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Transgender Fraudster Uthai Nanthakhan Arrested Again: Decade-Long Scam Targets Japanese Men

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Police questioning Uthai Nanthakhan in 2015. (File photo)

In a bizarre turn of events, a 48-year-old transgender woman, known as Uthai Nanthakhan or Amy, found herself in handcuffs yet again on a fateful Saturday night. This apprehension is the latest incident in a string of deceitful escapades dating back a decade, targeting primarily unsuspecting Japanese men and racking up a staggering total of 26 million baht.

According to reliable police sources, the latest arrest of Amy unfurled after a 36-year-old Japanese individual lodged a complaint at Thong Lor police station. The victim recounted a tale that began in January when he first crossed paths with Uthai. Posing as a visitor from Hong Kong, she seamlessly weaved her way into his trust. With every meeting, she skillfully executed her con, persuading him to part with his money.

The modus operandi, as revealed by the police, was almost like clockwork. Uthai would typically spin a heartfelt sob story to her targets, lamenting about losing her wallet and passport while traveling. She presented herself as a damsel in distress, needing urgent funds for necessities like obtaining a new passport, availing medications, undergoing treatments, and securing insurance.

Uthai’s fraudulent endeavors are far from being a recent phenomenon. Her notorious portfolio of scams has been tarnished since as early as 2011, with a whopping record of 73 victims and an accumulated tricked amount of 26 million baht. This year alone, the authorities have been bombarded with complaints from three hapless victims, who collectively lost about 4 million baht to her unpredictable schemes.

Interestingly, it’s not her first encounter with the law. Uthai’s con artistry had previously led her straight to the cold confines of prison bars back in 2015. After serving her time, she was released in 2018, only to shed her stint in the penitentiary like second skin and dive right back into her relentless cons.

With her ever-ingenious plot and masterful deceit, Uthai Nanthakhan’s scandalous saga continues to baffle both the victims and the law enforcement, weaving an unforgettable tale of beguiling fraudulence.


  1. Alex August 4, 2024

    This is insane. How can someone keep getting away with this for so long? The police need to step up!

    • Sarah K August 4, 2024

      Totally agree. It’s shocking that she wasn’t monitored more closely after her release in 2018.

      • Tommy P. August 4, 2024

        You’d think with today’s technology, she’d be easier to track.

    • Mark D August 4, 2024

      Maybe the victims should be more careful. It’s hard to feel sorry for someone who hands over their money so easily.

      • Annie August 4, 2024

        Blaming the victims is unfair. Con artists are skilled at manipulating people’s emotions and trust.

      • Alex August 4, 2024

        Exactly, Annie. No one should be putting all the responsibility on the victims here! The scammers are criminally responsible!

  2. Sandy August 4, 2024

    It’s interesting how she played the system so well. Makes you wonder about the psychology behind it.

    • Brian G August 4, 2024

      True, there’s definitely a fascinating psychological aspect to her manipulation tactics.

    • Psych101 August 4, 2024

      A lot of scammers are sociopaths or have some kind of personality disorder. She probably saw her targets as easy prey.

  3. grower134 August 4, 2024

    This just gives trans people a bad name. Not everyone is like her.

    • Ellie August 4, 2024

      Couldn’t agree more. We shouldn’t let this alter our perception of the entire community.

    • Jason R August 4, 2024

      It’s unfair to generalize based on one person’s actions. The LGBTQ community already faces enough prejudice.

    • grower134 August 4, 2024

      Exactly, Jason. Hate when a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch.

  4. Joe Mama August 4, 2024

    Why do people keep falling for these scams? Seems obvious to me that it’s a setup.

    • Harold D August 4, 2024

      Easy to say when you’re not in the situation. Scammers are very convincing in person.

    • Jane K August 4, 2024

      Agree with Harold. It’s different when you’re emotionally involved.

    • Joe Mama August 4, 2024

      Maybe, but common sense should still apply. Don’t give money to strangers, period.

  5. Lisa W August 4, 2024

    This story just broke my heart. How many more times will this happen before something permanent is done?

  6. Larry D August 4, 2024

    26 million baht is an astronomical amount over the years. Shows she was really good at what she did.

  7. Susan August 4, 2024

    I hope justice is served this time around. Tired of hearing repeat offenders.

  8. Jimmy August 4, 2024

    This is why we need harsher penalties. People like her need to be locked up for much longer.

    • Martin T August 4, 2024

      Agreed. Apparently a few years in prison wasn’t enough to deter her.

    • Emily J August 4, 2024

      Locking people up longer is not always the answer. Rehabilitation can be more effective.

  9. GeekGuy99 August 4, 2024

    I wonder what makes someone turn to such a life of deceit. Must be quite a backstory there.

    • Kelly August 4, 2024

      Curiosity killed the cat, GeekGuy. Maybe it’s just greed. Some people are just born to con.

  10. Larry Davis August 4, 2024

    If only these men used their brains for half a second. Lol.

  11. Megan H August 4, 2024

    Maybe it’s time for her to face real consequences. Why isn’t there a better system in place to prevent repeat offenses?

  12. Tommy P. August 4, 2024

    You can almost admire the dedication to the craft, even if it’s totally wrong and screwed up.

  13. Rachel August 4, 2024

    With all that effort, she could’ve done something positive with her life.

  14. Steven R August 4, 2024

    Why didn’t the police keep a closer watch on her after her release? Drop of the ball.

  15. Kat August 4, 2024

    Shame on the authorities for not preventing this. This woman was a known scammer!

  16. Norman W August 4, 2024

    Incredible that she racked up 26 million baht! Shows persistence.

  17. Chad August 4, 2024

    These cases should be publicized more to raise awareness. If people knew, they’d be more cautious.

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