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Thaksin Shinawatra’s Heartwarming Homecoming to Chiang Mai: A Journey of Connection, Heritage, and Political Strategy

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It was like a scene straight out of a heartwarming movie. Imagine the bustling streets of Waroros Market in Chiang Mai’s Muang district, where the air is filled with an electric expectancy. Then, picture Thaksin Shinawatra, the former Prime Minister with a past as colorful as the market stalls, making a grand entrance. It’s Friday, and the atmosphere switches from excited whispers to full-blown adulation as the crowd bursts into chants of affection: “We love Thaksin. We love Thaksin.” Their voices ring out in unison, a testament to the enduring support for a man making his first trip back to his homeland in 17 years.

The market, a legendary hotspot known for its vibrant offerings, swelled with an overwhelming crowd of supporters eager to catch a glimpse, share a word, or snap a selfie with Thaksin. Bodyguards worked overtime, parting the sea of people to carve a path for him, while he, with a smile and a grace that only a seasoned politician and businessman could muster, obliged the selfie requests, his youngest daughter and other family members by his side.

Shopkeepers couldn’t hide their excitement, beckoning him over with calls of “Mr. Prime Minister, this way please.” A simple purchase of 10 packs of Thong Muan from a local seller turned her day from ordinary to unforgettable. “I am ecstatic,” she exclaimed, her voice likely echoing the sentiment of many around her.

But Thaksin’s visit wasn’t just a casual walk through a market. It held a deeper significance, marked by a visit to the Doi Suthep Stupa, one of the northern province’s most revered landmarks, where he paid his respects, further cementing his ties to his roots. The market visit was just one stop in a meticulously planned three-day itinerary that would take him from paying homage at sacred sites to visiting his parents’ graves, a poignant reminder of his familial bonds and heritage.

Despite the shadow of controversies and legal troubles, including his ongoing parole stemming from numerous health issues, Thaksin’s trip to Chiang Mai was a clear nod to his lasting influence in Thai politics and his unbreakable connection with the people. At 74, the former Manchester City owner’s quest for alternative medical treatment and his desire to honor his ancestors showcased a man seemingly undeterred by the challenges he’s faced, including his peculiar status as a free man who technically never saw the inside of a jail cell after his sentencing began.

This visit wasn’t just about rekindling old ties; it was a strategic move in a high-stakes game of political chess. Following a humbling defeat in the last general election, where Pheu Thai, the party tied closely to Thaksin’s legacy, was overshadowed by the Move Forward Party, the trip was seen by analysts as a deliberate attempt to reconnect directly with his base. Sunai Phasuk from Human Rights Watch speculated about Thaksin’s intentions to reforge these connections, perhaps as a maneuver to circumvent the traditional political structures that seemed to have shifted beneath him.

Before embarking on this emotional pilgrimage to Chiang Mai, Thaksin paid his respects at the City Pillar Shrine in Bangkok, signaling the start of a journey not just across Thailand, but back in time to the roots of his political and personal legacy. In doing so, Thaksin Shinawatra turned a simple visit into a powerful statement: despite the odds, the setbacks, and the changes, some bonds are timeless, built to withstand even the tides of change. In Chiang Mai, on that lively Friday, Thaksin was not just a former prime minister but a reminder of the enduring power of connection, heritage, and perhaps, redemption.

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