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Thailand’s Fruit Export Boom: A $5 Billion Journey from Durians to Longans

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Welcome to a tropical bonanza where vibrant flavors burst under the sun’s blessing, and the feast stretches as far as the rolling hills of Thailand. In this exotic realm, fruits aren’t just nature’s candies; they are gold mines churning out an impressive US$5.06 billion—a staggering 31.9% growth from the previous year. Imagine, if you will, 1.74 million tons of these juicy treasures, from the spiky durian to the succulent mangosteen, traveling across seas and borders to bring a taste of Thai paradise to fruit aficionados worldwide.

Let’s peel back the layers of this fruit empire where durians reign supreme, tipping the scales at 965,284 tons exported. These thorny monarchs are followed by the fragrant longan, the luxurious mangosteen, the beloved mango, and the tangy pineapple. Each fruit, a character in a luscious narrative that has hooked the palate of an international audience.

And who, you may ask, is the largest consumer of these fruity tales? China sits on the throne, partaking in 91.6% of these sweet exports, with Malaysia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and South Korea also joining the banquet. But the tale does not end there, for the plot thickens—introducing not just an element of demand but a twist of competition!

Our protagonist, the majestic Thai durian, once enjoyed unparalleled adoration in China’s vast market. Yet, the tides are turning. The sly Vietnamese durian has been extending its season, creeping into the market and claiming a 30% share. As if that was not enough, the Filipino durian has fluttered onto the stage, and Malaysia is eagerly waiting in the wings for its cue. Even China is cultivating its own durian love story.

It’s a classic tale of rivalry and conquest that could make any fruit-grower’s leaves shake. But Thailand is not one to shy away from a little competition. With a strategic mind and an orchard of opportunities, Thai suppliers are exploring new horizons. They’re diversifying, betting on the continued romance with China while flirting with potential markets that long for a slice of this tropical bliss.

The plot thickens as the General Administration of Customs China rolls out the green carpet, allowing an impressive lineup of Thai fruit VIPs—22 to be exact! Exotic guests like tamarind, custard apple, and the whimsical star fruit have all received their golden tickets, along with the crowd-pleasers like mandarin oranges, bananas, and the enchanting rambutan.

So, here stands Thailand, at the crossroads of tradition and innovation, juggling the sweet with the sour. It’s a place where fruits are not just eaten, but celebrated—a vibrant testament to the wonders of nature and the ingenuity of farmers. With eyes on the horizons, this verdant nation’s farmers are ready to spread their fruity gospel far beyond its sun-kissed shores.

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