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THAI.NEWS - Thailand Breaking News

General Prawit Wongsuwan Spearheads Thailand-Laos Cooperation: A New Chapter in Bilateral Relations and Regional Prosperity

On a sunny Sunday that seemed to bookmark a chapter of burgeoning international friendship and cooperation, General Prawit Wongsuwan, the charismatic leader of Thailand’s Palang Pracharath Party, embarked on a journey of diplomacy and dialogue. Along with a spirited caravan of party members, Gen Prawit traversed the symbolic expanse of the Friendship Bridge, setting course towards an engagement of import at the Government House of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (LPDR). Here, a pivotal meeting with Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone awaited, signifying a touchstone moment in the annals of Thai-Laotian relations. The halls of the Government House buzzed with anticipation as leaders on both sides conveyed earnest declarations of partnership and mutual progress. Gen Prawit, seizing the moment, articulated Thailand’s fervent commitment to enhancing bilateral cooperation across a spectrum of sectors. The agenda? A lofty and comprehensive collaboration spanning transportation and logistics, agriculture, healthcare, tourism, and trade. With the air…

Thailand to Host Historic LGBTQ+ Summit in 2028: A Leap Towards Global Inclusivity

Imagine the vibrant city of Bangkok, with its intricate tapestry of rich culture and newfound champions of inclusivity, gearing up to paint the town in every hue of the rainbow. Picture the pristine beaches of Phuket, where the sun-kissed shores might soon play host to a congregation celebrating love in its most unbridled form. Yes, come 2028, Thailand is poised to become the heartbeat of the LGBTQ+ community worldwide, showcasing not just its breathtaking landscapes but its monumental support for gender inclusivity. Last year’s Pride parade, a kaleidoscope of colors and smiles, was just a glimpse into Thailand’s welcoming heart. Now, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin announces a thrilling leap forward – Bangkok and Phuket have been chosen as the proud venues for the international LGBTQ+ summit and a series of vibrant activities slated for 2028. With the government’s unwavering backing, evidenced by the green-lighting of financial support from the central…

Kriengkrai Thiennukul Charts Thailand’s Strategic Trade Moves Amid Myanmar’s Unrest

In the intricate tapestry that is Southeast Asian geopolitics, Thailand stands at a crossroads, particularly concerning its ventures into neighboring Myanmar. Kriengkrai Thiennukul, the esteemed chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI), has eloquently highlighted the Gordian knot of challenges that businesses face in this venturesome landscape. Amid the shifting sands of global diplomacy, Western nations are giving Myanmar the cold shoulder, largely due to its cozying up with China, leaving investors in a bind. The military junta’s grip on Myanmar has not only soured relationships with the West but has led to an investor exodus to more welcoming shores. Thai enterprises, once bullish on expansion, now tread cautiously, biding their time for clearer skies. Yet, Kriengkrai isn’t one to wallow in despondency. In a heartening chat with Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, he lauded the swift action to open the trade floodgates—modernizing checkpoints for a seamless trade ballet of…

Mekong River’s Battle: Saving Giant Catfish and Vital Ecosystems from Extinction

On a splendid morning back in the charismatic embrace of October 21, 2002, the serene waters of the Tonle Sap river, in the heart of Cambodia, bore witness to a sight both awe-inspiring and poignant. A Mekong giant catfish, a behemoth from the depths of legend, was gently cradled on a modest fisherman’s boat, its scales glinting in the sun’s tender caress. This moment, captured meticulously by Zeb Hogan for USAID’s Wonders of the Mekong, serves not just as a snapshot of a day in the life of the Mekong but as a stark canvas illustrating a river at the crossroads of destiny. Imagine, if you will, a river; not just any river, but the mighty Mekong. This stunning artery of life, stretching an epic nearly 5,000 kilometres from the spiritual heights of the Tibetan Plateau to the vast embrace of the South China Sea, is more than just a…

Adul Khiewboriboon Advocates for Amnesty: A Bold Stand for Justice in Thailand’s Political Arena

Imagine, if you will, a scene seeped not just in the vibrancy of Thailand’s rich cultural tapestry, but also in the heartrending echoes of its recent history. Amid the backdrop of bustling streets and serene temples, there’s a group that stands with a quiet yet resolute determination. This group, known as the Committee of Relatives of the 1992 Black May Heroes, bears the weight of memory and the hope for a future where justice prevails. At the forefront of this poignant journey is Adul Khiewboriboon, a man who wears his title as the chairman of the committee not as a badge of honor, but as a solemn duty. The air was thick with anticipation and the weight of unfulfilled promises one Sunday when Adul, armed with nothing but an open letter, aimed a passionate plea at the doors of the ruling Pheu Thai Party. It was a call to action,…

