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THAI.NEWS - Thailand Breaking News

Thailand Simplifies Diesel Offerings: B7 and B20 Fuel Standards Set for May Kickoff

Picture this: a bustling petrol station with an orchestra of fuel pumps, each offering a symphony of diesel options. Amidst this fuel cacophony, a glimmer of simplicity emerges, thanks to the astute decision-making of Nanthika Thangsupanich, the director-general of a renowned energy department. The date is set – as the first day of May dawns, diesel offerings at petrol stations will undergo a transformative simplification, putting an end to public head-scratching and furrowed brows. Regulatory gears shift, and lo and behold, the humble B7 diesel oil now must proudly feature a biodiesel content snugly between 6.6% and 7%. Not to be outdone, the robust B20 sibling raises the bar with a stout 19-20% biodiesel incorporation. Ah, the industry dances to the tune of evolution, and these precise standards are leading the waltz. Ever wondered what’s behind the enigmatic ‘B’ in these oil designations? It’s not a secret code, but rather…

Thai Pioneer Braves Antarctic Cold for IceCube Project: Expanding Science Horizons!

Imagine setting foot on the coldest, most remote frontier of human discovery – where the chill bites through layers of thermal gear, and the aurora australis dances above in a celestial ballet. This isn’t the script of an epic Antarctic adventure film; it’s the real-life expedition of a trailblazing Thai researcher from Chiang Mai University. Brace yourself as we embark on a frosty journey with the prestigious “IceCube Upgrade project, a place where science pushes the boundaries of the unknown deep within the frozen heart of Antarctica. Step aside Shackleton and Scott; it’s time for Thailand to plant its flag amidst the ice and snow. This month, a dauntless scholar from Chiang Mai University will add Thai spice to the international melting pot of 350 esteemed researchers from 14 nations participating in the scientific sorcery taking place at IceCube Neutrino Observatory. The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation…

Phuket Fiasco: Finnish Tourists’ Fake Ransom Ploy Exposes Visa Overstay

Ah, the white sands of Phuket, where the Andaman Sea kisses the shore, and adventures lurk in every corner! But who would have imagined it’d be the stage for a tale of a Finnish tourist’s trickery that’s as twisty as the winding roads of Thailand’s beloved island? Get ready to chuckle and gasp, dear readers, because this story is a rollercoaster ride sans seatbelts! Imagine this: a sunny Saturday night at Patong police station, twinkling with the camera flashes as two Finnish friends, aged 27 and 34, find their shenanigans caught in the act! Ostensibly living it up in the tropical haven, these gentlemen were hit by a brainwave: “What if,” one says to the other, “we weave a tale so convincing that it opens the bank vaults from afar?” And what a tale it was. A distress call to the folks back home – “Help, we’ve been nabbed by…

Prevent the Next Pandemic: Steve Galster’s Live Talk on Wildlife Trade and Conservation

Welcome to a world where the blend of flora and fauna paints an iridescent tapestry of life, a myriad of species each playing their pivotal role in the grand ecosystem. However, this magnificent biodiversity is under siege, with estimates from the United Nations painting a stark picture: around 100 plant and animal species bid farewell to our planet every single day, while a whopping 1 million teeter on the edge of existence. The insidious culprits? Rampant habitat annihilation due to agricultural expansions, and a shadowy threat lurking beneath the surface — the illicit smuggling of endangered wildlife. This latter villain, my dear readers, is not only robbing us of nature’s treasures but might also herald our doom. It’s a harbinger of a potential pandemic that could sweep humanity from the stage of existence. Yes, quite the plot twist, isn’t it? In this drama of life and loss, Steve Galster, a…

Bangkok’s 4am Curfew Lift: A Nighttime Economy Boom or a cautionary Tale of Excess?

Imagine the balmy breeze on a late Saturday night, hustling through the exuberant crowd milling around Khao San Road, famously dotted with bars, street vendors, and the hypnotic beat of the party scene. Now, envision Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, the Interior Minister, wading through that vibrant throng, a figure of composed authority amidst the revelry. His mission? To take the pulse of Bangkok’s nightlife after the government played its latest card to boost Thailand’s economy: stretching the night owl’s buffet of entertainment until 4 a.m. Amidst the neon signs and the clink of glasses, Anutin surveyed the territory with a critical eye. He noted proprietors championing the cause of responsible merry-making. A promise here, a strict check there – stringent measures resembling knights safeguarding the kingdom from the perils of over-indulgence, narcotics, unchecked youth, and the much-dreaded drink driving. Then comes the million-baht question: Will the government unfurl this night tapestry…

Thailand’s Drug War: Pha Muang Task Force Intercepts 1.7 Million Meth Pills in Chiang Rai

