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Tragic Death of Krit Thammol in Police Custody Spurs Investigation and Demands for Justice

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In a heart-wrenching sequence of events, authorities have initiated a probe into the tragic demise of a 41-year-old man, who succumbed while in police custody at Yannawa Police Station. The unfortunate incident took place after officers mistook his severe medical condition for intoxication. Pol Col Ratthanont Ekthitikulpunt, the head of Yannawa Police Station, recently announced that Metropolitan Police Division 6 has established a committee to delve into the case thoroughly.

The story came to the public’s attention thanks to Ms. Manao (surname withheld), the girlfriend of the deceased, Krit Thammol. She reached out to the Sai Mai Tong Rod Facebook page, hoping to rally support and seek justice for her lost partner. Krit, who was known for his services as an airport transfer driver at Suvarnabhumi Airport, tragically suffered from an ischemic stroke.

Pol Col Ratthanont disclosed that he had ordered an officer to make contact with Krit’s family. However, Ms. Manao refuted this claim, stating that the police had not reached out to her directly as they had informed the media. She mentioned that despite the police assuring the media of a scheduled meeting with her, no such communication had taken place.

According to Ms. Manao, on July 13, Krit experienced a severe headache and began vomiting soon after dropping passengers off at a hotel in the Yannawa district of Bangkok. Fearing the worst, he called her, and she urged him to head directly to the hospital. However, his condition deteriorated rapidly, making it increasingly difficult for him to control his vehicle. His struggle on the road culminated in an accident, where his car collided with several motorcycles.

In the aftermath of the collision, the communication between Krit and Ms. Manao ceased, leaving her in a state of panic. Eventually, she discovered that Krit had been detained at Yannawa Police Station under the suspicion of drunk driving. Tragically, while under police custody, Krit lost consciousness. He was eventually transported to Ratchaphiphat Hospital, where he battled complications from a brain hemorrhage for three agonizing days before passing away.

Ms. Manao expressed her profound frustration and sorrow, revealing that Krit was held at the police station for nearly two hours. She believes that had he received timely medical attention, he might have survived. She adamantly vouched for Krit’s character, asserting that he never drove under the influence of alcohol and warned of legal repercussions against the police officers if the alcohol test confirmed his sobriety.

The devastating twist in the tale came as the hospital test, conducted later, confirmed that Krit had not been drinking. This revelation intensifies Ms. Manao’s resolve to seek justice and accountability for the actions that led to such a grievous loss. The ongoing investigation by the Metropolitan Police Division 6 is now under the watchful eyes of a grieving family and a community seeking answers and justice.


  1. Alice Johnson July 22, 2024

    This is such a heartbreaking story. It’s hard to believe that police mistook a medical emergency for intoxication.

    • jasonX July 22, 2024

      Accidents happen, but it’s the follow-up that matters. They should have checked him more thoroughly. Such negligence is unacceptable.

      • Emma L July 22, 2024

        Totally agree! The police should have been more attentive. It makes you wonder about their training in dealing with medical emergencies.

      • Alice Johnson July 22, 2024

        Yes, they definitely need better training. Lives are at stake!

    • Tim Lee July 22, 2024

      It’s not just about training but accountability. There’s no excuse for ignoring obvious distress signals.

  2. MichaelD July 22, 2024

    This incident perfectly encapsulates the systemic issues within our law enforcement. How many more lives have to be lost before real changes are made?

    • Sara K. July 22, 2024

      Agreed, Michael. It’s shocking and unacceptable. We need more oversight and transparency.

      • bookworm_88 July 22, 2024

        Absolutely, Sara. Without transparency, it’s impossible to trust the system.

      • MichaelD July 22, 2024

        Transparency and rigorous training should be the bare minimum requirements. We deserve a system we can trust.

  3. BigTom July 22, 2024

    Honestly, people are too quick to judge. Mistakes happen, and not every case is an example of institutional failure.

    • Ruby W. July 22, 2024

      Maybe, but this was no small mistake. We’re talking about a life lost here!

      • Andy July 22, 2024

        I understand mistakes can happen, but when a life is at stake, there’s no room for them. They should face consequences.

      • BigTom July 22, 2024

        I get that, Andy. But it’s also important to understand the immense pressure and challenges the police face daily.

  4. Jane July 22, 2024

    I can’t imagine how Ms. Manao must be feeling. Losing someone like that and then being misled by the authorities is just cruel.

  5. Markus P July 22, 2024

    The fact that Krit wasn’t even drunk makes this even more tragic. Basic medical attention could have saved him.

    • LisaB July 22, 2024

      It really makes you question how many similar cases go unnoticed. This could have been any one of us.

    • Rick July 22, 2024

      Stories like this make it clear that something needs to change in how the police handle detainees with possible medical issues.

  6. Oleg Ivanov July 22, 2024

    This is what happens when there’s a lack of accountability. When officers know they won’t be held responsible, they become careless.

    • Nancy P July 22, 2024

      It’s not just accountability, it’s about proper procedures and immediate action in such cases.

    • Oleg Ivanov July 22, 2024

      Absolutely, Nancy. Both factors play a crucial role. We need to ensure that procedures are followed and there’s accountability when they’re not.

  7. Rajesh Kumar July 22, 2024

    The police need more training in recognizing medical emergencies. This tragedy could have been avoided.

    • Doris R. July 22, 2024

      Training is definitely a part of it, but also having medical professionals quickly available at police stations could make a huge difference.

  8. Luna Star July 22, 2024

    It’s stories like these that erode public trust in the police force. Immediate, transparent actions are needed to regain it.

    • Eva G July 22, 2024

      Trust is so hard to rebuild once it’s lost. Stories like this reverberate through communities and increase the divide.

    • Luna Star July 22, 2024

      Absolutely, Eva. Without trust, community cooperation with law enforcement suffers, affecting everyone’s safety.

  9. Paul July 22, 2024

    It’s horrible that his partner wasn’t contacted. There should have been better communication from the police.

  10. Ava Turner July 22, 2024

    When will we learn to prioritize human life and dignity over assumptions and stereotypes?

    • Chris July 22, 2024

      Well said, Ava. Unfortunately, systemic changes take time and consistent effort from all of us.

    • Ava Turner July 22, 2024

      True, Chris. But stories like this one emphasize how urgent those changes are.

  11. Xander July 22, 2024

    Ms. Manao’s fight for justice is commendable. More people should support her and push for answers.

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