In the tranquil yet vibrant southern province of Trang, a chilling narrative unfolded on Monday, January 6th, that has gripped the attention of locals and the nation alike. It was on this fateful afternoon that a 70-year-old woman, affectionately known in her neighborhood as Iad, decided to make her routine trip to the market. Little did she know that this mundane errand would take a harrowing turn.
As the sun cast its golden glow through the palm plantations she passed, a sinister presence lurked nearby. Without warning, a former inmate, a 64-year-old man by the name of Jade, approached Iad with malicious intent. What transpired next was an act of unimaginable cruelty that shook the foundations of safety within this peaceful community. Jade, as Iad bravely recounted to the officers at Bang Khlong Teng Police Station, threatened her life and the well-being of her three siblings—who are differently-abled—if she dared to cry for help or reveal what he had done.
The determination of local law enforcement kicked into high gear as they embarked on a mission to track down Jade, now the prime suspect. Iad’s courageous testimony, coupled with her identification of Jade from a photograph, set the investigators on his trail. Astonishingly, it came to light that Jade had been recently released—a mere seven days earlier—from prison, where he served time for an equally brutal crime involving a bedridden patient.
This previous crime had its own grim details. After the assault, Jade had mistakenly believed his victim had died, leading to his eventual arrest when he confessed to a relative. Thankfully, justice was served, and he was incarcerated for three years. However, the brevity of his sentence gave this predator the opportunity to walk free just in time to terrorize yet another victim.
As January 10th rolled around, the pursuit for justice intensified. Officers made their way to Jade’s residence, only to find him missing. Their dogged determination, however, paid off when they finally apprehended him strolling through a market, ironically near the scene of his latest grotesque crime
What a horrific event! It baffles me why someone like Jade would be released after just three years. Clearly, the justice system failed Iad and others.
Totally agree. Short sentences for violent offenders just doesn’t make sense. They clearly need more time or rehabilitation.
Exactly, Tom. There’s so little support for both victims and offenders after these sorts of crimes.
Rehabilitation programs are often underfunded too, which just perpetuates the cycle.
It’s not just about rehab. Some people are just beyond it and need to be locked up permanently.
It’s definitely worrying that he was near the same market again! What is the security doing?
Security is often minimal at these local markets. It’s not enough to prevent such incidents.
Well, after this, they should think about increasing it before something else happens. Not safe for anyone!
We’re all just assuming Jade is the criminal here. Innocent until proven guilty is a principle for a reason.
But he’s already been convicted of a similar crime. I understand due process is important, but it’s hard to see him as innocent here.
True, but past convictions shouldn’t automatically mean guilt in a new case. Each incident should be considered on its own merits.
Can’t believe this! Sounds like a story from a movie.
I think everyone should read this story. It highlights the fact that safety isn’t guaranteed, no matter where you are.
Absolutely right. We all should be aware of our surroundings no matter how comfy we feel.
And to think it happened in what seemed like such a peaceful neighborhood as well. Terrifying.
The article raises a serious question about how society handles former inmates. Is there a proper re-integration system or just punishment?
Great point. Often, they are just released without any real support system, which doesn’t help anyone in the long run.
If you let someone out early and this happens, shouldn’t those who made the decision face consequences too?
Let’s not forget the complexity of these decisions; they’re based on behavior assessments, resource limits and laws, not just whims.
True, Realist85, but when those decisions lead to more victims, perhaps the system needs re-evaluation.
This is truly sad. We need to do better to protect our elderly and vulnerable. Strength to Iad and her family!
I wonder how commonplace these incidents are, but many never make it to the news.
Sometimes society places too much faith in the idea of rehabilitation. There are just some people who are dangerous and need to be kept away.
I think everyone deserves a chance, but this does show that we need to balance compassion with caution.
Stories like these are so rare in my community, I genuinely hope something similar is never experienced here.
Can we really trust our legal system to protect us, given incidents like these?
People should learn self-defense. Such knowledge could make a huge difference in these situations.
It’s troubling that such trauma is still relatively common even for older people like Iad. Our society’s failing them.