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Unemployed Man Becomes Master Criminal- Orchestrates 20 Accidents and Milks Insurance Companies for 300,000 Baht!

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In an astonishing twist of events, an unemployed man hailing from China confessed that he conducted a complex insurance fraud by orchestrating 20 separate accidents within a window of two years. This elaborate scheme saw him swindling approximately 300,000 baht in settlement payouts. Based on a report by The Paper, local authorities from a division of the Public Security Bureau that deals with road incidents began to notice a distinct pattern during their investigation into the man’s insurance claims.

The mastermind behind this deceitful operation was identified as Chen, who had a peculiar record of being struck by “right-turning vehicles,” an incident that suspiciously occurred 20 times in just two years. It was this peculiar pattern and frequency of accidents that set alarm bells ringing within insurance firms and the police department alike. One insurance firm, in particular, raised a flag on the unusual frequency of claims being put forth by Chen who is a resident of the bustling city of Shanghai.

As the net of doubt around his insurance scam began to tighten, Chen confessed to his strategic deception. It was in 2021 that the idea struck him after being hit by a vehicle while in pursuit of a cat. He realized he could capitalize on his injuries from such accidents to supplement his income and strategically targeted right-turning vehicles, taking advantage of their slower speed and inherent blind spots, to stage accidents without incurring serious injury.

In his confession, Chen admitted to having gained a deep understanding of traffic nuances and the general psyche of vehicle owners who, to avoid prolonged complications, prefer to expedite the resolution by making insurance claims. Chen, however, didn’t stop at that. To maximize his insurance payout, he concocted forged work certificates which would inflate both his wages and associated expenses he could claim, assuming he was employed.

This fraudulent activity eventually became Chen’s staple modus operandi, as reported by Sanook. Legal proceedings unveiled that since 2021, Chen had repeatedly played the victim by rehashing old injuries and producing falsified income certificates to scam both insurance companies and victims, culminating in a total of 20 incidents. This crafty scam led him to illegally siphon off over 60,000 yuan (equivalent to 290,000 baht).

The law enforcement officials stationed in the Yangpu district of Shanghai divulged that Chen purposely initiated road mishaps, tricked unsuspecting victims into believing they needed to bear the full weight of responsibility, and defrauded insurance firms to obtain unlawful compensation. This act fits the legal definition of fraud, placing Chen in line for legal prosecution.

In a somewhat similar vein, over 100 Thai citizens found themselves in the grasp of a fraudulent construction company, losing an estimated 16 million baht in the process.

To delve deeper into this story, click HERE.

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