In the bustling heart of Bangkok’s Lat Phrao district, a tragic incident unfolded on a seemingly ordinary Friday that quickly captured the city’s attention. A man, whose story would soon intertwine with the daily lives of many, met an untimely fate as he plummeted into a tube well buried deep within a road divider. The event turned a regular day into a race against time for officials and rescue workers. The scene was Lat Phrao 49, a spot now marked by an unforeseen tragedy. It was there that city inspectors, affectionately known in Thai as thetsakit, witnessed the harrowing moment when an individual, yet to be named, lost his balance and disappeared into the abyss of a 15-metre-deep well. This incident, occurring precisely at 11.13am, catapulted the city’s emergency services into immediate action, as reported by Pol Maj Phichai Wichaya, a dedicated traffic inspector from the Chok Chai police station.…
THAI.NEWS - Thailand Breaking News
In the heart of political discourse, the Election Commission (EC) found itself amidst a whirlwind of debate and scrutiny. Their recent regulations concerning the Senate election became a hot topic, casting the spotlight on the fine line between adherence to legal frameworks and the spirited essence of democratic expression. The EC, however, stood firm, with secretary-general Sawang Boonmee coming forth to weave clarity into the confusion. At the crux of the matter is the unique formation of the new Senate, as dictated by the 2017 charter. This blueprint sketches a Senate unlike any other – 200 seats filled not by the clamor of public votes but through a meticulous selection from 20 professional groups. It’s a reminder that democracy can don many garments, each tailored to the specifics of its homeland’s constitution and laws. Mr. Sawang was quick to highlight that the EC’s hands are tied to the loom of…
In the ever-tumultuous political landscape of Thailand, the Move Forward Party (MFP), known for its progressive stance and eager for change, finds itself at the heart of a storm. With Pita Limjaroenrat, the charismatic former leader, and Chaithawat Tulanon at the helm, the party faced a significant challenge. In a country where politics often dances closely with the profound traditions of monarchy, the MFP’s bold proposition to reform the lese majesty law — a pillar safeguarding the respect due to the monarchy — was met with a resolute blockade by the Constitutional Court on January 31. The drama unfolded further when the court, acting upon a petition from the Election Commission (EC), considered dissolving the party under the austere gaze of Section 92 of the Political Parties Act. The MFP was thrust into a legal battle for its very existence, tasked with defending its vision of a Thailand where discussions…
Welcome to an enlightening journey where we navigate the choppy waters of school bus safety in Thailand—an issue that has recently sparked concern and action at the highest levels. At the heart of this narrative is the Thailand Consumers Council (TCC), a beacon of advocacy for the rights and safety of our youngest commuters. Let’s buckle up and dive into a story that takes us from the corridors of power to the streets where rubber meets the road, highlighting a collective drive towards a safer tomorrow. On a bright April morning, the kind that promises new beginnings, Saree Aongsomwang, the indefatigable secretary-general of the TCC, found herself in a room with Education Minister Pol Gen Permpoon Chidchob. The agenda? A critical one—the safety of Thailand’s school buses. This wasn’t just a courtesy visit; it was a mission to forge an alliance in the name of consumer protection and to champion…
“` Imagine a world where the journey to school is just as enlightening as the lessons learned within its walls. This is a vision that the Thailand Consumers Council (TCC) is ardently working towards, bringing to the fore pressing concerns over the safety of school buses across the nation. On a fateful meeting on April 23 with none other than Education Minister Pol Gen Permpoon Chidchob, Saree Aongsomwang, the secretary-general of the TCC, initiated a pivotal dialogue aiming for a leap in consumer protection, especially for our youngest scholars. In recent years, an unsettling trend has emerged – a climbing number of road accidents involving school buses, casting shadows on what should be a safe passage for students exercising their basic right to safety. Ms. Saree’s message was loud and clear: the safety of school bus systems cannot be sidelined. The TCC is not just raising a concern; it is…
