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THAI.NEWS - Thailand Breaking News

Unveiled Truth: Thai PM’s Powerful Tribute to Departed Monarch!

In the presence of his spouse, Pakpilai, members of the ruling Cabinet, and key figures from a range of government departments, Srettha took the lead at this significant affair. The event took place within the regal confines of the pavilion situated on the Royal field, a stone’s throw away from the iconic Grand Palace in bustling Bangkok. The esteemed Prime Minister also extended cordial greetings to the attendees gracing this venerable occasion. Some of the notable individuals present were Paetongtarn Shinawatra, her sister, Pintongta, and their life partners. The illustrious siblings hail from the family of the previous Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra. He is the patriarch, the leading light behind the governing Pheu Thai Party. Paetongtarn is recognised as one of the likely prime ministerial contestants from Pheu Thai. Alongside Srettha, she is viewed as the prospective successor to the party leadership. As the day evolved, the diligent PM Srettha…

Revealed! The Unseen Economic Crash! Thai Government Issues Firefighting Measures – Promises Unprecedented Comeback!

As a sharp and insightful political critic, Prommin shared his thoughts about the hasty implementation of some governmental policies. A few of these initiatives included energy price reductions, farmer support schemes, tourism enhancement strategies, and soft power implementations. However, he reassured that the government has many more policies to introduce in the upcoming months. Since it took office, Srettha Thavisin’s coalition government has displayed a clear focus on trimming government expenditure, raising income levels, and developing opportunities for both the citizens and the country. Prommin highlighted the catastrophic effect on Thailand’s economy due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The country faced a 7% collapse in its GDP, which Prommin described as “the steepest fall and the slowest recovery” in the nation’s history, prompting many to wonder about the real progress of Thailand’s economy currently. Household debt is another critical metric to look at. The debt to GDP ratio has escalated from…

Game Changer: Thai PM’s Groundbreaking Visit to China – Strategic Power Move or Risky Gamble?

In the midst of a four-day formal tour spanning from October 16th to October 19th, Prime Minister Srettha of Thailand will be making his presence known at the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation taking place in Beijing. The prestigious international event will be graced by the Thai Prime Minister’s participation, a special offering necessitated by an invitation from President Xi. In consensus with this, an invitation from Chinese Premier Li Qiang led to the scheduling of his ceremonial visit to Chinese soil, as has been disclosed by the Ministry. Within his visit, an array of eminent Chinese dignitaries will be meeting with the Prime Minister. President Xi and Chairman of the Standing Committee of China’s National People’s Congress Zhao Leji are among those on the itinerary. Furthermore, a meeting with the Prime Minister’s Chinese counterpart, Li Qiang, is scheduled to take place, whereby they will engage in…

You Won’t Believe It: Thai Tourism Revolutionized – No More Pricey Private Boats!

Adventure seekers wanting to traverse from the picturesque coastal province of Trang in the Andaman Sea to the nearby islands have often grappled with elevated prices for hiring local long-tail boats or speedboats. However, the tide is about to change with the introduction of a new, affordable service by Samart Charoenrit’s Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club Co Ltd. His company has geared up to offer regular speed-boat services to Ngai, Kradan, and Muk islands, commencing November 1. As the Managing Director, Samart is well aware of the rising tourism tide, spurred in part by the government’s visa exemption bestowed on visitors from China and Kazakhstan. The new service is squarely aimed at this surge in tourists flocking to the azure waters of the Andaman. Notably, Samart is also the President of the Satun Provincial Tourism Council, privy to the changing patterns and demands in tourism. The rejuvenated speed-boat route springs…

Shocking Reunion! Ill Thai Man Overwhelmed by Swarms of Delightful Nurses – Unearthed Connection Revealed!

In medical facilities, which are universally known for their sterile environments and an undercurrent of anxiety, an unexpected sight unfolded. A young gentleman, who was a patient in the ward, suddenly found himself in the delightful company of a swarm of effervescent nurses. The heart of this fascinating hospital reunion story is a unique connection, established during their formative years in a nursing academy. You see, the man wasn’t just counted amidst the minority of male attendees, but indeed, was the solitary male presence in a sea of female students. During their school tenure, this youthful chap was renowned for his amiable disposition and willingness to extend a helping hand. Any chore that demanded a bit of muscle, he was there, offering support and alleviating his female counterparts. This nature coupled with his unique position, made him a beloved figure among his peers. His popularity was of the kind where…

Shattering Reveal: Renowned Military Commissioner Announces Revolutionary Overhaul of Thai Military–A New Era Dawns!

