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Thai Ministry of Labour Urges Workers to Postpone Travel to Israel and Lebanon Amid Rising Tensions

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The first group of 309 Thai workers to return to Israel since the Palestinian militant group Hamas attacked the country last year before their flight left Suvarnabhumi Airport on June 25. (Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb)

Attention all Thai workers with dreams of heading to Israel or Lebanon for work! The Ministry of Labour (MoL) has issued an urgent advisory for you to hit the pause button on your travel plans. Why? Recent escalations in the region post the July 31 assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran have turned the area into a hotspot of heightened tensions.

This critical advisory, penned by Somchai Morakotsriwan, director-general of the Department of Employment (DoE), has been dispatched to all provincial governors. Compiling insights from a rigorous assessment by the Thai embassy in Tel Aviv along with the Office of Labour Affairs in Tehran, the letter paints a picture of a worsening security landscape ever since that fateful July 31 incident.

“The situation is tending towards an escalation in violence since the July 31 assassination,” the letter warns, urging provincial governors to reverberate this caution to Thai workers eyeing jobs in Israel or Lebanon. The directive is effective immediately and remains in force until further notice.

Backing up this advisory, Phumiphat Mueanchan, the MoL’s spokesman, verified on Saturday that Labour Minister Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn had indeed been apprised of the rising tensions in the region. “Based on this report, the MoL has resolved to ask all Thai workers who intend to work in Israel or Lebanon to postpone their travel plan until further notice,” stated Mr Phumiphat.

In a separate yet exciting chapter of international labor cooperation, Thailand’s mission to send 100,000 workers overseas this year presses on undeterred. So far, 77,918 industrious souls have embarked on foreign shores, mapping out an impressive 77.92% milestone of the target.

Throwing the spotlight on another success story, Thailand and South Korea have recently inked a two-year memorandum of understanding (MoU). This exciting pact not only slashes the waiting time for Thai workers between contracts but also promises enhanced benefits in the unfortunate event of a natural disaster. Consequently, 8,688 ambitious Thai workers have so far made their way to South Korea under this agreement, marking an impressive increase of 3,888 workers compared to the same period last year!

The world may be a stage fraught with its own set of perils, but it’s the spirit of cooperation and proactive measures like these that keep the show going. Hold tight, dream big, and let’s keep the wheels of progress turning safely and smartly!


  1. John Doe August 17, 2024

    This is a sensible move by the Thai Ministry of Labour. The safety of workers should always come first.

    • Lily August 17, 2024

      Absolutely! It’s better to be safe than sorry. Jobs can wait, lives can’t.

      • MThaiWorker August 17, 2024

        But what about the workers who are already in these regions? They need more support too!

  2. seeker55 August 17, 2024

    I understand the safety concerns, but this delay can financially cripple many families who depend on these jobs.

    • Sarah Kim August 17, 2024

      Exactly. Stopping work is not the solution. Providing better security might be a better approach.

      • Luke P. August 17, 2024

        But how do you provide ‘better security’ in a potentially war-torn region? It’s not feasible.

    • John Doe August 17, 2024

      Safety first! Without safety, any job is pointless.

  3. Alex August 17, 2024

    I think focusing on South Korea is a great alternative. Safer and economically stable for workers!

  4. rosie_93 August 17, 2024

    I feel for the people whose plans just got postponed. Hard to balance safety and livelihood.

  5. James T. August 17, 2024

    What about other Southeast Asian countries? Aren’t they facing labor shortages too?

    • Amy August 17, 2024

      Good point! Neighboring countries could be a safer option until tensions decrease.

    • James T. August 18, 2024

      Hopefully the government is considering all possible options to keep our people employed while ensuring their safety.

  6. Tommy Boy August 17, 2024

    I don’t understand why people would want to go to a dangerous region in the first place.

    • Cindy August 18, 2024

      For a better future, Tommy. Sometimes, it’s the only option for some families.

    • David K. August 18, 2024

      It’s easy to say from a place of privilege. Some people don’t have many choices.

  7. Hannah M. August 18, 2024

    The proactive measures by the Thai government should be applauded. They can’t risk the lives of their citizens.

  8. thethinker August 18, 2024

    This situation just shows how complex international labor issues are. It’s a delicate balance.

  9. joel76 August 18, 2024

    Why isn’t the international community doing more to stabilize the region? Workers shouldn’t have to choose between their lives and their livelihoods.

    • Sophie L. August 18, 2024

      Sadly, global politics often comes at the expense of everyday people.

    • John Doe August 18, 2024

      International efforts are usually slow and complicated. It’s unfortunate.

  10. worker1234 August 18, 2024

    I’m personally affected by this advisory. It’s so frustrating, but I understand the need for safety.

  11. clarky81 August 18, 2024

    The MoU with South Korea is a positive step. Why doesn’t the government focus on more MoUs like this?

    • Linda H. August 18, 2024

      Exactly! More agreements like this can provide safer and viable alternatives for Thai workers.

      • clarky81 August 18, 2024

        Let’s hope they’re working on it. Safety and employment must go hand in hand.

  12. Maggie August 18, 2024

    How will the delay impact the 100,000 overseas worker target? Aren’t they cutting it close?

    • thethinker August 18, 2024

      Good question. Meeting these targets safely is the real challenge.

    • Maggie August 18, 2024

      I hope they’ve planned for these contingencies. Otherwise, the whole plan could fall apart.

  13. dexter_av August 18, 2024

    It’s high time governments prioritize the lives of their citizens over economic gains. Good call, Thailand!

  14. Sammy August 18, 2024

    I’m amazed at how quickly the government responded to rising tensions. Other nations should take note.

    • David K. August 18, 2024

      Fast response is key to minimizing negative impact. Well done, indeed.

    • Sammy August 18, 2024

      Absolutely. Safety alerts like these can save lives.

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