Picture this: a tranquil forest transformed into a frenetic battleground in the blink of an eye. It’s a Saturday night under the dense canopy of Mae Fa Luang’s wilderness in Chiang Rai, where tranquility is rudely interrupted by the staccato of gunfire. This isn’t an action movie—it’s all too real. When the smoke clears and Sunday’s sun casts its light upon a haunting scene, the aftermath is palpable: 13 unfortunate souls lie motionless, their fate sealed amidst the fallen leaves and the remnants of a daring attempt to smuggle a mind-boggling 1.7 million meth pills through the Thai frontier. The morning after bears testament to the night’s chaos, as valiant soldiers and dedicated members of the Pha Muang Task Force comb through the undergrowth of tambon Therd Thai. What they uncover is staggering—17 sacks, each packed with countless pills promising a nefarious speed rush. It’s a haul that highlights the…

Suvarnabhumi Airport’s 2023 Festive Rush: Smooth Sailing with Reinforced Immigration Services

Welcome to a world where the buzz of travel and the excitement of the holiday season blend into a symphony of bustling footsteps and eager hearts—and leading this orchestrated movement is none other than Pol Maj Gen Choengron Rimpadee, the discerning commander overseeing the ebb and flow of passengers at Thailand’s prestigious gateway, Suvarnabhumi Airport. Standing amidst the stream of diversity, he scrutinizes the immigration lanes with a strategic eye, ensuring that from arrival to departure, every traveler’s journey is nothing short of a harmonious experience. The New Year festivities are just around the corner, and with them comes a wave of travelers, each with their own story, all converging on this central hub of connectivity. Suvarnabhumi Airport, a microcosm of the world’s wanderlust, is poised for action, anticipating a staggering surge from 30,000 to a jaw-dropping 150,000 per day. This isn’t just happenstance; it’s thanks to Thailand’s alluring visa-free…

Bangkok’s Night of Tragedy: PhD Student’s Fatal Plunge Exposes Safety and Justice Concerns

Imagine the heartbreak of a father, anguished over the tragic loss of his brilliant daughter—a promising physics PhD candidate—mere months shy of her graduation. That feeling of despair and longing for justice took center stage as the bereaved parent sought the counsel of Ekkaphob Luangprasert, a trusted adviser to Thailand’s Interior Minister. Let’s paint the harrowing picture: It was the dead of night, the clock striking 4 am in the Chokchai Si district of bustling Bangkok, when a drunk individual’s aggressive pounding at her door struck fear into the heart of the young scholar. In the ensuing panic, she made a desperate bid for safety, a bid that ended fatally as she plummeted from her sixth-floor balcony. What prompted this late-night terror? A dispute rooted in the mundane—a parking space. The inebriated man was under the false impression that the student had occupied his usual spot with a motorcycle she…

Thai Political Amnesties: UTN and MFP’s Dueling Bills Ignite Reconciliation Debates

Welcome to the riveting world of political chess! The United Thai Nation (UTN) Party is fervently dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s on an amnesty bill that promises to stir quite a conversation in the corridors of power. This is not just any bill—it’s one that aims to weave a tapestry of reconciliation while diplomatically sidestepping the thorny issues of corruption and offences against the royal dignity, as translated from Thai to the eloquently titled “promoting peaceful and constructive society”. With the stage set for its final review come Tuesday, the plot thickens. In a move that’s as strategic as it is benevolent, the UTN is ready to launch its legislative rocket into the parliamentary stratosphere, right alongside a kindred bill from the main opposition’s own launchpad—the Move Forward Party (MFP). But before this rocket can take off, UTN deputy leader Witthaya Kaewparadai announced a critical Sunday scrutineering session.…

Thailand’s Rice Revolution: 8 New High-Yielding Strains Set to Boost Harvests and Global Market Presence

Get ready, rice aficionados and farming enthusiasts, because the paddy fields of Thailand are about to undergo an extraordinary transformation! In the verdant corners of the ‘Land of Smiles’, where rice is not just a crop but a cultural emblem, the Rice Department of Thailand is gearing up to debut eight superbly high-yielding rice strains that promise to revolutionize the nation’s beloved grain. According to the vibrant and knowledgeable Deputy spokeswoman Rudklao Suwankiri, a fruitful collaboration with the accomplished experts at Ruam Jai Pattana Kwamroo has cultivated these agricultural gems, which have already graced the government’s research centres with their promising presence. With enthusiasm bubbling up like a pot of perfectly cooked jasmine rice, Rudklao paints a picture of the future where Thai rice fields will burgeon with plentiful harvests, soaring from the humble averages of 700–800 kilograms per rai to a staggering 1,300kg! It’s like imagining the rice fields…