In a recent Facebook announcement, Wiroj Lakkhanaadisorn, the esteemed chairman of the Military Commission and a noted member of the Future Forward Party, unveiled a six-part policy strategy specifically designed to optimize the Military Commission of the House of Representatives’ efficiency. The strategy is focused on critical areas such as the thorough scrutiny of the military budget and rationalization of troop size. As per the meeting held yesterday at 1pm, the Military Commission forged a concrete policy layout geared towards handling matters related to the military budget, allocation of resources, military to civilian policy interactions, discretionary funds, troops’ welfare, debt obligations, and business welfare. The policy strategy can effectively be categorized into six distinct sectors. The first point primarily involves close audits and monitoring of the defense sector’s budget, acquisitions, debt responsibilities, business welfare, commercial affairs, and discretionary funds. The significant object here is bolstering transparency, curbing corruption, and promoting…

Breaking: Health Crisis Unfolds Among Thai Workers Returning from Conflict Zones – Mental Health Takes a Devastating Hit!

The Ministry of Public Health’s Emergency Medical and Public Health Centre has shed light on the health status of 15 Thai workers who recently arrived from Israel. The evaluation revealed that two distinct individuals exhibited signs of stress, while seven individuals reported incidents of disturbed sleep, prompting the need for psychiatric consultation. Amongst these returnees, one individual who had been shot in the leg was in need of continued medical attention due to the severity of the injury. These Thai workers, having escaped the escalating conflict in Israel, had to undergo rigorous physical and mental health examinations at the quarantine zone situated in the Bamrasnaradura Institute. The all-male cohort received comprehensive medical assistance from a dedicated squad of medical experts from the Medical Department and a prolific mental health rehabilitation team from the Department of Mental Health. The mental health investigation unearthed that aside from the two individuals battling stress…

Unbelievable Family Secret Exposed: Thai Heiress Discovers She’s Adopted – Her True Parents Will Shock You!

The deceptively simple narrative of a privileged young woman’s life is turned upside down when she unravels the truth about her lineage. Born and raised in opulence, she prided herself on being the beloved child of a wealthy family. Yet, whispers about her dissimilar appearance to her parents persistently echoed in the corners of her tranquil life, creating an unshakable doubt. Individuals in her close-knit community were incessantly aware of the visual discrepancy between her and her parents. Childhood friends and familiar faces in the neighbourhood had jested about the possibility of her being adopted. While these comments were made in jest, they constantly gnawed at her, causing her to question her identity. Her parental figures never failed to reassure her of her place in their family when she confronted them about these speculations. However, the constant barrage of comments ignited an insatiable curiosity within her that couldn’t be assuaged,…

King’s Decoding the Secret of Balance: Revealing the Unseen Power of Thailand’s ‘Sufficiency Economy’ and Its Extraordinary Global Impact!

For many years, the late His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great infused Thailand with the influential mantra of a ‘Sufficiency Economy.’ It’s message, while simple, is potent — the ultimate economic goal shouldn’t necessarily be to become a ‘tiger,’ but to ensure the prosperity and sustainable livelihood of Thai citizens. The Sufficiency Economy philosophy, one of his most impactful legacies, followed this belief fervently. The United Nations has also observed how the Sufficiency Economy philosophy coincides with its own sustainable developments goals. They recognized that it set forth actionable steps towards establishing a more balanced, sustainable global economy. It was in a riveting speech in 1997 that the concept gained wider recognition. Despite a substantial economic crisis affecting Thailand and many other neighboring countries, King Bhumibol Adulyadej assured his people that the primary goal should not be to follow the high economic growth strategies of the “four Asian Tigers…

You Won’t Believe What’s Coming: Thailand Unveils Monster Budget for Double-Track Rail Upgrades – A New Economic Era is Dawning!

Strategically situated in the Nakhon Ratchasima province, the Ban Kradon train station is an integral part of the Chira-Khon Kaen double-track route. The State Railway of Thailand (SRT) has plans in the pipeline to carry forward the construction for the second phase of double-track upgrades linking Khon Kaen to Nong Khai. It is understood that the detailed submission will be made to the cabinet for approval alongside feedback from the Budget Bureau and the National Economics and Social Development Council (NESDC). The project, touted to have an approximate budget of 29.7 billion baht, aims at significantly improving connectivity to the northeastern region and neighboring locales. As per director-general Pichet Kunathammarak, the SRT will make an appeal to the cabinet on Monday for financing this massive overhauling project that encompasses an area of 167 kilometres from Khon Kaen to Nong Khai. On the pretext of acquiring the necessary funding, the Budget…