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TRIUP FAIR 2024: Boosting Thai Industry with Cutting-Edge Research and Innovation

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Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI), together with nine funding management units and partners in the Science, Research, and Innovation (SRI) System, is collaborating with the Federation of Thai Industries (F.T.I.), the Thai Chamber of Commerce, and the Board of Trade of Thailand to announce the highly anticipated “Thailand Research and Innovation Utilisation Promotion Fair 2024 – TRIUP FAIR 2024.” This vibrant event will run from 24 to 26 September 2024 at the illustrious Royal Paragon Hall, 5th floor, Siam Paragon. Promising a one-stop service that marks a remarkable synergy between various agencies from five key ministries—the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation; the Ministry of Industry; the Ministry of Commerce; the Ministry of Public Health; and the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives—alongside intermediary organizations, this event will provide the private sector with a treasure trove of services. Picture a plethora of resources: research funding, investment loans, testing laboratories, standards certification units, business development hubs, marketing promotion avenues both domestically and internationally, and a variety of public communication channels—all under one elegant roof.

The event will sparkle with over 150 ready-to-use research and innovation exhibits, splendidly segmented into four thematic zones: (1) Medicine and Health, (2) High-value Agriculture and Food, (3) Net Zero Emission, and (4) Appropriate Technology. Beyond these showcases, there will be dynamic business matching opportunities for research proprietors, entrepreneurs, and investors, essential business consulting services offered by over 50 public and private organizations, engaging panel discussions, and enlightening training sessions led by more than 40 distinguished domestic and international speakers.

But that’s not all! This year’s event brims with excitement with auditions to select pioneering projects for the Shark Tank Thailand programme and a marketplace of innovative products that promote the practical use of Thai research and innovation.

Professor Emeritus Sirirurg Songsivilai, M.D., Ph.D., Chairman of the National Commission on Science, Research and Innovation Promotion, highlighted that TSRI has a fervent policy to tackle key national issues within 2-3 years, aiming for nothing short of excellence. This goal necessitates collaboration from the Federation of Thai Industries, the Thai Chamber of Commerce, and the Board of Trade of Thailand, alongside SRI System key players, to ensure that research and innovation permeate effectively into practice, boosting the industrial sector’s prowess, generating income, fortifying economic stability, and elevating the quality of life for all. Following the enactment of the Thailand Research and Innovation Utilisation Promotion Act (TRIUP Act), TSRI has allotted a budget surpassing 2,100 million baht for fiscal year 2024 and over 2,500 million baht for 2025. TSRI’s mission is laser-focused on two fronts: compiling a list of Appropriate Technologies, currently boasting over 1,300 items, and facilitating successful pairings; and aggregating Invention Disclosures, presently receiving 276 submissions to funding providers. The envisioned outcome? A surge in both commercial and social utilization of innovations.

Mr. Kriengkrai Thiennukul, Chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries (F.T.I.), emphasized the paramount importance of integrating research, technology, and innovation into industrial processes as a means to ramp up competitiveness and achieve sustainable growth. This integration is crucial for amplifying production efficiency and quality, slashing time and costs, and enabling industries to navigate swiftly through evolving consumer demands and trading paradigms.

“I extend my heartfelt gratitude to TSRI for involving F.T.I. as a key partner in the orchestration of TRIUP FAIR 2024. This platform will undoubtedly provide entrepreneurs and the private sector with invaluable exposure to practical research and innovation that can transform the Thai industrial landscape. F.T.I. is enthusiastic about progressing with the ‘Innovation One Fund’ project. This initiative is designed to support startups enriched with skills, knowledge, and technological expertise, helping them thrive both locally and on the global stage. By connecting these innovative startups with SMEs in our member network in need of innovation, we promote sustainable growth, harmonizing with our ONE FTI policy for 2024-2026 aimed at crafting a robust Thai industrial sector,” Mr. Kriengkrai added.

Miss Korbsook Iamsuri, Director of the Executive Board, The Thai Chamber of Commerce, clarified that the Thai Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Trade of Thailand are staunch advocates for the practical application of cutting-edge research and innovation. Through collaboration with various bodies—including educational institutions, government agencies, and the private sector—they ensure real-world applications of research and technologies.

In anticipation of the “Thailand Research and Innovation Utilisation Promotion Fair 2024 – TRIUP FAIR 2024,” the Thai Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade of Thailand, as network partners, are avidly promoting the event among their members and networks, especially the Young Entrepreneurs Chamber of Commerce (YEC). They champion the incorporation of research, technology, and innovation, believing it not only bolsters business competitiveness but also catapults knowledge and technology into realms of sustainable societal development. The Thai Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade of Thailand, in unison with YEC and their members, consistently strive to effect positive changes for the country and society.