Jurin Laksanawisit’s Strategic Play: Uniting Thailand’s Opposition for Parliamentary Accountability

In the swirling vortex of Thai politics, where the dance of democracy often involves intricate maneuvers, an interesting situation unfolded recently, casting light on the complexities of parliamentary proceedings and the eternal struggle for accountability. This narrative revolves around the Democrat Party, a storied political entity with a lineage tracing back through the annals of Thai political history, and their vocal list-MP, Jurin Laksanawisit. Jurin, with the poise of someone who’s navigated the choppy waters of politics for years, set the stage for this latest episode on a calm Sunday. He divulged an intriguing piece of information – the Democrat Party, despite its rich legacy, finds itself a bit player in the current political drama, boasting a cadre of merely 25 MPs. A situation that, in the grand chessboard of politics, significantly limits their moves. The crux of the matter, as Jurin laid out, hinges on the procedural intricacies of…

Thaksin Shinawatra’s Historic Return to Thailand: No Plans for Government Advisory Role, Says PM Srettha

The bustling tarmac of Don Mueang airport witnessed a moment steeped in history and anticipation on August 22, 2023. A figure emerged from the shadows of a sleek private jet, a face familiar yet absent from the Thai political landscape for almost two decades—Thaksin Shinawatra, the enigmatic former prime minister of Thailand, was back on home soil. Thaksin’s return sparked a flurry of speculation and whispers across the nation. Would he step back into the political arena? Would he offer his counsel to the currents of power flowing through the corridors of the government? Yet, the man at the center of this whirlwind of questions, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, dispelled the swirling rumors with a straightforward revelation. After a private meeting with Thaksin at his Bangkok residence, Srettha shared that the former leader harbored no ambitions of becoming a government adviser. “He’s been away from Thailand for 17–18 years,” Srettha…

Thailand’s Helicopter Saga: Anutin Fights for 950M Baht to Combat Disasters

On a typical sunny Sunday at the Government House, a scene unfolded that felt more like a high-stakes drama than governmental proceedings. In one corner, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin exchanged warm hellos with Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirakul, hinting at the serious discussion that was about to take place. The agenda? A helicopter. But not just any helicopter – a Russian-made marvel that promises to elevate Thailand’s Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) to new heights, quite literally. Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirakul, a man whose days are usually packed with crucial decisions and pressing national issues, found himself in the midst of a fervent appeal. A House sub-committee had just turned down a request for a whopping 950 million baht. This wasn’t just pocket change; it was crucial funding intended for a helicopter procurement project that could potentially redefine the DDPM’s operational capabilities. Anutin, wearing his dual hats of Deputy…

Thaksin Shinawatra: A Reflective Journey Post-Parole and Potential Advisory Future in Thailand’s Political Landscape

In the heart of Bangkok, under the sweeping skies of a city that pulses with the promise of tomorrow, an intriguing chapter unfolds in the political saga of Thailand. The protagonist of our tale is none other than the enigmatic former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, a figure whose journey has been as tumultuous as it has been transformative. Recently released on parole, Thaksin has seemingly taken a step back from the whirlwind of political life, as revealed by the current Prime Minister, Srettha Thavisin. Imagine, if you will, a reunion steeped in years of separation and the silent stories of endurance; this was the scene when Srettha visited Thaksin at his residence. “Thaksin left Thailand for 17–18 years,” Srettha mused, a hint of wonder perhaps coloring his tone. “I think he might want to spend time with his family and recover his health.” It’s a sentiment that tugs at the…

Jurin Laksanawisit’s Political Gambit: Navigating Thai Parliament’s Complex Terrain for the Democrat Party

In the grand theatre of Thai politics, where the plot thickens with each passing day, the charismatic Democrat list-MP Jurin Laksanawisit recently stepped into the spotlight with a revelation that could very well be a plot twist. With the weight of anticipation heavy in the air, he disclosed, “We only have 25 MPs.” This understated declaration set the scene for what promises to be a gripping narrative, as the Democrat Party finds itself at a crossroads, navigating the complex terrain of parliamentary debates. The air of suspense as to whether the House will witness a censure debate or a general debate is palpable, hinging on the strategic moves of the Move Forward Party (MFP), the main opposition. The eminent Mr. Jurin elucidated that for any motion to see the light of day, a considerable backing of MPs is needed — 50 for a general debate and a whopping 100 for…