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Thailand LAB INTERNATIONAL 2024 Opens in Bangkok: Innovations in Biotechnology, Health-Tech, and Chemistry

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The 14th edition of Thailand LAB INTERNATIONAL, Bio Asia Pacific, and FutureCHEM INTERNATIONAL officially opened today at BITEC, Bangkok, alongside the thrilling debut of the 1st edition of Health & Innovation Asia 2024. This buzzing trade fair, from 11-13 September 2024, is featuring over 500 brands showcasing their cutting-edge innovations. With an expected attendance of over 12,000 professionals spanning the laboratory equipment, life sciences, biotechnology, chemistry, and health-tech industries, it’s bound to be an electrifying hub of scientific excellence.

The grand opening ceremony was graced by some of the most distinguished names in the industry. Present were Mr. Permsuk Sutchaphiwat, Permanent Secretary, Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation (MHESI); Mr. Puripan Bunnag, Senior Vice President, Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (Public Organization); Dr. Jittiporn Thammajinda, CEO, Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences (Public Organization); Mr. Pongsak Fusiri, President, Science and Technology Trade Association (STTA); Professor Dr. Somsri Paosawat, the chair of the Medical Council, H.E. Mr. Remco van Wijngaarden, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and Ms. Panadda Kongma, Vice President: Business, VNU Asia Pacific. These esteemed figures not only inaugurated the event but also toured the exhibits, marveling at the latest advancements in laboratory sciences and health innovation.

Mr. Permsuk Sutchaphiwat enthusiastically remarked, “The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation has been a steadfast supporter of these events since their inception in 2011. Events like these serve as a driving force in promoting science, technology, research, development, and innovation in Thailand. They enhance the country’s competitive edge, economic wealth, social wellbeing, and environmental wellness.”

Continuing on the same note, he added, “TCELS has collaborated with VNU Asia Pacific and a network of organizations in both the public and private sectors, domestically and internationally, to organize Bio Asia Pacific 2024. This platform will address the challenges facing healthcare systems in the near future, solidifying its role in Thailand’s economy.”

Economic Impact on Thailand

With the laboratory equipment market projected to touch a staggering $53.7 billion by 2027, Thailand is poised to be a magnet for significant investments. The event is expected to ignite considerable economic activity, generating an impressive 450 million THB in visitor spending alone. Beyond boosting the local economy, it catalyzes foreign investments, creates jobs, and drives innovation, aligning seamlessly with Thailand’s 4.0 policy aimed at fostering a knowledge-based economy.

Health technology, especially focusing on innovations in food technology and health solutions, is emerging as a crucial component of Thailand’s export and economic strategy. With the health technology sector expected to reach an astounding $600 billion globally by 2025, the significance of this trade show in tapping that growth cannot be overstated.

Thought Leaders Share Their Visions

“This year, we are thrilled to host over 300 companies representing 500 leading brands, with more than 20% of exhibitors coming from international firms,” noted Ms. Panadda Kongma, Vice President-Business, VNU Asia Pacific. “The International Pavilions from the Netherlands, India, China, Taiwan, and South Korea are occupying more than 14,000 square meters of exhibition space. Together, we can fortify our domestic industries’ capabilities, enabling them to compete sustainably on the global stage.”

Dr. Jittiporn Thammajinda, CEO, Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences (TCELS), proudly stated, “TCELS is delighted to present ‘Bio Asia Pacific 2024’ under the theme ‘Life Science Technology for Sustainable Health Equity.’ Our activities this year include exciting conference sessions at BITEC, covering topics like the Medical AI Accelerator program, a Pitching Competition, One-on-One Partnering, and an MoU signing ceremony for establishing the Thailand OECD GLP/Non-OECD GLP Preclinical Testing Network.”

Mr. Puripan Bunnag, Senior Vice President of TCEB, remarked, “We are pleased to highlight the remarkable growth of our events. Bio Asia Pacific, now in its fifth year, focuses on life sciences, biotechnology, and smart health, while FutureCHEM INTERNATIONAL, now in its third year, explores the future of the chemical industry. We are also excited to introduce Health & Innovation Asia, spotlighting innovations and technology in the health and medical sectors.”

He added, “The expansion of these events not only bolsters Thailand’s position as ASEAN’s top destination for international exhibitions but also supports industrial development, boosts the economy, and drives business success for all stakeholders.”

Mr. Pongsak Fusiri, President, Science and Technology Trade Association (STTA), enthused, “Over the years, Thailand LAB INTERNATIONAL and Bio Asia Pacific have catalyzed significant investments in laboratory instrumentation, life sciences, and emerging technologies. These events provide a unique platform to exchange insights, showcase cutting-edge innovations, and foster partnerships, thereby stimulating investment that fuels research and product development and enhances Thailand’s global competitiveness.”