Assoc. Prof. Patamawadee Pochanukul, Ph.D., President of Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI), expressed that TSRI, the F.T.I., the Thai Chamber of Commerce, and the Board of Trade of Thailand, along with partner agencies—ranging from Programme Management Units (PMUs) to universities, research institutions, and government agencies supporting entrepreneurs—have orchestrated the TRIUP FAIR for the third year in a row.

This year’s event does more than showcase the brilliance of Thai research and innovation; it aims to tackle challenges and mitigate barriers to the application of research and innovation, thereby creating substantial impacts on the national economy and society. “TRIUP FAIR will be a melting pot for the ecosystem of utilizing research and innovation. It will enable private sector companies, entrepreneurs, investors, and research creators to network, share ideas, and build upon knowledge towards sustainable growth. Let’s embark on this impactful journey together and ignite Thailand’s future,” concluded the TSRI President.

Interested in being part of this exciting event? Register and stay updated at or reach out at [email protected].


  1. Joe September 9, 2024

    Wow, this TRIUP FAIR 2024 sounds like a game-changer for Thailand’s industries!

    • Samantha K. September 9, 2024

      I completely agree! It seems like they’re really investing in the future.

      • grower134 September 9, 2024

        Investing in the future is great, but I hope this actually translates into real results and not just another flashy event.

    • thinker2024 September 9, 2024

      It’s high time Thailand got serious about innovation. This can only mean good things for the economy.

      • Joe September 9, 2024

        Absolutely! The focus on sectors like Medicine, Agriculture, and Net Zero Emission is particularly exciting.

  2. Cherry Blosssom September 9, 2024

    I am skeptical about how much impact these fairs actually have. They often seem like big talk with little follow-through.

    • Prof_Tech September 9, 2024

      Fair enough, skepticism is warranted. But with a budget of over 2 billion baht, they should be held accountable for making a difference.

    • Larry D September 9, 2024

      I understand your skepticism, but these types of initiatives are essential for long-term growth.

  3. Sam W. September 9, 2024

    What an amazing opportunity for startups! Connecting them with SMEs can really boost innovation.

  4. intrepid_inv September 9, 2024

    This fair looks pretty good, but the government needs to be consistent with their support, not just during events.

    • Helena M. September 9, 2024

      You make a valid point. Often these events are forgotten once the spotlight is gone.

      • intrepid_inv September 9, 2024

        Exactly! Continuous support is much more important than short-term attention.

  5. young_thinker September 9, 2024

    The Shark Tank programme auditions are an exciting addition. It brings a competitive edge to the fair.

    • eco_warrior September 9, 2024

      Totally agree! It adds a fun element and might attract more young entrepreneurs.

    • Sara L. September 9, 2024

      Yes, but I hope they also focus on sustainable and eco-friendly businesses in Shark Tank.

  6. Frank September 9, 2024

    Not sure how this will impact small, local businesses. They might get overshadowed by larger entities.

  7. Anna P. September 9, 2024

    This event looks comprehensive but I hope it doesn’t just benefit big corporations. SMEs need support too.

    • Mike S. September 9, 2024

      True, but by creating networking opportunities, it could help SMEs find resources and partnerships they need.

      • Anna P. September 9, 2024

        I guess we’ll have to wait and see how inclusive it really is.

  8. Jessica King September 9, 2024

    150 research exhibits? That’s a lot! I hope they don’t overwhelm attendees with too much information.

  9. green_env September 9, 2024

    Net Zero Emission zone is a brilliant idea. More events should focus on sustainability.

    • clean_energy2024 September 9, 2024

      Couldn’t agree more. Environmental responsibility should be a priority.

    • Siriwat September 9, 2024

      I hope Net Zero isn’t just a buzzword here. Real actions and plans need to be showcased.

    • green_env September 9, 2024

      Let’s be optimistic. The focus alone is a positive step towards awareness.

  10. John D. September 9, 2024

    How expensive would it be to join this fair? I bet only affluent businesses can afford it.

  11. Amy T. September 9, 2024

    International speakers is a nice touch. Learning from global experts could be beneficial.

    • scholar_eagle September 9, 2024

      Definitely! It brings a broader perspective and new ideas.

  12. TechWizard September 9, 2024

    The focus on ‘Appropriate Technology’ pretty much confirms this is aimed at practical applications, which is great.

  13. Martin September 9, 2024

    I hope the testing laboratories and certification units are accessible to smaller players, not just large corporations.

  14. Lisa R. September 9, 2024

    Let’s be realistic, a single event won’t change the landscape overnight, but it’s a step in the right direction.

    • Mark Davis September 9, 2024

      Very true. Continuous improvement and monitoring will be key.

  15. eco_fan September 9, 2024

    Such fairs are great, but will they really help in spreading research utilization across all industries?

    • ScienceGurl September 9, 2024

      They can help raise awareness across different sectors. The key is sustained follow-up.

  16. Patel R. September 9, 2024

    Seeing collaboration across multiple ministries is promising. The integrated approach might just work.

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