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The Thai gun laws will be considered by House committee

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After the accident, which killed 24 students and 14 other people, the leader of the Democratic Party went to the local police station in the Na Klang District to help the authorities and find out more about the situation on the ground. The shooter at the daycare center used a gun that he legally got to carry out his killing spree.

Thai PBS World says that at the next meeting of the committee, they will talk about the killing and what could be done to help stop something like this from happening again. They will look into both short-term and long-term legislative options to cut down on gun-related deaths and injuries in Thailand and put in place more reasonable and effective limits on registered firearms. They plan to look into the Ministry of the Interior’s gun welfare program as well as concerns about gun ownership and possession as well as questions about gun laws. They will talk about how to teach people in Thailand more about gun laws and how to stay safe around guns, as well as how to punish people who have guns without permission.

A survey on small arms that was done in 2017 and was based in Switzerland gave some worrying information about guns in Thailand. Almost 36,000 crimes that year involved a gun that was either not legal or was in the wrong hands. That makes up about 77.5% of all serious crimes in the whole country. Based on what the survey found, there are about four million illegal guns in the kingdom. About 10 million guns are privately owned in Thailand, including an unknown number that is illegal. The vice chairwoman of the committee was shocked by the results of the study and asked that the issue be looked into more deeply. She promised that she would talk about the issue at the next house meeting, where she is the vice chair. “It’s about time that everyone who has something to do with this talk about it,” the speaker said. After a shooting at a daycare center just a few days ago, the House Committee on Police Affairs will soon hold a hearing to talk about possible new laws that would make it harder to get guns. The vice chairman of the committee, who is also the deputy secretary-general of the Democratic Party, said that there are plans to think about a number of different ways to make gun ownership in Thailand safer and more responsible.

One idea being thought about is putting a limit of two to three years on how long a gun owner’s license can be valid in Thailand. In this way, business owners would have to re-qualify and re-register in order to keep their licenses. Another thing that has been brought up for discussion is what can be done to make it harder for people who should not have guns to get them.

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