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of Thailand LAB INTERNATIONAL, Bio Asia Pacific, FutureCHEM INTERNATIONAL, and Health & Innovation Asia 2024 from 11-13 September 2024 at EH 102-104, BITEC, Bangkok. Dive into the latest technologies and foster limitless industry connections to elevate your business to new heights. For more information, visit or You can also reach out to [email protected] or call +662 1116611 Ext.330-335 (VNU Asia Pacific).


  1. Sophia M. September 11, 2024

    Wow, this event seems like a huge boost for Thailand’s economy and scientific community!

    • Jake85 September 11, 2024

      Sure, but how much of this ‘boost’ actually benefits the average Thai citizen? These big events often just benefit the elites.

      • Sophia M. September 11, 2024

        I get your point, Jake, but events like these can create jobs and spur local businesses. It’s not just about the elites.

      • Dr. Emily Huang September 11, 2024

        Economic trickle-down from such events might be minimal, especially given the focus on high-tech industries. It could widen the gap between the skilled and unskilled labor force.

      • Jake85 September 11, 2024

        Exactly, Dr. Huang! The government should focus more on grassroots development.

  2. Alex P. September 11, 2024

    It’s great to see Thailand making strides in biotechnology and health-tech!

    • Louis S. September 11, 2024

      Sure, but is there enough support for local startups? Often, international companies overshadow domestic innovation.

    • Sophia M. September 11, 2024

      Alex, don’t you think this focus on international partnerships might actually hurt local industries in the long run?

  3. Maximillian September 11, 2024

    Amazing to see so many international exhibitors! I’m curious about the specific innovations they’re showcasing.

    • Chloe L. September 11, 2024

      There’s a lot of emphasis on AI and food technology. I just hope it’s not all hype and there are real, actionable solutions on display.

  4. Eva W. September 11, 2024

    Health innovation is just what we need, especially post-pandemic. I hope this leads to better healthcare access.

  5. Joey September 11, 2024

    Will these technologies be affordable for the average person, or will they remain out of reach?

    • Dr. Emily Huang September 11, 2024

      Affordability is a major concern. Most cutting-edge healthcare tech initially serves high-income groups before becoming accessible to the broader public.

  6. David Clarkson September 11, 2024

    Thailand LAB INTERNATIONAL just seems like another corporate showcase to me.

  7. Mia P. September 11, 2024

    This event should be more about tangible outcomes than just presentations and ceremonies.

  8. Tommy07 September 11, 2024

    I’m looking forward to seeing how these innovations can be implemented in real-world applications.

  9. Scientist42 September 11, 2024

    Over 500 brands! That’s impressive. I wonder which ones will steal the spotlight?

    • grower134 September 11, 2024

      Bet it’ll be the usual big names, though I hope some startups make waves.

  10. Brian Q. September 11, 2024

    The economic forecast looks promising if these projections hold true.

    • Kate September 11, 2024

      Many of these projections are overly optimistic. Reality tends to be less rosy.

    • Brian Q. September 11, 2024

      That’s true Kate, but the optimism can help drive policy and investment.

  11. Gina L. September 11, 2024

    Innovation is great, but what about sustainable practices? There’s hardly any mention of that.

    • Nina September 11, 2024

      Right?! Sustainability should be front and center of any tech innovation!

  12. sciencegeek September 11, 2024

    Did any of the listed speakers talk about environmental impacts of these technologies?

  13. Zach T. September 11, 2024

    The international presence is fantastic. Will this lead to long-term collaborations?

    • Bella W. September 11, 2024

      That’s the hope. Mutual benefits from these collaborations can drive significant advancements.

  14. Marie K. September 11, 2024

    I’m excited about the Medical AI Accelerator program! AI in healthcare is the future.

    • Arthur September 11, 2024

      True, but the ethical implications of AI need thorough consideration. It’s not all sunshine.

    • Marie K. September 11, 2024

      Absolutely, Arthur. Ethical AI is crucial to ensure it’s beneficial and fair.

  15. Bill J. September 11, 2024

    Here’s hoping that Thailand LAB INTERNATIONAL keeps pushing boundaries. The economic and social benefits could be huge.

  16. Kara S. September 11, 2024

    The focus on food technology is interesting. Food security is becoming a major global issue. Could these innovations help?

  17. Henry September 11, 2024

    400 million THB in spending? That’s huge, but will it translate into real economic uplift?

  18. Patricia September 11, 2024

    It’s events like these that keep Thailand at the forefront of ASEAN’s innovation landscape.

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