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Dr. Yong Poovorawan: Covid-19 Now a Manageable Respiratory Disease – Latest Insights 2024

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Covid-19 is set to be treated like a standard respiratory disease moving forward as case numbers continue to dwindle and symptoms become milder, according to Dr. Yong Poovorawan, a virologist from Chulalongkorn University. In a Facebook post on Monday, Dr. Yong highlighted the noticeable decline in this year’s caseload.

At the onset of the rainy season, up to 30% of the 6,000 patients with respiratory diseases were suffering from Covid-19. However, by August, that figure had plummeted to just 5%, he noted. This downward trend is expected to persist until November, after which a slight uptick is anticipated during the New Year holiday, peaking around January or February. Nevertheless, Dr. Yong expects these peaks to be significantly lower than those seen at the beginning of this year’s rainy season, a typical period for Covid-19 spread.

Steady decreases in both infection rates and severity are paving the way for Covid-19’s transition into a routine respiratory illness. “Covid-19 is essentially becoming a seasonal respiratory disease,” Dr. Yong remarked, with preventive measures aligning closely with those for any other respiratory condition. He predicts the total number of Covid-19-related deaths this year will not exceed 300 and will continue to decline in the following years.

Currently, the circulating strains include XBB.1.5 and XBB.1.16, which have supplanted BA.2.75 from earlier this year. All of these are sub-variants of Omicron. The newer variants are considerably less severe, with a reduction in severity of over 90% compared to older variants, according to Dr. Yong.

Most fatalities still occur among high-risk groups, including individuals aged 60 and older, those with underlying health issues, and pregnant women. This highlights the importance of targeted measures to protect the most vulnerable populations as Covid-19 continues to evolve into a more manageable ailment.


  1. Joe September 17, 2024

    So Covid is finally becoming just another flu. Was this all blown out of proportion from the start?

    • grower134 September 17, 2024

      Tell that to the millions who lost loved ones. This pandemic was very real and can’t just be dismissed.

      • Joe September 17, 2024

        I’m not dismissing it, just questioning if the panic was necessary. The damage to the economy and mental health was massive too.

      • Susie September 17, 2024

        We need to learn from this so next time we handle it better. Balancing safety and normalcy is critical.

    • Dr. Smith September 17, 2024

      From a medical perspective, early drastic measures were necessary due to the unknowns. Now we have the luxury of hindsight and advancements.

  2. Maria September 17, 2024

    This is great news! Finally, we can move on with our lives without constant fear.

    • Paul D. September 17, 2024

      Yes, but we can’t forget the lessons we’ve learned. Preventative measures for high-risk groups are still important.

    • Bethany September 17, 2024

      Agree. Also, can we now stop with the mask mandates everywhere? It’s been exhausting.

  3. Tommy September 17, 2024

    I think it’s time to stop treating Covid like the plague. It’s clear that it’s waning.

    • Jane T. September 17, 2024

      But what about those with underlying conditions? We can’t just ignore their safety.

    • Tommy September 17, 2024

      We need targeted solutions for them, not blanket policies for everyone.

  4. Larry D September 17, 2024

    What about the vaccines? Are new boosters even necessary now?

    • Dr. Hannah September 17, 2024

      Boosters are still crucial for high-risk populations. It’s like flu shots; beneficial for some more than others.

    • Joe September 17, 2024

      Are we expected to get Covid shots every year now, like the flu?

  5. Andrew September 17, 2024

    I hope this means we’ll see fewer restrictions and disruptions going forward.

  6. Sam Green September 17, 2024

    Dr. Yong’s insights are reassuring, but I worry about new variants cropping up unexpectedly.

    • Larry D September 17, 2024

      It’s natural to be cautious, but the trend shows decreasing severity. We can’t live in constant fear.

  7. Lucy September 17, 2024

    I lost family members to Covid, and I find it hard to accept it being downgraded to just another respiratory illness.

    • Erica September 17, 2024

      I understand, but medical science evolves. This means we’re winning the fight against it.

    • Lucy September 17, 2024

      I guess so, but it’s still a bitter pill to swallow.

  8. Matt September 17, 2024

    We should still maintain some level of vigilance. Complacency is dangerous.

  9. Amanda T. September 17, 2024

    Interesting how fast the severity declined. Must recognize the efforts of healthcare workers.

  10. Katie September 17, 2024

    How soon can we expect travel restrictions to be completely lifted globally?

  11. Tim B. September 17, 2024

    Should schools still follow strict Covid protocols next year?

    • Paula September 17, 2024

      Schools should adapt to the evolving situation. Maybe lighter restrictions, but still some precautions.

  12. Dr. Wilson September 17, 2024

    With reduced severity, we can focus on other pressing health issues now.

  13. grower134 September 17, 2024

    What’s the new normal going to look like? Feels weird to think about ‘post-Covid’ times.

    • Andrew September 17, 2024

      New normal might just be regular flu season precautions but adapted for Covid.

  14. Sarah P. September 17, 2024

    The info about sub-variants is interesting. Shows how viruses evolve to become less deadly over time.

    • James September 17, 2024

      True. Nature has a way of balancing out, though we should still be prepared.

  15. David September 17, 2024

    I hope this news quells the rampant misinformation and helps us get back to unity and rational discourse.

    • Chris September 17, 2024

      Misinformation has been a bigger pandemic than Covid itself. Education is key.

  16. Emily September 17, 2024

    Vaccinating high-risk groups remains essential. Lower severity doesn’t mean no risk.

    • Tommy September 17, 2024

      Those who need it should get it, but let’s not enforce it on everyone.

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