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Unbelievable Airport Revolution: Transforming Chiang Mai into a 24/7 Tourist Destination! Can Local Residents’ Dreams Come True?

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A welcoming call echoed through the Chiang Mai province, advocating for the christening of the second airport as Lanna International Airport. There’s also a shared sentiment amongst the local residents desiring extended operational hours at the well-established Chiang Mai International Airport. Such alterations, if permitted, could pave the way for a non-stop rhythmic flow of tourism around the clock. The airport, as of now, terminates its operations at the stroke of midnight.

The Airports of Thailand Plc (AOT), responsible for the administration of Chiang Mai International Airport, kickstarted the primary phase of an innovative scheme. Their agenda includes the inception of a novel international passenger terminal alongside revamping the domino-like structure currently devoted to domestic traffic. This ambitious project, budgeted at a hefty 10 million baht, promises a considerable augmentation in the airport’s potential, catapulting its capacity to a whopping 18 million passengers every year.

At the moment, Chiang Mai Airport proves capable of accommodating about 15 flights every hour, amounting to an admirable average of 150 flights daily. The successful accomplishment of Phase 1 will inevitably amplify this figure, enabling the airport to supervise about 30 flights each hour.

AOT is simultaneously orchestrating a preliminary feasibility study to lay the foundation for a secondary airport. The proposed site for this architectural marvel is adjacent to the Chiang Mai province, nestled in the tranquil Ban Thi district situated in Lamphun province. This grand endeavor, stretching over a vast expanse of 2,767.6 acres, estimates an expenditure between 50 billion and 60 billion baht.

However, it must be noted that the feasibility study stands a slim chance of receiving serious consideration before the impending expansion of the Chiang Mai International Airport reaches its much-anticipated culmination.

Srettha, post his interactive session with entrepreneurial residents in Chiang Mai, shared an informative list of discussed topics predominantly revolving around enhancing the tourism boost in their region. Among these was the opening of Lanna International and broadening the operating hours for Chiang Mai Airport, their ultimate aim being to accommodate a plethora of international flights hence escalating tourist numbers. Further topics included support for local startups, addressing the PM2.5 fine dust crisis, and influencing the regional culinary scene by stepping into the world’s gastronomic arena with world-class chefs from the northern region.

In essence, an exciting wave of significant modifications could potentially revolutionize the unique landscape of Chiang Mai, priming it to accommodate an entirely new era of international exposure and rapid advancement.

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