery, but at what cost to the environment?

      • GreenTechie April 4, 2024

        Absolutely agree with you, EcoWarrior. It’s high time the aviation industry invests more in sustainable technologies. We can’t keep ignoring climate change.

      • TravelBug23 April 4, 2024

        I see your point, but isn’t connecting cultures and celebrating traditions important too? There must be a middle ground.

    • AirportFan April 4, 2024

      I’m just excited about the tech upgrades! CUSS kiosks and CUBD? Talk about making travel smoother and more efficient.

      • TechSkeptic April 4, 2024

        Tech is great and all, but I hope it doesn’t mean fewer jobs for people. Automation seems cool until it starts affecting employment.

  2. HeritageLover April 4, 2024

    Songkran is such a beautiful festival! It’s heartwarming to see it getting international attention. It’s about time the world recognizes the richness of Thai culture.

    • Modernist April 4, 2024

      Cultural festivals are cool, but let’s not forget to innovate and evolve. Wouldn’t want traditions to trap us in the past.

    • Realist April 4, 2024

      While it’s nice to celebrate, I’m worried about overcrowding and the strain on resources. Hope the authorities have planned for that.

      • HeritageLover April 4, 2024

        True, Realist, but it also means a significant boost for the economy, especially post-pandemic. It’s a double-edged sword.

  3. FrequentFlyer April 4, 2024

    Reading this makes me wish I was part of the 2.61 million! Thailand’s airports are already some of the best, can’t wait to see how they’ve improved.

    • Pessimist April 4, 2024

      Best airports? Have you seen the queues at immigration? They always promise improvements, but I’ll believe it when I see it.

      • Optimist April 4, 2024

        I think it’s all about perspective, Pessimist. Yes, there are queues, but it’s part of the travel experience. Plus, the new systems might just fix that.

  4. LocalResident April 4, 2024

    Everyone’s talking about the benefits, but living here, all I see is the city turning into a chaos fest during Songkran. Not everyone’s cup of tea.

    • CultureVulture April 4, 2024

      That’s a small price to pay for preserving such a vibrant tradition, don’t you think? It brings the community together like nothing else.

      • LocalResident April 5, 2024

        Maybe, CultureVulture. But for those of us living here, it’s more about managing the inconvenience each year. Tradition or not, it disrupts daily life.

  5. BudgetTraveler April 4, 2024

    With all these tourists, are prices going to skyrocket? Budget traveling through Thailand during Songkran might become impossible.

    • SavvySaver April 4, 2024

      It’s all about knowing where to look. Local markets, street food, and away-from-tourist-spot accommodations can save you a ton. Songkran on a budget is doable!

      • Wanderlust April 5, 2024

        Agree with SavvySaver! Also, experiencing Songkran like a local is so much more authentic. It’s not about the money, but the experience.

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