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Tragic Accident: Runaway Horses Struck by Vehicles on Borommaratchachonnani Road in Nakhon Pathom

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One of the two runaway horses rests lifeless on Borommaratchachonnani Road in the Samphran district of Nakhon Pathom, casting a somber shadow over the morning hustle. (Photos: Nakhon Pathom Highway Police)
NAKHON PATHOM: In a heartbreaking turn of events early Thursday morning, two horses met a tragic end after they were struck by vehicles on a bustling highway in the Samphran district, just a stone’s throw from Bangkok. The normally docile animals had broken free from their enclosure at a nearby café, setting off a chain reaction of unfortunate events.
At the crack of dawn, as commuters made their way toward the city, calamity struck. A van and a car careened into the horses on the Bangkok-bound lane of Borommaratchachonnani Road at around 7:30 am. The initial impact was catastrophic enough, but it didn’t stop there. The van was then rear-ended by two more cars, one of which crashed after hitting one of the unfortunate equines.
Preedalak Jinda, the heartbroken owner of the stallions, shared her devastation. The horses, aged 10 and 11 years, had always been a picture of discipline within the confines of their fenced corral at The Frog Prince Café, situated roughly 4 kilometers west of Phutthamonthon Park on Bangkok’s western edge.
“They were usually so obedient,” she recounted, her voice tinged with sadness. “But something must have spooked them to make them break out like that.”
As the incident unfolded, it not only claimed the lives of the horses but also threw the morning traffic into disarray. The rush hour slog turned into a gridlock nightmare, with vehicles crawling at a pace slower than a trot as authorities worked to clear the scene.


  1. AnimalLover22 July 18, 2024

    This is just heartbreaking. Poor horses didn’t deserve this.

    • DrivingEnthusiast July 18, 2024

      But what about the drivers? They could have died too. Animals shouldn’t be on the road!

      • NatureFreak July 18, 2024

        True, but we need to remember these animals didn’t plan to be there. It’s a tragic accident for everyone involved.

      • AnimalLover22 July 18, 2024

        Exactly. Compassion for both humans and animals is key here.

    • CityDriver July 18, 2024

      Totally agree. But we have to ask, why weren’t these animals secured properly in the first place?

    • AnimalRightsAdvocate July 18, 2024

      Maybe because sometimes even the best precautions fail. We don’t know the full story.

  2. John D. July 18, 2024

    I commute on that road every day. It’s a miracle more people didn’t get hurt.

    • EcoWarrior July 18, 2024

      It’s a reminder of how fragile life is, for both humans and animals.

    • John D. July 18, 2024

      Absolutely. Makes you think twice about rushing through the morning traffic.

  3. Samantha July 18, 2024

    The café owner must be devastated. Imagine losing pets that are like family to you.

    • HorseOwner7 July 18, 2024

      As a fellow horse owner, my heart breaks for her. Those horses were probably like her children.

    • Samantha July 18, 2024

      Exactly. People don’t realize how attached you get to animals like horses. It’s a deep bond.

    • CafeLover44 July 18, 2024

      The Frog Prince Café is such a nice place. It’s a shame this had to happen to them.

  4. EcoWarrior July 18, 2024

    This just goes to show that we need better infrastructure to protect both people and animals near urban areas.

    • CityPlanner July 18, 2024

      True. Urban planning needs to consider wildlife corridors. Maybe even build safer fencing.

    • EcoWarrior July 18, 2024

      Exactly! It’s not just about protecting drivers but every living being that could be impacted.

    • DriverX July 18, 2024

      Let’s be realistic. Such measures cost money and take time. We need practical solutions now.

  5. FastLaneJoe July 18, 2024

    How fast were the vehicles going? If they were speeding, they are partly to blame too.

    • SpeedLimitSally July 18, 2024

      Excellent point! Speed limits exist for a reason. Maybe more enforcement is needed.

    • FastLaneJoe July 18, 2024

      Exactly. This accident wasn’t solely the animals’ fault.

  6. NatureLover July 18, 2024

    We’ve encroached on so much animal territory already. Incidents like this will become more common.

    • UrbanSprawl July 18, 2024

      Expansion is inevitable. The key is learning how to manage it sustainably.

    • NatureLover July 18, 2024

      We need to find a balance between development and preserving nature. It’s crucial.

  7. Tim P. July 18, 2024

    This is why I always say drivers need to be vigilant, especially in the mornings.

    • EarlyBird July 18, 2024

      Absolutely. Morning commuters often deal with unexpected events.

    • Tim P. July 18, 2024

      Yep. Always be prepared for the unexpected, especially on busy highways.

  8. GreenPeaceNow July 18, 2024

    A wake-up call to build better fences and check them regularly.

    • HandyMan July 18, 2024

      Fencing isn’t foolproof but proper maintenance is crucial. Couldn’t agree more.

  9. Jane K. July 18, 2024

    Why weren’t the horses spotted and recovered sooner? Perhaps better surveillance is needed near such areas.

    • SecurityExpert July 18, 2024

      Indeed, it’s surprising they got so far without being noticed. Cameras could help.

  10. Karen92 July 18, 2024

    Always sad to see animals die because of human error.

  11. TrafficWoes July 18, 2024

    Apart from the tragedy, this jam must have been horrendous. I’ll be late for work for sure.

    • EmpatheticDriver July 18, 2024

      A bit of empathy wouldn’t hurt. Lives were lost here, human inconvenience is secondary.

  12. PetParent July 18, 2024

    Losing a pet is hard. My heart goes out to the café owner.

  13. RoadSafety4All July 18, 2024

    Rapid response from the authorities is essential in such cases. They need better training.

    • FirstResponder July 18, 2024

      Agreed. It’s a tough job, but we need to prepare for all types of scenarios.

  14. Mike W. July 18, 2024

    Imagine if this happened at a different time, say during rush hour. The impact would have been more severe.

    • BusyBee July 18, 2024

      Morning traffic during rush hour is already a mess. This would’ve been a nightmare of epic proportions.

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