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Tourist Van Plunges into Rajjaprabha Dam: Heroic Rescue Stuns Onlookers

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A thrilling turn of events unfolded at the picturesque Rajjaprabha Dam in the southern province of Surat Thani, Thailand, as a white tourist van took an unexpected dive into the crystal-clear waters of the reservoir on a serene Sunday morning. Caught on a dramatic screenshot, the van’s perilous plunge immediately became the talk of the town.

The incident, which took place around 10am, jolted the tranquil atmosphere at a busy pier nestled in the scenic tambon Khao Phang of Ban Takhun district. Here, tourism personnel were enthusiastically welcoming visitors looking forward to exploring the tranquil beauty of the reservoir by boat.

Out of nowhere, a seemingly possessed white Toyota van accelerated towards the edge of the high concrete pier. In an instant, it hurtled off the pier, nosediving into the azure reservoir waters below. The van’s front end hit the bottom near the bank with a resounding crash, while its rear struck a sturdy steel pontoon making an alarming clang before the entire vehicle succumbed to the depths of the reservoir.

The sight left onlookers—including various tourists, local workers, and villagers—utterly stunned. But with admirable swiftness, the local heroes sprang into action, rescuing the dazed van driver from the sinking vehicle. Though the driver sustained a broken left wrist and a nasty cut on his chin, the good news was he remained conscious and resilient, ensuring his swift transport to Bantakhun Hospital for further treatment.

Interestingly, the driver wasn’t on a solo venture. The van had been bustling with about ten tourists not long before the incident. Thankfully, fate played a kind hand as the visitors disembarked at the pier moments before the van’s unexpected plunge, escaping any potential harm and simply left with a surreal story to share.

This incident, while harrowing, did nothing to dampen the spirits of the tourists who continued with their boat trips, now armed with a thrilling anecdote of their time at Rajjaprabha Dam.


  1. Alex T. August 4, 2024

    This is insane! How does a van just drive off a pier like that?

    • Sophie August 4, 2024

      Maybe the driver had some sort of medical emergency or mechanical failure. It’s a miracle everyone is okay.

    • Sammy Jo August 4, 2024

      Or maybe he just lost control of the vehicle? This kind of stuff happens more than you think.

      • Alex T. August 4, 2024

        True, but isn’t there supposed to be safety measures at such tourist spots? Barriers or something?

      • TravelerTom August 4, 2024

        Exactly, safety protocols seem really lax here. Something needs to be done to prevent this in the future.

  2. Carlos August 4, 2024

    What a crazy story! Glad everyone is safe and the tourists had already disembarked.

    • Lori Olson August 4, 2024

      It could have turned out so much worse if those tourists were still in the van. Very lucky.

    • Carlos August 4, 2024

      Right? They could have been seriously injured or worse! A real close call.

  3. EcoWarrior89 August 4, 2024

    I hope the authorities are taking environmental precautions. We don’t need pollution in such a pristine area.

    • John K. August 4, 2024

      Good point. Vehicles in the water can leak oil and other fluids, harming wildlife.

    • EcoWarrior89 August 4, 2024

      Exactly. Accidents like these can have long-term ecological consequences if not managed properly.

  4. Liam August 4, 2024

    This must have been terrifying to witness. Kudos to the onlookers who jumped in to help!

    • Jane Doe August 4, 2024

      Human spirits can really shine in crisis moments. They definitely deserve a medal for their quick action.

    • SunnyDays August 4, 2024

      Absolutely! They saved that driver’s life. Heroes!

  5. HistoryBuff222 August 4, 2024

    The history of Rajjaprabha Dam is fascinating in itself, now it has this dramatic incident to add to its story.

  6. NomadSteve August 4, 2024

    Such a bizarre twist to what was supposed to be a peaceful day of tourism.

    • Ken August 4, 2024

      Can you imagine the story these people now have to tell their friends and family?

    • Emily R. August 4, 2024

      I guess an adrenaline rush wasn’t part of their tour package!

  7. Julie H. August 4, 2024

    I wonder what was going through the driver’s mind. Must have been pure panic.

    • Chris M. August 4, 2024

      He’ll probably have a lot to explain once he recovers. Hope he’s doing okay.

      • Julie H. August 4, 2024

        For sure. It’s a miracle he only had a broken wrist and a cut. Get well soon, driver!

  8. RetroFan1978 August 4, 2024

    Vehicles really should have better maintenance checks before being used for tours. Just saying.

    • Megan1985 August 4, 2024

      Agreed, safety standards need to be higher, especially in tourist-heavy areas.

    • RetroFan1978 August 4, 2024

      Exactly. There’s no excuse for endangering lives like this.

  9. Tony Stark August 4, 2024

    Is there a follow-up on whether the van was salvaged? What a logistical nightmare that must be.

    • CuriousCat August 4, 2024

      I was thinking the same! Retrieving a sunken van can’t be easy, and it might still pose hazards.

    • Tony Stark August 4, 2024

      Right? It’s not like you can just pull it out with a rope. Specialized equipment would be needed.

  10. Yogi Bear August 4, 2024

    I was actually at the pier that morning! It was like something out of an action movie.

    • Lilly August 4, 2024

      Wow, that must have been intense. So glad you’re okay!

    • Yogi Bear August 4, 2024

      Thanks! Definitely an unforgettable experience, though not in the way I expected.

  11. Vera August 4, 2024

    What’s really impressive is how the tourists continued with their day. Shows resilience.

  12. Adam August 4, 2024

    I just can’t get over how quickly the rescue happened. Real heroes in the crowd!

    • Justice4All August 4, 2024

      Indeed. In emergencies, those first few seconds count the most.

  13. Honeybunny August 4, 2024

    The driver needs to be more careful. What was he thinking?

    • Phil August 4, 2024

      We don’t know the full story yet. Could’ve been something beyond his control.

  14. Xander August 4, 2024

    This felt like a scene straight out of a movie. Glad no tourists were hurt!

    • Harry August 4, 2024

      Seriously, could be a blockbuster script. Shockingly real!

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