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Thai Customs Seize 1.3 Tonnes of Cannabis Hidden in UK-Bound Shipments at Laem Chabang Port

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Customs officials orchestrated an impressive operation, seizing over 1.3 tonnes of dry cannabis buds destined for the United Kingdom, at Laem Chabang Port. The announcement was made during a lively media conference held on a bustling Thursday morning. According to a report by FM91 Trafficpro, the meticulous effort and sharp intuition shown by the officers brought significant results.

The operation, as explained by Direk Khacharak, director of the Laem Chabang Port Customs Office, was set into motion based on crucial intelligence from international agencies. Two shipments, flagged as suspicious, were put under the microscope on September 11 and 16. These inspections ultimately led to a remarkable discovery.

The export documents painted a quite mundane picture of the shipments. The first was listed as containing three pallets of rubber tiles, destined to enhance fitness centers in the UK. Meanwhile, the second shipment was detailed as four pallets brimming with cloth gloves. All pretty standard, right? But the customs officers had a hunch, and as it turns out, their instincts were spot on.

Unveiling the contents of the first shipment, they stumbled upon 153.3 kilograms of dry cannabis buds, hidden among the supposed rubber tiles, possessing a street value of 5 million baht. This discovery was just the tip of the iceberg. The second shipment, which allegedly consisted of cloth gloves, was revealed to contain 1.3 tonnes of cannabis buds, estimated to be worth a whopping 20 million baht. Combined, these covert consignments would have fetched a staggering 100 million baht in the UK market.

The gravity of this seizure can’t be understated. Those behind these shipments face severe repercussions. The attempt to falsify export information in a bid to dodge regulatory limitations has not gone unnoticed. They are now staring down charges under Sections 202, 244, and 252 of the Customs Act BE 2560 (2017).

Under Thai law, cannabis is classified as a controlled herb, and any aspirations to export or sell cannabis products require navigating a stringent legal framework. Licences must be obtained under Section 46 of the Protection and Promotion of Thai Traditional Medicine Knowledge Act BE 2542. Without these, any such endeavors are flatly illegal.

The tireless efforts of the customs officers at Laem Chabang Port underscore the critical importance of vigilance and cooperation with international agencies in thwarting such large-scale illegal drug operations. Their success story serves as a formidable reminder: you might get clever with your rubber tiles and cloth gloves, but the watchful eyes of customs will always be one step ahead.


  1. John Smith September 26, 2024

    This is a huge win for the Thai customs! It’s impressive how such a large shipment was caught. Kudos to the officers involved.

    • Emma September 26, 2024

      Absolutely! But it makes you wonder how many shipments weren’t caught. This could be just the tip of the iceberg.

      • John Smith September 26, 2024

        True. It’s a worrying thought. This seizure might just highlight a much larger problem.

      • Critic27 September 26, 2024

        Or maybe it’s just a one-off. We can’t jump to conclusions without more evidence.

    • Ronald September 26, 2024

      Seriously, how do they let this stuff slip through so often? There must be some level of corruption involved.

  2. Alex Brown September 26, 2024

    Why is cannabis still handled like it’s a class A drug? The UK should just legalize it already. Would cut down on these illegal shipments.

    • Catherine September 26, 2024

      Legalizing might have its merits, but it also comes with a slew of societal challenges. We can’t rush into it.

    • DankWizard September 26, 2024

      Legalize it and tax it. Problem solved. Plus, governments get more funds.

    • Alex Brown September 26, 2024

      Exactly, DankWizard! And putting money into education and healthcare over enforcing outdated drug laws would be a benefit.

  3. Ravi Patel September 26, 2024

    Caught! Good job to the customs! But this just shows the international demand for cannabis is extremely high.

    • GreenMind September 26, 2024

      Tap into that market, and you’ll see economies benefiting. Shouldn’t we take this as an opportunity to rethink our stance on cannabis?

    • Ravi Patel September 26, 2024

      Could be. Just regulation and control would be key, though.

  4. JusticeWarrior September 26, 2024

    Those involved in these illegal activities should face the harshest penalties. There’s no excuse for trying to smuggle drugs.

  5. SkepticalSteve September 26, 2024

    Why do I get the feeling that these ‘busts’ are just for show? The amount they catch is a fraction of what’s actually out there.

  6. Jill C. September 26, 2024

    It’s crazy to think how much cannabis was hidden among rubber tiles and gloves. Just goes to show the lengths people will go to.

  7. FarmLife202 September 26, 2024

    This won’t stop anyone. Supply and demand, folks. As long as there’s demand, there will be supply.

    • Erica T. September 26, 2024

      Exactly, and it’s basic economics. Prohibition hasn’t worked and won’t work.

    • ConservativeChris September 26, 2024

      That’s a defeatist attitude. We just need stricter enforcement.

    • FarmLife202 September 26, 2024

      Stricter enforcement hasn’t worked for decades. It’s time to try something new.

  8. Lisa Green September 26, 2024

    I can’t believe people are still trying to run these massive smuggling operations in 2024. Didn’t they learn from the past?

  9. EconSavvy September 26, 2024

    The potential market value of cannabis is colossal. Imagine if it were legal and those funds were going to legitimate businesses and the government.

  10. RickyR September 26, 2024

    This is exactly why cannabis needs to remain illegal. This much being smuggled shows the dangers if it becomes more accessible.

  11. Kevin September 26, 2024

    It’s just plants, people. There are way worse things out there than cannabis.

    • Nancy D. September 26, 2024

      Plants that can ruin lives if not controlled. Remember that.

    • Kevin September 26, 2024

      People ruin their lives with alcohol too, yet it’s legal everywhere.

  12. Sophia L. September 26, 2024

    The UK should seriously reconsider its policies on cannabis. Too many resources are wasted on this.

  13. Russell September 26, 2024

    If only governments coordinated better internationally, fewer illegal shipments like these would even take off.

  14. Brianna September 26, 2024

    Well done to the officers involved! But this won’t stop the black market.

  15. OldFashionedPete September 26, 2024

    Good riddance to bad rubbish! Keep our streets clean and safe.

  16. Leon September 26, 2024

    The smuggling methods keep getting more creative. What’s next, hidden in fruits and vegetables?

  17. Advocate24 September 26, 2024

    It’s high time (pun intended) for a discussion on legalization and proper regulation. It could change so much for the better.

  18. David K. September 26, 2024

    Imagine the funds and resources expended to catch this. Legalization could divert these funds to real societal needs.

    • Ella September 26, 2024

      Not to mention the economic benefits, jobs, and safer, regulated products.

    • David K. September 26, 2024

      Exactly! We need to think long-term on this.

  19. Heather September 26, 2024

    This must have been a well-planned operation. Kudos to the international agencies as well.

  20. Garret_88 September 26, 2024

    And here people thought cannabis was just a harmless recreational drug… look at the lengths people go to get it.

  21. Selena September 26, 2024

    Just think of the number of lives saved by this bust. If this much cannabis had hit the streets, it would be catastrophic.

  22. Mitch T. September 26, 2024

    On the flip side, how many people lose out on necessary medical cannabis due to these stringent laws?

  23. Tony September 26, 2024

    How do you even hide such a large amount in plain sight? These smugglers must really be desperate or confident.

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