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Urs Fehr Acquitted in Phuket Assault Case: Court Ruling Raises Questions

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In an unexpected twist of events, on Tuesday, the Kwaeng Court cleared Swiss national Urs Fehr of all charges related to an alleged altercation with a young doctor on a scenic Phuket beach. The judge, citing a lack of concrete evidence, chose to give Fehr, aged 45, the benefit of the doubt, leaving many details of the deliberation shrouded in mystery.

Fehr found himself in hot water after accusations surfaced of kicking Dr. Thandao Chandam, 26, while she and a friend were peacefully enjoying the full moon on Yamu Beach near Thalang district. The incident, which supposedly occurred on February 24, drew immediate media attention and public outrage as it unraveled.

According to witness accounts, the Swiss expatriate and his Thai wife, Khanuengnit, mistakenly believed the doctor was trespassing on their rented villa property. In the chaos that ensued, Fehr claimed he had inadvertently slipped on the steps leading to the beach, resulting in what eyewitnesses described as a kick to Dr. Thandao’s back.

The twist in this beachside drama came when it was later revealed that the steps in question did not belong to the rented villa—they were, in fact, illegally constructed structures. Reacting to this revelation, local authorities promptly ordered the steps to be demolished, only adding to the murky waters surrounding the event.

The beachside brawl soon became fodder for both social and mainstream media, provoking a fervent public outcry. Demands for Fehr’s expulsion from Thailand echoed across the island, leading immigration police to revoke his visa on grounds that painted him as a societal threat. As a beleaguered Fehr appealed against his visa revocation, additional controversies began to surface.

Further investigations revealed Fehr’s involvement in a separate road rage incident where he faced fines for his altercation with an ambulance driver. Scrutiny didn’t end there; his elephant foundation came under legal fire with local authorities investigating its legitimacy and subsequently revoking its licenses for a pistol and a rifle registered under his name and the foundation’s.

Finally, in a visibly tense court session on Tuesday, the Kwaeng Court handed down its judgment—the acquittal of Urs Fehr. Dr. Thandao’s father, Kasem Chandam, confirmed the court’s ruling but expressed disappointment, noting his daughter was deeply upset by the decision. Their legal team has already mobilized to request a detailed copy of the court’s judgment, eager to understand the nuances that led to Fehr’s exoneration.

While the court ruling has raised more questions than answers, Phuket’s sandy shores seem to be momentarily pacified. However, the story of Urs Fehr, Dr. Thandao, and the controversial beach steps is likely to remain a topic of local legend, continuing to spark conversations and debates under the tropical sun.


  1. Sophia September 3, 2024

    This case just screams injustice! How can they acquit someone with such a problematic history?

    • mark_duke September 3, 2024

      Lack of concrete evidence means a lot. You can’t just convict someone based on feelings.

    • Karen M. September 3, 2024

      I’m with Sophia on this. Everything about Fehr just screams shady!

      • Tom R. September 3, 2024

        The guy slipped, accidents happen. Should we ruin his life over that?

    • Sophia September 3, 2024

      It’s not just this incident, though. There’s the road rage and the issues with the elephant foundation. This should not be overlooked.

      • James D. September 3, 2024

        Some people have just bad luck. You can’t link everything together without proper evidence.

      • Karen M. September 3, 2024

        It’s more than just bad luck. Too many coincidences in one person’s life are suspicious.

  2. Michael Johnson September 3, 2024

    This entire story is just bizarre. From illegal steps to revoked gun licenses!

    • Yana September 3, 2024

      Phuket’s laws are shady too. The whole system needs a revamp.

    • Alex T September 3, 2024

      Illegal structures are surprisingly common here. This isn’t an isolated incident.

      • Jake W. September 3, 2024

        True. There needs to be better regulation.

  3. Emily September 3, 2024

    Why are expats treated with kid gloves in these cases?

    • travelbug99 September 3, 2024

      Because tourism is Thailand’s main income. They don’t want to scare away the expats.

      • Oliver P. September 3, 2024

        So it’s okay to let them get away with anything just for money? Ridiculous!

    • Lucy A. September 3, 2024

      Not all expats are like Fehr. Don’t generalize based on a few bad apples.

    • Emily September 3, 2024

      That’s not my point. I’m talking about accountability. Everyone should be held to the same standard.

  4. Liam74 September 3, 2024

    Seems like the local authorities are more interested in saving face than seeking justice.

  5. Cynthia L. September 3, 2024

    So Fehr’s wife was involved too? This just keeps getting deeper.

    • Ken September 3, 2024

      Sounds like a typical case of he said, she said. Hard to decide who’s telling the truth.

      • Matt T. September 3, 2024

        True. Without clear evidence, it’s just one word against another.

      • Cynthia L. September 3, 2024

        But then why acquit him if there’s doubt? Shouldn’t they have looked deeper?

  6. Justine September 3, 2024

    This case highlights how flawed the justice system can be.

  7. Ben_G September 3, 2024

    I’m baffled by the whole step situation. How do you not know your villa’s boundaries?

    • Holly September 3, 2024

      Maybe they just moved in? They might not be fully aware yet.

      • Grant September 3, 2024

        Ignorance isn’t a valid excuse, especially when physical harm is involved.

    • Xenia September 3, 2024

      Not knowing property lines is common for renters. But still, reacting with violence is never the answer.

  8. Paul September 3, 2024

    Acquitted or not, Fehr should leave Thailand. Too much controversy surrounds him.

  9. Ella_Delight September 3, 2024

    Sounds like Dr. Thandao and her friend were just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

    • Nick R. September 3, 2024

      Indeed. Fehr’s actions were strange, but accidents do happen.

    • Sandra M. September 3, 2024

      It’s hard to believe it was just an accident with his violent history.

  10. gregtheman September 3, 2024

    Why isn’t there any CCTV footage? Beaches should have cameras nowadays.

    • Lisa September 3, 2024

      Agreed. It would clear up these convoluted stories immediately.

      • Jameson September 3, 2024

        Privacy concerns? Not everyone wants to be taped on a private beach.

  11. Tess September 3, 2024

    I’m honestly surprised the court ruled in his favor. There must be more to the story we don’t know.

  12. Arnold W. September 3, 2024

    The entire thing feels like a setup gone wrong. Who slips and accidentally kicks someone?

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