In the heart of Nakhon Ratchasima, at the bustling Thai Synchrotron National Lab, an extraordinary adventure into the microscopic world is taking place. Imagine a scene where, amidst towering machinery and the hum of advanced technology, a researcher is meticulously employing the SR-FTIR technique to uncover secrets hidden within sediments sourced from the distant, icy realms of Antarctica. This isn’t just any ordinary research endeavor; it’s a voyage across continents and into the very particles that make up our Earth. The story unfolds as Thai scientists embark on a mission of environmental heroism, uncovering evidence of fossil-fuel combustion in the seemingly untouched wilderness of Antarctica. The discovery sends ripples through the corridors of state agencies, sparking an urgent quest to devise strategies that might safeguard the purity of the planet’s most pristine environment. Armed with samples collected from the enigmatic King George Island, the team set their coordinates back to…
It feels like a scene straight out of a political thriller, where the stakes are high and the tension could be cut with a knife. Picture this: Pita Limjaroenrat, the charismatic former leader of the Move Forward Party (MFP), now serving as its chief advisor, alongside the current MFP leader Chaithawat Tulanon, standing before a sea of eager journalists at a parliament press conference. The date is January 31, and the air is charged with anticipation following the Constitutional Court’s controversial decision against the party’s lese majesty reform policy. This image, captured by Nutthawat Wichieanbut, could very well be the poster for a campaign on the resilience of democratic desires in the face of legal adversities. The MFP, a beacon of progressive politics in Thailand, finds itself on the brink of dissolution, a predicament that Deputy Party Leader Pol Maj Gen Supisarn Bhakdinarinath describes with a blend of determination and…
Once upon a time in the picturesque island of Phuket, a scene straight out of a glossy travel magazine unfolded. However, this was no ordinary vacation tale. The central character? None other than the controversial, and ever-charismatic, former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, whose recent “leisure trip” to Phuket sparked a cacophony of whispers, debates, and outright flak. Thaksin, a figure whose influence seemingly knows no bounds, managed to stir the pot yet again, and not by sipping cocktails by the beach. Thaksin’s jaunt to Phuket, cloaked in the guise of a private getaway, quickly morphed into a public spectacle. Forget quiet strolls along the shore; Thaksin was out and about, engaging with a who’s who of local administrative officials and business magnates. This, naturally, raised the billion-baht question: Was this trip truly about rest and relaxation, or was there a hidden agenda at play, possibly tiptoeing around the edges of…
In the bustling heart of Thai politics, a tempest brews that may well redefine the boundaries between the unyielding forces of tradition and the unwavering spirit of change. The epicenter of this tumult? The Move Forward Party (MFP), a bastion for those daring to imagine a different Thailand. Amidst whispers of dissolution and courtroom battles, Deputy Party Leader Pol Maj Gen Supisarn Bhakdinarinath stands as a beacon of resilience, vowing to navigate these troubled waters with the grace of a seasoned sailor facing the storm. The saga took a dramatic turn on a fateful day, April 3rd, when the court donned its judicial cape, agreeing to hear an EC petition that could see the MFP dissolved into the annals of history under Section 92 of the Political Parties Act. The clock began ticking, a 15-day countdown that felt more like an eternity. Yet, in a twist fit for the silver…
Welcome to the bustling heart of Southeast Asia, where the Thailand Consumers Council (TCC) is sparking a vital conversation that could very well redefine the way we look at the journey from home to the classroom. Imagine, if you will, a world where the morning rush doesn’t just revolve around beating the bell but also ensuring our little ones arrive safe and sound. It’s here, in this thought-provoking landscape, that Saree Aongsomwang, the TCC’s secretary-general, alongside Education Minister Pol Gen Permpoon Chidchob, are crafting a narrative that could very well change the course of school commutes nationwide. It was on a sunny April morning, specifically the 23rd, under the clear Bangkok skies that Saree put forth a proposal to revolutionize the school bus system. The backdrop to this? An unsettling rise in road accidents involving school buses, a concern not just for parents but for anyone who believes in the…