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Thailand’s Chicken Industry Soars Globally: Chaweewan Kampa’s Strategic Maneuvers and Lower Tariffs Fuel 2023 Success

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Thailand’s chicken dance up the global ranks in 2023 was not just a fluke – it was a strategic ballet, orchestrated by the diligent folks back home, leaping gracefully from fourth to a more prestigious position. Chaweewan Kampa, the illustrious president of the Poultry Promotion Association of Thailand, couldn’t help but beam with pride as she recounted the tale on a sunny Friday afternoon.

Like a master tactician, she lauded the government for its nimble-footed maneuvers – a blend of savvy export boosters and a swift swing at the decision to prolong soybean meal imports under a World Trade Organization (WTO) accord. This wasn’t just any move; it was a game-changer, tackling the gnarly beast of ballooning prices and the ghoulish specter of animal feed scarcity head-on.

The spellbinding deal worked its magic by allowing the import of soybean meal at a minuscule 2% tariff, a stark contrast to the daunting dragon of the normal rate of 119%. But why stop there? The deal also swung open the doors for corn imports for animal feed, welcoming them at a 20% tariff instead of the thorny thicket of 70%, for up to a gallant 54,700 tonnes.

Yet, amidst this triumph, Chaweewan, with a glint of determination in her eyes, revealed a twist in the tale. Despite the victory, our beloved Thailand is still David in a Goliath fight when it comes to production costs, staring up at the towering figures of Brazil and the US. These agricultural behemoths, with their vast expanses of soybean and corn fields for animal feed, dwarf Thailand’s efforts to satiate its domestic needs.

With the fervor of a leader rallying her troops, she called upon the government to unfurl the banners of negotiation further under the WTO deal. Expanding the import quota limit, she argued, could be the secret potion to help chicken farmers trim their costs, propelling Thailand’s chicken onto the global stage as a featherweight champion in the competitive arena.

In a corner not too far away, Sitthiphan Thanakiatpinyo, the sage president of the Swine Raisers Association of Thailand, shared his seasoned insights. For the swine raisers, the albatross around their necks is the hefty weight of animal feed costs. He cast a hopeful gaze towards the government, urging it to spearhead initiatives to lighten this burden.

“Imagine a world,” he mused, “where the drab taxes and limits on animal feed import are pruned even further. Could we see the 2% tax on soybean meal teeter and tumble? What about the 9% tax on DDGS, the 15% tax on fishmeal, and the shackles on wheat import? Could these, too, not be eased, to let a hundred flowers bloom across our farms?” he pondered.

This tale of Thailand’s foray into agricultural diplomacy and strategic maneuvering in the face of global competition is more than a story of tariffs and taxes. It’s a testament to the resilience, ingenuity, and unyielding spirit of its people, striving to carve their niche in the world, one chicken and pig at a time. As the sun sets on another day, the heart of Thailand beats with hope, its eyes set on a future where its poultry and swine soar high and wide, across the azure skies of the global market.


  1. ThaiFarmerLover February 10, 2024

    Finally, Thailand is getting the recognition it deserves on the global stage! The government’s strategy is paying off big time. Proud moment for us all 🇹🇭!

    • MarketAnalyst101 February 10, 2024

      It’s a good start, but let’s not ignore the underlying issues. Thailand’s reliance on imported feed is a vulnerability. What happens if these deals fall through? We need a sustainable approach.

      • SustainableJoe February 10, 2024

        Exactly! It’s about time we think about long-term sustainability. We can’t risk our food security on volatile international trade deals.

    • ThaiFarmerLover February 10, 2024

      Good points, but let’s celebrate the win for now. We can tackle these challenges as we move forward. Optimism is key!

  2. EcoWarrior February 10, 2024

    Not to be a downer, but what about the environmental impact of all this? More imports and production mean more emissions. We’re just trading one problem for another.

    • RealistRick February 10, 2024

      It’s not as black and white. Increased efficiency can mitigate some of these impacts. Plus, the global demand for meat isn’t going away anytime soon.

      • EcoWarrior February 10, 2024

        Efficiency isn’t an excuse for environmental degradation. We must find a balance between economic growth and preserving our planet. There has to be a better way.

  3. AgriStudent22 February 10, 2024

    This article shows how complex the agriculture industry is. It’s not just about farming; it’s about politics, economics, and environmental issues too.

    • FutureFarmer February 10, 2024

      True, it’s a multifaceted challenge. We young farmers need to be well-versed in all these areas to thrive.

  4. ChickenConnoisseur February 10, 2024

    While it’s great for the economy, let’s not forget about the welfare of the animals involved. Industrial farming practices can be pretty grim.

    • FarmerJoe February 10, 2024

      Animal welfare is a priority for many of us in the industry. It’s wrong to assume everyone adopts cruel practices.

      • AnimalAdvocate February 10, 2024

        Glad to hear some are focused on welfare, FarmerJoe. But the industry as a whole needs a revamp. Animal rights should come before profits.

  5. GlobalWatcher February 10, 2024

    Thailand’s move is impressive, but won’t it strain relations with major agricultural powers like the US and Brazil? This could backfire.

    • DiplomatDan February 10, 2024

      Doubtful. Global trade is about give and take. Plus, both the US and Brazil have their eyes on Asian markets. It’s all part of the bigger picture.

  6. BudgetHawk February 10, 2024

    Wonder how much this is costing us taxpayers. These kinds of deals aren’t free. There’s always a price to pay, and more often than not, it’s the regular folks footing the bill.

    • TaxPayer February 10, 2024

      I share your concern. Hope the government’s done its homework and ensured this is actually beneficial in the long run and not just a short-term gain.

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