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Thai Students Win Big at WICO 2024: Pimphaporn, Kanjanik, Natam, and Piraya Lead the Way

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In a dazzling showcase of talent and innovation, four brilliant Thai students recently bagged an impressive collection of awards at the 13th World Invention Creativity Olympic 2024 (WICO 2024) in South Korea. The glittering award ceremony, held at the Seoul University of Education Convention Hall, saw these young inventors light up the stage with their groundbreaking creations. Organised by the Korea University Invention Association (KUIA) and the World Invention Intellectual Property Association (WIIPA), the event was a true celebration of human ingenuity.

The competition was nothing short of a melting pot of global creativity, with 206 inventive masterpieces presented by participants hailing from 27 different countries. Amidst this whirlwind of ideas and innovations, the Thai team truly shone, earning two gold medals, one silver medal, and a special award from the Research Institution of Creativity Education (RICE).

The ingenious inventions that wowed the judges included the Senior-Safety-Strider, an AI-powered walking aid designed to provide seniors with much-needed support and fall detection; the Smart Finger Fruit, a clever AI-powered glove that could accurately gauge the ripeness of fruits, ensuring they’re picked at just the right moment; and Blip, a natural lip balm crafted to combat black pigmentation on the lips, making a natural beauty statement. These inventive solutions not only showcased their technical prowess but also underlined their keen understanding of practical needs.

The talented minds behind these revolutionary inventions were Pimphaporn Chonviriyabun, Kanjanik Chonviriyabun, and Natam Wongkularb from Ruamrudee International School (RIS), along with Piraya Makaraphong from Youth Exchange School (YES). Their collaborative efforts and shared vision have placed them on the international stage, bringing pride to their schools and country.

Each creation presented by these young geniuses wasn’t just an object but a testament to their ability to think outside the box and address real-world problems with innovative solutions. The Senior-Safety-Strider is particularly noteworthy as it offers a lifeline to seniors, giving them a sense of independence while ensuring their safety. On the other hand, the Smart Finger Fruit is poised to revolutionize the agriculture sector, empowering farmers with the data they need to harvest fruits at their prime. And let’s not forget Blip, which addresses a common cosmetic concern with an all-natural approach.

The WICO 2024 proved to be a fertile ground for these young inventors to not only showcase their creativity but also network with like-minded individuals from across the globe. It was a platform where ideas were exchanged, collaborations were fostered, and lifelong friendships were formed. The event highlighted the boundless potential of today’s youth and their capacity to effect change through innovation.

As the curtains fell on the WICO 2024, the Thai students left with more than just medals; they took home memories of an unforgettable experience and the motivation to keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. The future looks incredibly bright for these young inventors, and the world eagerly awaits their next groundbreaking innovations.

The journey of Pimphaporn, Kanjanik, Natam, and Piraya serves as an inspiration to young minds everywhere. It’s a reminder that with a spark of creativity, a dash of perseverance, and a supportive ecosystem, the sky’s the limit. Their success story is not just about winning medals but about igniting a passion for innovation and making a tangible difference in the world.

Here’s to the visionaries of tomorrow, whose ideas today will shape the future!


  1. loves2invent July 26, 2024

    Wow, these kids are amazing! It’s incredible to see such young inventors making such a big impact.

    • SkepticSam July 26, 2024

      Impressive, yes. But I wonder if their inventions will actually be used in the real world or just fade away as school projects often do.

      • loves2invent July 26, 2024

        I think with the right support and marketing, they could definitely make it. Look at the Senior-Safety-Strider; it has real-world applications!

      • TechieCharlie July 26, 2024

        True inventions sometimes take years to catch on. But if they have patents, their ideas won’t just disappear. Patience is key.

    • Jimbo July 26, 2024

      Even if they don’t hit the market immediately, they won international awards. That speaks volumes about their potential.

  2. SarahK July 26, 2024

    I love hearing about young people being innovative and contributing positively to society. But how much of this success is truly theirs, and not just guided heavily by mentors?

