One fateful day, on October 3, when a young 14-year-old adolescent unleashed terror in the bustling Siam Paragon shopping centre, leaving two dead and many others injured, a brave figure took a courageous stand. Pol Cap Thanamorn Nunat of the renowned Pathumwan Police Station, mustered courage and tactical skills, initiated rapid response and masterfully put down the juvenile offender, thus restoring order and stemming further harm.
A fort-night later, in recognition of his valor and dedication in the face of grave danger, Pol Gen Torsak duly revived an revered tradition of the police department by his gesture of gifting the heroic Pol Cap Thanamorn with the esteemed Knight’s Ring.
Tracing back to its origins in the halls of the Royal Thai Police in 1957, the Knight’s Ring is a symbol with deep-rooted significance and high prestige. It was originally conceptualized by the then Director-General of the Royal Thai Police, Pol Gen Phao Siyanon. He initiated this to celebrate and acknowledge officers who exemplified extraordinary courage, displayed a steadfast commitment towards public safety and contributed immensely to the growth and development of the police department at both provincial and metropolitan levels. The ring, meticulously crafted in gold, was adorned with the emblem of a police cap at the crest, solemnly christened as the Knight’s Ring.
During that year, Pol Gen Phao further enhanced the grading of the Knight’s Ring through the addition of diamonds, thus transforming it into an even more revered symbol of distinguished honor – the Diamond Knight’s Ring. This prestigious variant was awarded only to police officers who consistently displayed exceptional bravery, putting their lives on the line in volatile and high-risk scenarios. Over the years, the Diamond Knight’s Ring has only been awarded to a select few – 13 to be precise, chosen in accordance with Pol Gen Phao’s belief in the auspiciousness of the number 13, a significant number revered in Thai culture and also denoting Thailand’s Police Day in that era.
The tradition of the Knight’s Ring fell into oblivion with the retirement of Pol. Gen. Phao in 1957. However, reflecting the enduring strength and resilience of heroism, it was fittingly resurrected by Pol. Gen. Torsak more than half a century later on October 17, to salute officers who give their all in the line of duty.
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