    • OptimistOlly July 26, 2024

      Mentorship is crucial for any young talent. It doesn’t take away from their achievements but rather enhances them.

    • PracticalPat July 26, 2024

      There are always mentors behind the scenes, but the passion and ideas have to come from the students themselves. You can’t fake genuine innovation.

    • SarahK July 26, 2024

      I suppose mentoring is an important part of any learning process, just hope these kids don’t get overshadowed by their mentors.

  3. grower134 July 26, 2024

    The Smart Finger Fruit is such a revolutionary idea! As a farmer, I can see this technology changing the way we harvest crops dramatically.

    • FarmerJoe July 26, 2024

      I agree, but can small farms afford such tech? Sounds expensive.

      • Hilary July 26, 2024

        Technology prices often drop over time. If it’s truly useful, it will become accessible.

      • bigshot123 July 26, 2024

        Plus, governments might subsidize tech that improves agricultural efficiency. Everyone wins.

    • Fiona P. July 26, 2024

      Even larger farms need to consider the cost-benefit balance. It’s a promising technology but needs to prove its worth financially.

  4. Katie July 26, 2024

    These kinds of competitions are essential for encouraging young minds to think creatively and solve real-world problems. Hats off to the Thai team!

    • Bored123 July 26, 2024

      Yeah, but are all these competitions really inclusive? Only kids from rich schools seem to benefit.

      • Steve G July 26, 2024

        Not necessarily, many contests have scholarships and grants available. It just takes some digging to find them.

    • Katie July 26, 2024

      You’re right, perhaps there needs to be more awareness and accessibility for all students. Innovation shouldn’t be a privilege.

  5. Debbie H July 26, 2024

    The natural lip balm Blip is interesting. Are we going to see this in stores anytime soon? The market for organic cosmetics is booming!

    • cosmeticsqueen July 26, 2024

      Blip sounds promising, but the cosmetic industry is fierce. They’ll need strong branding to stand out.

      • eco-friendly123 July 26, 2024

        Natural products have a niche but growing market. If they can prove the effectiveness, they’ll get loyal customers.

    • Bella July 26, 2024

      Imagine it eventually competing with major brands like Burt’s Bees. Never know!

  6. Tommy July 26, 2024

    It’s inspiring to see young people achieve so much! However, I wonder how much pressure is on them to perform.

    • ParentingPro July 26, 2024

      Good point, too much pressure can stifle creativity. We need a balance of encouragement and freedom.

    • Helen July 26, 2024

      But let’s not forget they chose to participate. Passion drives these kids more than pressure, I’d hope.

  7. TechSavvy July 26, 2024

    The AI aspects of their inventions are fascinating. It’s amazing to see teenagers working with such advanced tech.

    • RoboPete July 26, 2024

      Definitely. AI is the future and it’s great to see the youth getting involved early on.

    • Sammy July 26, 2024

      It just shows how technology is becoming more accessible. Imagine what future generations will achieve!

  8. Rita July 26, 2024

    This story is truly inspiring! It’s a great example for students everywhere that they can make a difference regardless of age.

  9. Megan E July 26, 2024

    While I appreciate their achievements, let’s remember these events also widen the gap between privileged and underprivileged students.

    • TeacherAnnie July 26, 2024

      It’s true, but it also highlights areas where we need to improve access to quality STEM education for all.

  10. Jake July 26, 2024

    Can we get more details on how the judging process works? It’d be interesting to see what criteria they use to decide winners.

    • Eric S July 26, 2024

      Yeah, knowing more about the judging process would make it more transparent. Hope it’s not just favoring certain countries.

  11. Julian July 26, 2024

    Great job to these students! They are the future leaders and innovators. Keep it up!

    • SkepticSam July 26, 2024

      Let’s not crown them leaders just yet. They still have a long way to go.

  12. Nina July 26, 2024

    I hope this encourages other students to participate in such events. Innovation should be a relentless pursuit.

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